TSA Precheck Available to Most Registrants


TSA precheck is available to most people who have been convicted of a sex offense.  In fact, the only registrants who are categorically excluded from the TSA precheck are those convicted of rape or aggravated assault.

The list of those who are not eligible for TSA precheck includes, but is not limited to, individuals on a terrorist watchlist as well as those who have been convicted of espionage, sedition, treason, murder and transporting explosives.  In addition, the TSA has a list of interim disqualifying criminal offenses including, but not limited to, individuals convicted of bribery, extortion and arson.

“ACSOL is providing this information in order to answer a question asked during its monthly meeting held on March 20,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.

TSA precheck allows airline passengers during the screening process to continue wearing their shoes and belts as well as carry liquids and take food onto flights.  The same passengers also qualify for the TSA precheck line which is often shorter than the line for other passengers.


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Can confirm, even with a very old cali 288.5 conviction, I have had a KTN for a couple of years now.

Does this apply to “statutory rape” where there is the absence of elements of lack of consent, lack of force, lack of threat, and lack of coercion? Or does “rape” in this situation mean rape?

I ask because at the time of my offense my UCMJ offenses were not listed in the “Manual of Courts Martial” as “non-consensual” (See, Rule 412 MCM 2005) and consent, force, threat, or coercion were not an element of the crime (DIBRS 120-B1 “Carnal Knowledge under 16 but over 12”). If it had involved a lack of consent, force, threat, or coercion it would have been charged as Article 120 “Rape” (DIBRS 120-A).

This is to be contrasted to the new Article “120b” passed in 2011 which clearly states that there is no consent in para. (g) and re-labels the crime as “Sexual assault of a child” (DIBRS 120-BB3 in 2012 or 120-D1 in 2007). Both the 2007 and 2011 update to the MCM/UCMJ re-codified these under new DIBRS codes and made them more sever/non-consensual by definition and the new crime has heavier penalties.

Question. Do they notify your sheriff or the destinations sheriff if you board a plane to a different state? Nc law says I only have to notify if gone for I think 7 days or something like that. If I take a 6 day trip and don’t notify, do I risk a legal mumbo jumbo?

I just took a trip to Michigan and used my passport as ID, (doesn’t have the Scarlet Letter statement in it)n and had No issues through TSA screening

I’ve had my TSA Pre-Screen for a while now, no problems getting it.

I’ve flown Pre-Check for work for several years. I’ve never had any issues with domestic travel (although I’ve not been to states with stricter policies than Michigan nor do I ever stay more than 2 nights). That said, it’s not a huge benefit at the airports I go to, unless you hate taking your shoes off.

Guess what? You’re still being subjugated to an undue imposition. I don’t care how much they try to ameliorate oppression, it will never happen.

Me personally I don’t trust airport law enforcement or security everytime I book a flight out of state I make sure its A around trip ticket where I’ll arrive on A Thursday and be back in California by Monday morning just to play it safe.
About 15 years ago me and my wife at the time were driving from NYC to Riverside California its was a kool experience only had 1 lilittle hiccup with law enforcement in west Virginia after getting pulled over by some backwoods Hillbilly highway patrol officers who arested me for being a sex offender out of state they held me for 7 hours calling California to find out if I was in compliance.
Long story short after California cleared me all the cops at that police station all wanted a picture of me in handcuffs I swear I took over 5 pictures with different groups of cops it was like they cought a wild animal or something.
We only had 700$ left to make it back home and they took that when we asked about our money they claiming they never saw any money when searching are car my wife was so mad she flipped them the bird all the way to the state line as they escorted us out of West Virginia.

Good luck

Here’s a link: https://www.tsa.gov/precheck

TSA molests more people per year than the average person. How many 8 year olds and grandparents do you know that are terrorists; yet the TSA has no problem violating them.

Fly the skies without being molested by a complete moron on the government payroll

I fly extensively for work, to different states, with varying itineraries. I have TSA Precheck. Never a problem. I always check the laws of that state before traveling there.

Previously, I worked at an airport and passed the TSA process for badging into a secured area of an airport.

I’ve had TSA precheck for some time now…however, my son and I both applied at the same time and he was approved within a couple of weeks, if I recall correctly, when mine took 3 times as long. I assumed it was because of having been a registrant.

Thank you for the information.

Anyone of you have a TWIC?

I applied for a great job in Long Beach, but they require TWIC and I am not sure if I should even bother.

Would be nice to make at least minimum wage again!

I got TSA PreCheck in 2016 and was a registrant at the time for attempt 288(a). I had no issues. I recently submitted an application to renew it (expires after 5 years) and it was denied due to the conviction. I’m guessing this falls under the disqualifying criminal offense listed as rape or aggravated sexual abuse. Will be contacting Janet for her opinion.

Asking about sex offenders does TSA ask any questions or flag you going on vacation for a few days to another state??

i was denied TSA pre check because of my one count of indecent liberties that I wasn’t even jailed for, just probation. I paid 83 dollars and waited over three months just to be slapped in the face and reminded once again what a lower class citizen that I am and apparently will be for the rest of my life. Just thought I’d share at least. Good luck to everyone else trying to live life with this. It’s hard.