FL: Summerfield sex offender jailed after showing up a day late to register

[villages-news.com – 4/6/21] A Summerfield sex offender spent a night in jail last week after showing up a day late for his quarterly registration update. Eric Samuel ____, 50, of 9445 SE 162nd St., was convicted in Orange County in October 1997 of sexual battery on a victim under 12 by an adult. As a result, he was required to register as a sex offender and must re-register four times a year, in the months of June, September, December and March. … On the morning of Thursday, April 1, Eric…

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UT: Lawmaker wants voters to decide on time limits for raising old claims of sex abuse

[deseret.com – 4/7/21] Since the Utah Supreme Court struck down a state law reviving old claims of sexual abuse, a state lawmaker says she will propose a ballot measure allowing voters to effectively bring it back. “I’m committed to that,” Rep. Angela Romero, D-Salt Lake City, said Wednesday. “I will be doing that during the 2022 session.” Romero made the comment at a news conference recognizing April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, saying it can take years for people to accept what happened to them early in life, often at…

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