CA: 2nd sex predator denied placement in East County home

[ – 5/20/21] EL CAJON, Calif. — After weeks of protest from community members and local leaders, a judge has ruled that a second man deemed a “sexually violent predator” by the state will not be placed in an East County home. Douglas Badger, 78, will not be allowed to live under supervision in the Mount Helix neighborhood near El Cajon, the San Diego Superior Court announced Thursday. Sexually violent predators — sometimes referred to as “SVPs” — are people convicted of sexually violent offenses and diagnosed with a mental…

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Restorative Action Alliance Files Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court Case

The Restorative Action Alliance filed today an amicus brief in a case, Ortiz v. Breslin, for which a petition has been filed requesting review by the U. S. Supreme Court.  The focus of the petition is decisions made by the New York State Department of Corrections not to release registrants on their court mandated release dates but instead to continue to imprison registrants for up to two additional years because they cannot find housing due to the state’s residency restrictions. “The brief filed today by the Restorative Action Alliance should…

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Does Banning People With Felonies From Dating Apps Actually Make Anyone Safer?

[ – 5/20/21] Jason Hernandez got out of prison in 2015 and started making up for lost time. He’d done nearly 18 years on federal drug conspiracy charges, and only escaped life behind bars because then-President Barack Obama granted him clemency. He settled down near Dallas, began volunteering in schools, visited the White House and wrote a book. Then he decided to start dating, so he downloaded Tinder. He was open about his past, and at first, it was fine. But a couple months ago, he got a notification: “Your…

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