DE: Convicted Murderer Killed His Child Rapist Cellmate: Police

[ – 5/12/21]

A prison inmate murdered his convicted child rapist cellmate on Monday, the Delaware State Police announced Wednesday.

At face value, a conviction would not change very much for defendant John Cameron, 55. He’s already serving a life sentence for first-degree murder, authorities said.

Troopers responded to the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in the town of Smyrna at about 8:13 a.m. on Monday, police said. Authorities determined that Cameron killed Philip Langell, 69, who was serving a 20-year sentence for rape in the first degree against a victim under 12 years of age. Officers did not reveal the alleged motive.

Langell died at the scene from injuries to the head and neck, and from asphyxiation, police said. Wounds to his head, face and neck were consistent with strikes from a closed fist, according to authorities. Basically, state police suggested Cameron at least in part beat Langell to death. The victim also sustained a non-lethal stab wound, officers said.

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I say two wrongs will never make a right.

Fellow killed a father of four in a crime spree. Should have been hung. Now what, lifetime solitary so the NY Times can use his case to argue how inhumanly we treat unrepentant killers? I was a lifelong opponent of the death penalty, but now I think the alternatives we have developed—massively long prison sentences, for example—have just become a useful tool for the state to punish all sorts of criminals that would have gotten reasonable penalties in the past. Horse is out of that barn now, so it’s moot.

Every guard on duty should be held liable for this man’s death.

The comments at the end of the article are absolutely horrible!! This does nothing but encourage “vigilantism”. It seems that if you were not in favor of this life serving inmate killing his cellmate then you yourself are a “pedo”.

It is articles with titles like this one that draws people’s attention to read and then what is read corrupts the mind with misinformation.

Logic would tell one if someone killed 4 people during a crime they should be in a cell by themselves.

The comments are typical of American citizens who believe the trash big government tells them. Another one bites the dust in decay of humanity in America.

The correctional staff should be arrested and charge for accessory to murder as they purposely put the slim in the cell with the SO.

So they put a helpless 69 year old sex offender in a cell with a psychopath serial killer serving a life sentence with nothing to lose that’s like putting a mouse in a tank with a hungry python snake the outcome is inevitable.
This guy was definitely set up by the correctional officers working that day they probably knew about the hit weeks before the murder actually took place.
He was serving a 20 year prison sentence for first degree rape of a child under the age of 12 he never stood a chance from the moment he stepped into that prison he was a walking dead man.
(Edited by moderators)