TX: Deputy’s dying confession leads to child sex crime charges

[abc13.com – 5/21/21]

A deputy reportedly confessed to sexual assault of a child before he took his own life. In the process, he reportedly implicated two female colleagues. They have now been fired, arrested and charged.

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Don’t worry! Now that the Texas governor is signing some ridiculous gun legislation, little kids will be able to carry guns and protect themselves from law enforcement.

In the United States of America it’s only wrong if you get caught and this dude got cought.
This was a really sick interracial pedophilia love triangle that wasn’t gonna end well for either of them it was only a matter of time before one became jealous of the other and decided to spill the beans on the whole situation.
The article doesn’t say the age of the minor in question so we don’t know how minor she was but either way these people were supposed to protect and serve not drug and rap little girls.

Good luck 🤢

I heard that new Texas gun law will allow you to purchase a gun without a waiting period, a background check, or an ID. I’m surprised you even have to pay for them. Shouldn’t Texas just be handing out guns for free or at least providing vouchers so everyone can themselves a nice new gun?? 🙄
I give it a year before Texas makes gun ownership MANDATORY for all adults!

I heard that new Texas gun law will allow you to purchase a gun without a waiting period, a background check, or an ID. I’m surprised you even have to pay for them. Shouldn’t Texas just be handing out guns for free or at least providing vouchers so everyone can buy themselves a nice new gun?? 🙄
I give it a year before Texas makes gun ownership MANDATORY for all adults!

How many citizens did this cop arrest for “sex” crimes while he was doing similar crimes? How many people did he arrest for FTR? How many harassment checks did he preform? He should of been patrolling himself. If the hit list is like a club, why did he kill himself? After all it’s civil, non punitive and not punishment. Truly a coward

So, this twisted tale of child sex abuse and suicide among police has some of you triggered over a TX gun law? Considering the apparent derangement of the people in power, I’d say making it easier to have a gun to protect oneself from these lunatics is a pretty good effing idea!

Add these three to the 95% stat category of those who are not People Forced to Register who do such acts when considering the efficacy of the Registry and it’s continued use. I suppose the remaining two will be added to the list of former LE employees to avoid being employed as LE in the future.

22 seconds into the video “Nobody saw this coming”. Yes we did; you just refused to believe it despite numerous studies, papers, etc.. We have been screaming for decades that 95+% of new sex crimes are by close relationships… including law enforcement.

The kind of shit you just can not make up!
OR can you?

This American Broadcast Corporation affiliate link (13) has four other stories with sexual context in the side bar. Must be May sweeps induced click bait.