FL: Flagler County adds new restrictions on where people listed on the registry can reside

[palmcoastobserver.com – 6/8/21]

The Flagler County Commission has enacted new restrictions on where people listed on the sexual offense registry may reside, increasing safety buffers around places where children are known to gather.

The commission voted 5-0 in favor of the new regulations during its June 7 meeting after Sheriff Rick Staly spoke in favor of the additional limits.

The county’s existing ordinance had barred people listed on the registry from residing within 1,000 feet of schools, daycare centers, parks or playgrounds. The commission’s June 7 vote adds school bus stops, libraries, churches and subdivisions’ private recreational open spaces and facilities to the list and increases the buffer from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet, or just under half a mile.

“The state of Florida law says a minimum of 1,000,” Staly said. “2,500 feet makes it a lot better — safer, in my opinion — for the kids.”

Commissioner David Sullivan noted that if you draw a 2,500-square-foot circle around every bus stop, school, library, church, park or playground, there isn’t much land left.

“It doesn’t bother me,” Sullivan said, “but I’m just saying that that’s a pretty significant area.”

Staly said the 2,500-foot-limit was recommended by his staff.

“Maybe if we make it legally difficult, they’ll move to a different county,” Staly said. “I’d just as soon they not be here at all, but unfortunately I can’t control that.”

The Sheriff’s Office will draw up a map of the places where people listed on the registry are permitted to reside under the amended ordinance.



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Oh Florida. https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f644.svg Always more and greater restrictions. Always more cruelty.

Florida. Enough said.

just like joining the price club as long as you don’t live near it! Janice Florida needs you please!!!

I agree with Jimmy Kimmel that Florida is America’s North Korea…

So he clearly admits the goal is outright banishment? Can such public statements be used in a lawsuit?

I’m so glad all these new rules and laws are being enacted, because it will obviously put and end to all sex crimes, just like having laws against killing people have put and end to all murders. (written in a sarcastic tone).

Sheriffs are supposed to enforce laws not state their positions on issues. Sheriff Staley wants to kick people out of his county. I’ll raise him 1000 Ill be boycotting the state of Florida. Florida needs to stop following Nazi Germany with all their hate. Most people I know hate Florida because of the weather and how they treated me when I lived there.

So long Florida I’ll continue to watch the fall off the cliff. Obviously you don’t believe in safety you believe in banishment!!

Yep this is how they can keep sex offenders from living in their nice middle class neighborhoods politicians, District Attorneys and Law enforcement agency out there in Florida are making alot of money off of policing sex offenders
Everytime A state needs money they just put their boot on the necks of sex offenders and apply pressure and at the same time it makes them look good in the public’s eye
The real reason why Florida politicians are so hard on sex offenders is because Florida is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world they have people coming from every part of the world on any given day.
Can you imagine how detrimental that would be for the state of Florida if one of their sex offenders kidnapped raped and murdered an innocent child while on vacation from the United Kingdom.

Good luck ✌😎

Ron Book and Rep. Matt Gatez are bigger threats to Florida communities than someone on the everlasting punishment ride of hell. FAC better get organized and fight like hell putting pressure on Florida’s lawmakers knowing if they continue to pass bs laws they will be court rooms soon.

Thank goodness for Janice and ACSOL. When I got released several years back we had several restrictions in our area. There was hardly anywhere for me to live. But one by one Janice sued them and won every one of them. Now there are basically no residency restrictions other than for extreme cases.

Email I sent to that county commissioner

”I just want to say thank god you set registrant restrictions for living. Now there is more room for all your Meth addicts, DUI drivers, domestic abusers, drug dealers, and other felons to reside without worrying about some misdemeanor internet abuser taking up precious space in your back woods, hillbilly ass community! “

Law markers need to watch out for the laws they pass cause it could bite they own family members in the ass!! Down the road.. Putting people on a hit list. Once they payed their time and money to be free. So they can get back in society and show people they have learned not to do the same crime again. Just shows the justice system is a lie and his no back bone. Like i said before if someone is that dangerous they need to be locked up. Not have a list. Unless the list is to scare the public. Like the stay at home moms. Who have nothing but to cry wolf.

Next thing the sheriff and commissioners will complain about is the rise in homelessness. If only they had a brain, but that’s an insult to brains. I wouldn’t want to be in the head of a harasser and ignorant azzhat.

“Maybe if we make it legally difficult, they’ll move to a different county,” Staly said. “I’d just as soon they not be here at all, but unfortunately I can’t control that.”

That’s just a low-key way of saying: “we’d shoot’em if murder was legal.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Facts should matter

I was reading an article about the upcoming hurricane season. The predictions are for an active and strong season. I am praying for a category 5+ to hit Florida. Scrub it clean from state line to Miami Dade.