FBI agents had women in office pose as kids to bait sexual predators, watchdog says

Source: mcclatchydc.com 8/3/21

FBI agents are accused of using photos of young staffers to lure sexual predators, authorities said.

The U.S. Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General recently released a report accusing some FBI special agents of having women in the agency’s support staff — who were not certified to go undercover — pose as minors or sex workers in photos that were posted on social media to “entice sexual predators.”

The inspector general’s office says it learned of the operation during an investigation into a special agent who was accused of having an “inappropriate relationship” with a member of the support staff and asking her to provide “provocative pictures” of herself for online undercover operations.

In the photos reviewed by the watchdog group, the women were clothed and had their faces blurred out.

But, the group says, the agent who was under investigation did not get written consent from the women to use the photos or document when and where the photos were posted.

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I have said on other sites, that biggest organized criminal cartel in the world is the FBI.

No kidding! Tucson PD used a young sounding woman officer to trick a guy that was in group with me when he called the phone number they gave him. They then set up a sting meeting and arrested him for “luring a minor”

I guess some of the “Special Agents” have to be reminded that LE can not break the law in order to enforce the law.

There is that so so so fine line that they balance on so much of the time.

In order catch the corrupt beast, they have to be the corrupt beast themselves. How very typical.

Sometimes, I do wonder if these LEA get a personally ‘happy’ out of what they’re doing. I honestly wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they had an abundance of Kleenex and caster oil in storage, prepared for them whenever the occasion to “bring a predator to justice” arises.

Sounds like the guy who was involved in an inappropriate relationship needs to be investigated. FBI: Forever Being Involved in shady business.

Sure enough “no written permission” to post. While such behavior isn’t constitutional, administration types like cops and prosecutors do it anyway. The FBI is being called out for their underhandedness, but I’ll bet nobody burns for it just like the operation called “Fast and Furious.”
Basically these are Byrne Grant folks with an electronic agenda to promote their own worth. Nothing but the definition of “protection racket.”
They’re busy engaging in warrantless electronic surveillance too.
Self serving cowboys the lot!

Disgusting. The government continues to stoop to newer lows every day. No wonder people are losing confidence in government and its institutions. America is headed for the dumps.

Who’s stupid enough to try a meet a minor online with all these FBI agents and people do stings, even prostitution online is a bust now days, 90% of dateing apps and chat rooms are filled with FBI agents.
Even this website is being monitored by FBI agents, their watching us and ACSOL out of fear of people organizing and comeing together.
J Edgar Hoover said Martin Luther King was the biggest threat to American and he was public enemy number one, and they were just peacefully protesting for their civil rights.
Imagine 5000 people forced to register at the state Capitol that would definitely get the government’s attention.

Stay focused

Last edited 2 years ago by AERO1