IL: First female mayor of Illinois village sparks outrage after hiring registered child sex offender who spent 24 years in prison for brutal gang rape to be town’s code enforcement officer – which requires him to enter homes

Source: 10/25/21

The new mayor of a village in a Chicago suburb unleashed a firestorm after it has emerged that she hired a registered child sex offender who worked on her campaign to be the town’s code enforcement officer – a job that requires him to inspect inside homes and businesses.

Trustees in the Village of Dolton – a community of 23,000 located just south of Chicago – say they are appalled that Mayor Tiffany Henyard offered Lavelle Redmond a municipal job without consulting them.

Despite facing backlash from village leaders and residents, Heynard has defended her hiring decision, saying she believes in ‘second chances’ for ex-convicts who had repaid their debts to society.

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I have mix feelings about this guy because he was only 17 when he commented his crimes, I do believe he deserves a second chance at life but because of sexual violence in his past, I feel like this guy is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
Its almost 2022 the reclassification and Tier placement is almost complete, once this happens the feds will swoop in and carpet bomb every state with SORNA, luckily for me even with SORNA my time on the registry is up.
I feel sorry for all the teenagers out there who are being placed on the registry for life for something they did while in high school, I dont think I could just let that go.
Iv been think about starting a youth offender support group for teenagers 17-19 that have been placed on the registry.

Stay focused

Good for the mayor for believing in second chances, but I would never accept a job like that. It opens the door to a lot of trouble and false accusations. All it takes is one female to say he touched her and he’s back in prison, whether he touched her or not.

This article seems to misstate what a code enforcement officer does, at least where I live. Code enforcement officers don’t enter and inspect homes. This is the job of a building inspector because anything in the building is a building code issue which is quite a different thing and requires lots of expertise and training. A code enforcement officer instead typically deals with things like unkept yards, people parking RVs on their lawn, people not cleaning sidewalks from snow, old cars left to rot in driveways. Essentially the things you see from outside driving by. There might be a door knock about a violation but typically this is done by mailing a property owner a letter and then if the owner doesn’t fix the violation the code inspector would send other city workers out to correct it and then bill the cost to the next property tax bill.

I don’t see how PFR would pose much risk to anyone in this position.

Last edited 2 years ago by M C