In its release against ALI, NCMEC not only makes false implications, they print actual lies. They imply that stranger danger is a serious threat to children, but they lie in saying that if there were no public sex offense registry, companies that hire people to work with youth would have no way of determining if a person had a sexual crime conviction. To protect children, we must rely on facts and truth, something that NCMEC seems to have trouble understanding.
Read the article and press release
Great to have the press release. The big question is, what media outlets will run with it? It’s contrary to the narrative and narcotic effect registries provide.
AJ. I once ask my old PO if he thought I was bad as compared to the others he visits. Yes, as my sister always keeps reminding me their just doing their job. He couldn’t actually say or compare me with others as that they can’t say- or not at liberty to say in many ways. But in eight years we got to know each other and I was sad to hear him retire or transferred to another area of PO. AJ, I’m my view he did not seem to be cut out for that type of PO of a sex offender.
Sure being on the registry can be stressful for anyone and their were some trying times during those eight years I was with him. We can all at times deal with probation but who wants or needs to make it more stressful or bias than it seems.
Sure at times when I have went to his office I didn’t know what to say and when he came for home visits to the house I was still a bit perplexed . Its like your in an interview box and don’t know what to say. It all comes out in the wash… I even tell my sister about my ordeal and yes she has doesn’t really want any part of this but since I have no parents my sister is my guardian….. and I don’t even remember the movie.
Sure going thru a lot of this registry is stressful enough for anyone and I’m sure a no comment or something like that would be of no use. What was that guy on dragnet saying … Just the facts….well where’s the truth in many of these registry ordeals.
NCMEC is a bit water logged in many ways and ordeals. Even the bible says all lie.
John Walsh has been wrong about the death of Adam. John Walsh has been wrong about registrants. John Walsh was wrong about Brian Laundrie being in Mexico. John Walsh one missable man projecting his guilt on others.