SEPTA rape case is latest in a U.S. pandemic of police lying. There must be consequences.

Source: 10/24/21

The police disinformation about passengers watching the SEPTA rape is just one of a series of cop lies rocking the U.S. political debate. Enough is enough!

You know the old adage that a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth gets a chance to put its pants on. In the aftermath of a shocking rape aboard a SEPTA El train as it rolled into 69th Street Station in Upper Darby last week, the pants of truth were apparently out at the dry cleaners for a few days.

The alarming first draft of the story about that SEPTA subway car that came from the lips of police officers such as Upper Darby Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt — that during a brutal sexual assault of a passenger that lasted about six minutes, a carload of passengers watched and even filmed videos but did nothing to stop the attack — fit the broader post-pandemic “law and order” narrative of an amoral modern world gone mad.

“I’m appalled by those who did nothing to help this woman,” Bernhardt said a couple of days after the rape arrest of a 35-year-old man. “Anybody that was on that train has to look in the mirror and ask why they didn’t intervene or why they didn’t do something.” Fueled by the internet and the hothouse environment of right-wing talk radio, the SEPTA rape saga didn’t just travel halfway around the world but made multiple orbits.

To some observers, though, the Kitty Genovese invocations — the famous New York Times story that 38 people watched her killing and did nothing has been thoroughly debunked — was a reminder of how the first draft of history is so often wrong. Thus, it was hardly a surprise when Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer came out a few days later and — having reviewed security camera footage from the car — said the version of the story that had been circulating for days “is simply not true — it did not happen.” Of possibly two passengers who filmed the assault, one tipped SEPTA police and was filming to provide evidence that could help convict the accused rapist in court.

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Accountability or truth or consequences? This article makes a lot of since about this rape issue. What tempted, whether it was a 17 yr old girl or a grown woman and it appears no one wanted to interveine but wanted too video the ordeal. Where does the choice come in to play or the decision to get involved to help. Guess the love for the other person was a bit strained.

Is government strained in many ways or where is that thin blue line of true democracy or liberty to help thy fellow neighbor out. Are we all guilty in certain area’s or does justice take a backseat to law and order as many say on here that confuses many. Do we always speak out before we hear the choice or options or do decisions and choices make LE people turn another color when authorities want to be vague in inducing upon another. Guess their is nothing to fear but fear itself. So who show’s respect when respect is due. Decision vs Choices there is a difference and reasoning plays a big part in much of this registry or any ordeal.