TN: Tennessee sex offender registry gets online ‘overhaul’ of data, resources

Source: 10/27/21

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) — The overhauled online registry of sex offenders in the state launched this week and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says it gives the public valuable resources related to personal and digital safety. The new sex offender registry shares personal information; not only for where they live but also where they work.

Near the top of the new registry site features wanted sex offenders in the state who are in violation of the state’s sex offender registry laws. Site users can also view map data, safety and education and sign up for email alerts.

TBI officials said Wednesday they launched the overhauled sex offender registry in order to “modernize the look, feel, and operation of the public safety resource.” Funding for the project secured by the TBI stems from grants totaling more than $180,000 from U.S. Department of Justice and contracted a private vendor, Steeple Technologies, to program a majority of the new registry.

TBI also worked with the State of Tennessee’s Strategic Technology Solutions group to refresh the mapping portion of the site.

More than two years of planning and programming went into the sex offender registry that officials say now features “clearer navigation, more robust email notifications, a heightened focus on fugitive offenders.”

The registry features not only each sex offenders’ name, photo and last known address but also the address of their employer and other personal information.

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So what’s the rational for listing where they work? I’m guessing the actual goal is to expel and jail everyone on the registry from society.

I wonder if after the registry falls, we could try the politicians, law enforcement agents, and news outlets for war crimes in knowingly misleading the public and destroying peoples lives? I’ve seen politician’s bluntly say plenty of times that they won’t do the right thing regarding PFRs because it would be “political suicide”. There has to be ramifications beyond not being re-elected. We never seem to truly hold politicians accountable. It shouldn’t be any difference than when police and prosecutors willfully withhold evidence and outright lie.

People should see how far this has gone. Go to, and enter any common last name, like smith or jones, in the search box to bring up a sample profile. They list the person’s last three cars, address of employer, plus other information that essentially puts a target on their back. All you have to do is enter the employer’s address in Google, and the name of the business can quickly be found. What business in their right mind is going to hire someone with this sort of public notification? Talk about choking off any opportunity to regain your life. The crime they committed doesn’t matter. The fact that you’re listed with the worst of the worst seals your fate, guilty by association. These people are Nazi thugs with no regard for basic human decency. Unfortunately, this is about to happen to thousands of people in California.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

So pathetic. Look at them polish their pile of feces. Look at them lie to everyone how wonderful it is.

Today, I went wherever I wanted and no one knew that I am one of the Unwashed. The Oppression Lists were worthless and worse. Tomorrow will be the same. And the day after and after and after.

But yeah, you need big government to keep you “informed” and to “protect” you.

FTP. Never support these criminal regimes or their law enforcement criminals. For anything.

Oh come on SR- think of the registry this way In a brother and sister type of ordeal. Sure their is a rivalry of many things in life. From a common game of horseshoe’s to even horse-pitching a load of crap. Sure one studies for one’s field or vocation, profession that they go into during high school and college if one is fortunate to continue their education.
While I hate much all of this registry… the methods they use are very confusing to many,  from the leg monitoring’s, the recordings of the text events, even the hear say of victim vs the adult interaction, even the hate factors of bias understandings. Even internet countings by companies and/or many sites of how many times one visits this or that site, but where does the rating stop… or are all labeled offenders in some area’s to give a bias to many today.
Being cunning and tricking one is like giving one a parking ticket and one walking to one’s car as the officer is writing out the ticket… My understanding is either police are out to lunch on many things or are over using their understanding. So who’s doing this downfall-unjust to many on the registry? or who takes a covid shot and who are against the shots if one wants to use comparison.
Safe is the responsibility of each individual or who is doing a live wire act across the twin towers today in this registry?

I hope Janice gets to the Supreme Court soon because TN is perpetuating the dangerous lie. From the article:

“The Tennessee Code, Title 40 – Criminal Procedure, Chapter 39 states that the Tennessee General Assembly finds and declares that persons convicted of these sexual offenses have a reduced expectation of privacy because of the public’s interest in public safety.”

Here’s a quote from the Smith v Doe, 2003 opinion:

“Here, the statutory text states the legislature’s finding that sex offenders pose a high risk of reoffending, identifies protecting the public from sex offenders as the law’s primary interest, and declares that release of certain information about sex offenders to public agencies and the public will assist in protecting the public safety. This Court has already determined that an imposition of restrictive measures on sex offenders adjudged to be dangerous is a legitimate nonpunitive governmental objective.”


We lose privacy due to a lie in Smith v Doe, 2003. This is similar to the Korematsu case (American-Japanese Interment Camp in US). Here’s a snippet from a summary of the case re-visited:

” In 1983, a pro bono legal team with new evidence re-opened the 40-year-old case in a federal district court on the basis of government misconduct. They showed that the government’s legal team had intentionally suppressed or destroyed evidence from government intelligence agencies reporting that Japanese Americans posed no military threat to the U.S. The official reports, including those from the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover, were not presented in court. On November 10, 1983, a federal judge overturned Korematsu’s conviction in the same San Francisco courthouse where he had been convicted as a young man. ”

Although a federal judge did reverse the ruling, the 1944 SCOTUS decision still remains upheld 6-3.

Safe and safety are two factors or where is the mockery in this? While its good to have laws, Laws in many States can go a bit too far or who is trampling on this on this hall justice with this registry issue. Computer Science can go so far in much of this man-made issue. Talk about truth in business dealings or fair exchange law. Even a plea deal is still a deal of corruption in American justice in much of this sex registry entanglement. Just like opening a packet of matches.
Sure I believe in justice but ill gotten gain is a bit much or who is naked in the halls of justice today?

Wow, with this newly designed website I am sure the people of TN will feel far more safer each and every day from hereon in. Money, time and resources well spent TN !! NOT !!

Anonymous needs to hack into the SORA mainframe and shut it all down. This crap has gone far enough. When will people understand that posting someone’s personal information on the internet does absolutely NOTHING to protect the public?
I’m so sick and tired of stupid people perpetuating this lie.

States should be sued for defamation of character by saying all of us are dangerous. Here’s an idea if someone is dangerous keep them in prison, but if someone who committed a crime and has been law abiding than leave them alone. Hell the FBI and North Port police couldn’t even find Brian Laundrie when his parents told the cops where to look. Government’s waste makes earths circumference look small.

So when are TN registrants assembling to protest their servitude to the government database? Probably never.

The State of Tennessee need to explain why they are listing individuals that have clearly left the state, no longer residing in Tennessee, yet the State feels it completely acceptable and legal to post a person’s private information that is living in another state which does not publicly identify these individuals on that state’s respective registry based on that state’s laws for public reporting.

Some registrants on the new site have a red banner that says “Offender Against Children.” If they only had one offense against a single minor couldn’t that be considered defamatory?