UK: My own pupils targeted me in the TikTok paedophile craze – now I can’t go back to our school

Source: 11/23/21

Teachers have always had to expect a certain amount of stick from their pupils. It’s part of the job; normally we don’t grumble too much about it. Over my 14 years in the profession I’ve worked across nine secondary schools, teaching history in Wales, Blackpool, and Liverpool.

Sometimes, I encountered challenging behavioural problems. I’ve been told to “f— off”; called an “idiot” and a “tw–”. Teenagers can be aggressive, but as a teacher you can’t take any of it to heart. We have to depersonalise the abuse, leaving it at the school gates at the end of the day. Normally, I’m fairly good at doing that. It’s an issue I discuss regularly on Teachers’ Talk Radio, an online radio station I help to direct.

But a week ago, that changed. I was labelled a paedophile by an anonymous TikTok user, presumably a pupil at my school. For the first time in my career I felt truly shocked – and afraid.

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Meet the 21st century equivalent of the witch hunt. The weaponization of sex offense laws have finally reached those who were responsible for inflaming hatred with their baseless rhetoric, and they are just now beginning to grasp the terribly dark path we’ve set ourselves down. Good luck to this teacher! His career may well be over and he hasn’t even been charged with a crime.

I had a person who represented Southern Glazer’s do this to me at a mutual work place. While acting as an agent of his company, he spoke to vendors, employees, posted on fb.Hired someone to film me and others in mutual workplace.

Regardless, he did enough damage. Filed a false police report and I was arrested. Lost my job , friends etc.

Charges were for obvious reasons dropped 5 months later. But it still cost me.

The problem is that none wants to represent a registered person. You can say anything online or in public these days to a registered person and get away with it.

Has the world gone mad with accusations of being attracted to children? What happens when someone is targeted a commits suicide? I hope any kids engaged in this trend are prosecuted to the full extent. This is insane and these young and old jackass’ need to be held accountable.

If kids do the type of things mention above… maybe one should pause and wonder what else kids may lie about? Oh that is right per politicians who pass laws to protect kids Kids would never lie about something such as this.

And the believe-all-accusers crowd STILL doesn’t acknowledge the possibility – rather likelihood – of false accusations running rampant once they created the circumstance that a mere accusation is all that is required. smh

Never fear politician’s will pass more fear based laws. On behalf of women. I would never be a man teacher. Not in this day and age. Even just by accident you brush passed a kid you will get in a world of trouble. Kids are better off home schooled. Only two reasons that i see for a school is baby sitting and mother and father want free time from the brats.

You guilty No matter what!!! If someone said you are… I am waiting for doctors too get caught up in this Bs haha

I check into the site from time to time to read the comments in the hopes that a miracle happened and the registry was corrected to allow us to be removed after 30 years. Oh well, not this time. It looks as if the teacher is in the UK and I wonder if there is a sex offender registry there because if there is, and the teacher is not on it, the solution is to simply challenge the students to find him on the registry. When they cannot find him there his problem is solved. I personally worked as a certified addiction counselor for 16 years and was on pins and needles every single moment of every day for 16 years worried that someone would come into work or one of my groups and expose the fact that I was on the registry. The registry ruins our lives, and our mental and emotional health that way. It is cruel and unusual punishment. Especially when your offense was smoking crack with a female acquaintance who protected herself from arrest by claiming that I had sexually assaulted her after we had mutual sex numerous times over a period of 5 hours until the drugs were gone. That’s of course the short story. It gets even more ridiculous when you read the police report. Anyway, to the teacher, next time something like that happens, challenge the liar to find you on the registry; if there is one in the UK.

Last edited 3 years ago by Just Me