CA: California Senate aims to limit ‘junk science’ in courtrooms

Source: 1/27/22

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California lawmakers on Wednesday moved to deter the use of what a legislator called “junk science” in the courtroom and give those convicted with questionable expert testimony a way out of prison.

Senators approved changing the state’s definition of false testimony to include expert court opinions based on flawed scientific research or outdated technology, or where a reasonable scientific dispute has emerged over its validity.

Expert opinions that aren’t based on bona fide research, peer-reviewed studies or other science would not satisfy the state’s requirements for admissible testimony.

The bill by Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener would allow people to appeal if they previously were convicted based on the discredited testimony.

“This bill gives judges stronger tools to prevent junk science from coming into our courtrooms,” Wiener said.

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Thank you enormous gay Jewish man. You are our savior.

A good step. How about eliminating junk science in the legislature as well?

Any idea if this would result in Static-99 being thrown out in all aspects since it is junk science and has never been peer reviewed? It’s literally being used to keep some people on the registry for life.

Does that include the junk science in Smith v. doe, way back when?

Some of these articles are good on here even this “Junk science” court type pansy justice type ordeal. Sure we have computers today but what is a computer. Is it more of an instrument to catch more with a Carnal offense or to make life easier for justice to be abused? I am sure that their is more people in jail with computer induced computer issues than say real boy touches girl issues if that’s the case.
Sure there’s good and bad in everything but who weighs out the good from the bad with all this “perverted justice… guess dateline can tell us about these set ups or are a lot of this registry a tumbling dice throw out the bait line to catch a fish. Wonder who goes fishing anymore in a court of law.

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Kudos to Cali’s Senator Scott Wiener!! He has long been a supporter of truth & justice!! AND real facts, research, data, and science!!

Seems like a lot of you guys are using handy wipes for dish towels and junk science can be a bit of a foggy rocky rocky road ice castle justice. Maybe one should wear a seee thru bra to understand the human brain or understand who’s screwing who in much of this court of justice cover-up today. Why are many even on lifetime probation? or does the law change every fiscal year? Never to late to uncover true justice or who is actually hiding true truth today or maybe some database has already find it out. Guess nobody covers up the truth today and convictions are more justifiable.

Should all say its time for the constitution to be revamped or even this registry. Hey didn”t we give women rights to vote with this “junk science” called man’s wisdom. Maybe one should even find out about the scandals of true American Justice? I’ve never went angle fishing before so I don’t know what angling is or assumed bribery even criminal intent would be in question.

If this bill passes, I would think it would also preclude the courts from imposing polygraphs, polygrphs being the ultimate junk science.

Great, let’s start with that stupid Static-99/R. That dumb “test” is literally the very definition of junk science.

I left voicemails with both Senators in the article to get them to understand the reality of junk science in courts and asked them to vote for the passage of the bill. People here should call their elected CA officials to vote for it too.

Trust the process!

If this passes, we can easily fight the junk used to keep up the registry. We can finally call a spade a spade.

The registry has no good data to back it up. All the good data says >5% will reoffend after 15-20 years. It’s kept alive through fear and political “good will.”

It’s ridiculous that courts will accept Static-99/R results many years after the assessment was done when, from what I understand, the tool itself states that it’s results are time-limited!

Junk bs was back in salem time. Just words!!! No proof.. The so call victims don’t need proof of be in a victim. It your job to not be a witch… But money is behind this sex registry… Here in Michigan we have 46000 people on the money list. Each one of us have too pay 50 dollars to the state till we reach 500 dollars 500 times 46000 people. You do the the math.But they keep adding more people each day. It a scam..someone is getting that money….

Wasn’t SCOTUS decision in Smith vs Doe based on Junk Science? Discredited “expert testimony”?

Obviously the CA State Senate cannot just vote Smith vs Doe out of existence…but shouldn’t the purpose of this bill, it’s objective, have some impact on laws that were enacted via the Smith vs Doe precedent? It allows for retrial of convictions that were handed down in part because of junk science.