Action Alert: Please take this OnceFallen Survey on Social Media and Persons Forced To Register

Source: Derek W. Logue of

Over the years, various individuals and groups seeking to reform and/or abolish sex offense laws have experienced harassment on social media platforms. Some, like Facebook, are known to allow attacks against Registered Persons. Law Enforcement even use social media to pass along registry information. And many social media platforms are hosts to online “anti-pedo” or “anti-Predator” groups that actively harass and threaten Registered Persons.

Please take this this survey if you are a Registered Person, the loved one of a Registered Person, or if you are simply involved in efforts to reform/abolish post-conviction sex offense laws like the registry or civil commitment


If you currently use, OR have used, social media in the past (particular current popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or SnapChat), then this survey is for you.

Even if you have never personally experienced harassment online, so long as you’re a Registrant/loved one/ anti-registry activist AND you use or have used a popular social media platform, then please take my survey.

Also, please share my survey on your website, blog, social media platform, etc. This is the full link:

I need as many as possible to take this survey, as I plan to use the results in future reports and possible meetings with social media platforms. It only takes 5-10 minutes tops to do, it is 15 multiple choice questions, and the last question is just “additional comments.”

Derek W. Logue of
Registered Citizen/ Civil Rights Advocate

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I’m not on Facebook. But I do know my names been passed in hate groups. I’ve had a kind neighbor whos let me know this information who’s in some of these facebook groups.(they don’t support em, but just keeps an eye out). I’ve always wondered on the sheriff ones, if they post an RSO as “dangerous” or calling an SO a “predator” can we sue them for libel? Isn’t that untrue compelled speech by a government agency? Research time and time again shows this to not be true. I feel like there’s a difference between posting a notification of “hey this person exists,” to hey, “this person could be dangerous and to watch out for them.”

We should have more surveys like this. I think, it helps the cause. I am thinking a survey of how PFRs and/ or their family members are negatively impacted by the registry. Bring up questions about the type of impact (can’t go to kid’s school play, can’t live close to a school, can’t go to parks or beaches, has to register in person within a certain date, leaving no room to be on vacation during that time, enduring home compliance checks, etc. I think this would be good ammo to prove yet again that the registry is punishment for everyone involved, not just the PFR. The regulations and rules have exploded since the 2003 Doe vs Smith ruling. That ruling should be deemed moot as the consequences of the registry no longer resemble anything remotely close to what it was intended to be.