General Comments Mar 2022

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Change in display of address considered “new”? Got an alert that we “moved into the neighborhood” because husband’s listing became fully available after being zip code only. We have lived in the same address here in CA for 20 years!

I ran a half marathon not a month ago and it gave me some clarity.

While we can’t have everything we want immediately, change does come with determination and support. There are a lot of peaks and valleys in working through this. And a lot of us let perfect be the enemy of good. My heart goes out to everyone in this. We’re going to finish the fight.

I’d love to run one day for acsol. But first, I should donate again!

What is the evolution of the registry and how did it start? This excellent site spells it out and despite years of research, there is much here I didn’t know. Origin of Registry

Does anyone know when Tier 1 and 2 on Megan will show only the Zip Code?

Here is an argument that might rush the abolishment of the registry. Just tell the high-ups in government that every sex offender on the registry is a possible target for recruitment by ISIS, Russia, china or any terrorist gang. A high percentage of registrants already have financial troubles, can’t find a job, can’t find a place to live without pitchforks and torches following them. They are harassed by law enforcement and shunned from parks and schools. Registrants live in a country that does not want them which make them prime recruitment targets. The terrorists will have no problem contacting registrants either since most addressed are conveniently published on the website. I know this is a far fetched scenerio but it might scare the suits in Washington to look in on it. Just saying.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob

Happy Mari Gras! Guess some aren’t happy that hold the label of SO or who is wearing the green.. I noticed one of the comments that someone mentioned about clarity, even this address change, and good ole Will Allen is still talking about the “Hit List” . Lets just call it the Great “unjust”Hussle for the computer generation.

Seems like everyone is on the take about this ordeal. Sure justice is good. Hey since getting into this ordeal I still do my events. You can either let a little bit of worry stop you or this or that ordeal but everyone makes mistakes and even courts systems aren’t just today, Janice and many more know that. Is it all about computers well computers do compound things at times but at times the mouth overloads…. you know what… or who likes gossip today.

I would think this registry is a bit of man’s Pride and prejudice in a lot of computer induced way to trap. Ministers of justice you may say but what is the lesser of the two evils. Talk about a rumble for justice in this registry ordeal.


I would encourage you and others, e.g. felons, who cannot vote today to read up on the Freedom to Vote act and use your 1st Amendment voice to express your desire to vote again with your elected officials who work in Congress. Maybe you can speak to others who want to grant you the power to vote again but don’t represent you. You don’t have to go into great detail about you to get them to hear your desire.

No bill is going to be perfect; however, if you want to vote and feel others want to vote but can’t, then be active here on this topic. Even if you can vote, help your fellow person who cannot and speak on their behalf.

I came across this article and had to reply: “Congress shouldn’t body slam natural hair bill | Editorial

My reply:
CROWN Hair and Civil Rights

Dear South Jersey Times Editorial Board, 
It’s interesting that you begin your editorial about hair styles and civil rights by noting the passage of the Federal Megan’s Law 25 years ago. Have you considered the effect of that law on individuals’ civil rights? 
Since it’s implementation, all 50 States have created Megan’s Law websites. These sites include on their public sex offender websites children as young as 9 years old. Some States’ Megan’s Law websites include individuals who have long since moved out of the State. And some, such as Florida’s website, continue to list people even after they are deceased. If the purported purpose is public safety, it seems reasonably certain that a dead person would not molest any children or commit any rapes. On the other hand, an unnecessarily bloated sex offender registry seems to serve only one purpose: to be used as a driver to request more law enforcement money from federal and state sources. However, it also fails the public safety intent when if clutters the list with dead people and lists those residing out of state. How is the public supposed to discern valid concerns from meaningless listings? 

As for the issue of civil rights, at what point is someone an individual finished paying his (or her) debt to society? Research has shown that after 17 years offense free years, a individual once convicted of a sexual offense poses no greater risk of commiting another sex offense than any other member of the general public. However, being listed on a Megan’s Law website greatly impacts an individual’s ability to find gainful employment, a stable residence, and a pathway to successfully reintegrate into society, not to mention the impacts associated with what certainly appears to be intentional public shaming and the ostracism of the individual and his/her family members. Our nation’s courts have been increasingly ruling that sex offender registries and the numerous requirements, restrictions and regulations that come with them are unconstitutional. It’s time to reconsider sex offense registries, their stated public safety intentions and their failures. Sex offenses continue to be committed – most notably by individuals not listed on any registry such as relatives, family “friends”, coaches, teachers, clergy, etc. – so are the registries truly keeping anyone any safer?? Or is their true purpose endless punishment and shaming?

Thank you for considering these thoughts.

– David
A Registrant

TS. Look I’m a tier three. I have my rights back to vote. I believe i sent Janice that paper also from the Virginia Seceeratry of state. Course I had a bit of Christian understanding and I’m sure that officer noticed that and gave me a plea deal instead of taking me to court. And yes I was wanting to go to court. Show me in the bible where some of this registry ordeal is right and I’ll eat your hat or maybe I should of said to the court … Kiss my grits…… oops.

Did the American Law Institute vote today March 2 on the new Model Penal Code?

Just a question about petition Does the court have a certain amount of time Or can they drag it out as long as they can? I petition in September The DA had no objections in November They sent it to the local Courthouse to be reviewed By a judge But nothing has happened since

I didn’t know this, but found out when I registered for jury duty for mid-March in Orange County. While felons not on paper nor incarcerated are ELIGIBLE for jury duty, registrants are NOT ELIGIBLE. I had thought that RSO status was not a disqualifier in itself; I was partially wrong. It appears that if you are a registrant and that offense was a FELONY, then you are DISQUALIFIED. However, the inference is that if you are a registrant but that offense was a MISDEMEANOR, then you are QUALIFIED to serve, providing your sentence is completely over and you are off paper. At least, that’s my take.

From the official OC jury site ( ):

Full list of disqualifiers for jury duty (Pay attention to number 8):

If any of the below apply, click on Disqualify on the next page.
1. Not a citizen of the United States
2. Under 18 years of age
3. Not a resident of Orange County
4. Insufficient knowledge of the English language
5. Convicted of Malfeasance in Office
6. Convicted Felon Currently Under Supervision
7. Currently incarcerated
8. Required to Register as a Sex Offender Felon
9. Currently serving or will be serving as a Grand or Trial Juror
10. Subject of a Conservatorship
11. This person is deceased.

Is this the same in every county, or just pertains to OC in this case? In any case, I’ll have fun at jury duty myself 🙂

I saw this headline: “Sex offender to be released, relocated within Whitewater“.

They provide LOTS of unnecessary information. It’s abusive and it’s harrassment (no matter what they choose to call it!) And despite what their words say, they are deputizing the entire community to surveil him.

Here is my view (again) on the registry. They want to protect mainly the children by plastering people’s names, addresses and pictures on a website that is globally viewed by anyone who wants to. There is no privacy in any way, shape or form in the interest of public safety, they say. Here is the problem (among many others) I have with this. When the person is incarcerated, their family members are also affected. Some can’t support their families while their spouse is incarcerated. While on probation or parole, the family members are also affected since they have to endure visits to their home, etc, even though, the families members and/ or children did not commit the offense. All somewhat acceptable. Fast forward to after the offender is off paper, and still the families and/ or children have to suffer from having their address posted on a website that can be viewed by anyone in the world. They have to endure “home compliance checks” and embarrassment just like before. The only difference is that the “ex offender” is no longer in custody or on paper. So, how can anybody not see the almost identical treatment and experience as if they were still on probation or parole? Families to include the ex offender have a right to be safe in their homes, just like anybody else. So, in the interest of public safety is a bunch of BS, because these family members and ex offenders are also part of the public now that has a right to be safe.

Actually TS that is a good idea. Course I never voted as most all of those politicians are a bit one sided and and as they say voting is a right. Its sort of confusing just like this registry issue. Funny thing is even when Trump was president I was getting e-mails to contribute to his campaign whatever his campaign was a year or so ago.

Sure if people want to vote than this ordeal a lot are going thru should have no effect whatsoever.

does anybody have dual residency?
and how do you do it every year for your annual?

Long shot here… any one know of a registrant will ever get admitted to the CA bar? There is not specific answer on their website

If one wants to rape children and not go to jail and not register, become a member of law enforcement…
Former Deputy Accused Of Raping 14-Year-Old Avoids Jail Time And Sex Offender Registry

‘Tis the season again

I just got a call purporting to be an officer from the Oakland CA PD.
Caller ID told me otherwise (all of Oakland PD uses common numbers).
Time to call in “officer Jackson” as an individual attempting extortion and impersonating a law enforcement officer.
FYI — Number used — 510-751-6788 Give him a call. Have some fun.

Latest Bureau of Justice Statistics’ publication on “Criminal Victimization, 2020” suggests violent crime hit historic lows in 2020
The prevalence of violent crime in the United States declined from 1.10% (3.1 million) of persons age 12 or older in 2019 to 0.93% (2.6 million) in 2020. Violent crime includes rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. The percentage of persons who were victims of violent crime excluding simple assault also declined during this period, from 0.44% (1.2 million) to 0.37% (1.0 million).

Another McMartin preschool case?

Cain Velasquez Faces 20 Years To Life In Prison For DA Charges

If found guilty, Cain Velasquez will serve 20 years to life in prison on charges the District Attorney is filing against him.

On Monday, Velasquez was arrested by Morgan Hill Police in San Jose, California for the alleged shooting of a 63-year-old male.

Reportedly, Velasquez intended to shoot 43-year-old Harry ______, who is accused of molesting an underage relative of Velasquez.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ditto

@Bobby S. I’m in Michigan also. Hopefully this minimally gives the ACLU more ammunition. Its already been pointed out that the ALI suggests, but there has to be a significant reason why our, and the other 36 AGs , plus the DOJ feared the changes. Otherwise, they could have sat back at let it all happen. What that means for pre sorna. Pre 2011, and all the rest, we can only wait. I’m hoping this really starts the change in a powerful way. The truth hurts them.

@Josh. Time to vote Nessel out. Don’t know what we’ll get next, but we know where she stands from now on. And with the ACLU attacking again, I hope any victory helps other states in the fight. Thou some say the last battle didn’t achieve much, in grateful to accompany my wife and pick up my grandchildren when my daughter in law has an appt. Still feel like some know I’m on the list, or are sizing me up. But I start a conversation or look back until the guy looks away. A freedom was restored and I’m grateful. Now let’s finish the race.

Does anyone know whether it is illegal for a hotel chain (Extended Stay America) to call up their guest after over 30 days (tenant rights in CA) and say you have to leave, we do not accept sex offenders. Also, does Marriott allow sex offenders in their hotels when you are on vacation for a week?

Brian beck,another cop above the law….
Former Deputy Accused Of Raping 14-Year-Old Avoids Jail Time And Sex Offender RegistryProsecutors said former Shelby County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Brian Beck raped the minor over a 20-month period of time. 

I did a copy and paste

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