Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Mar 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to Decrease
Source: Jan 2025 The sexual assault rate in the United States continues to decrease, according... -
CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of Registrants
Source: ACSOL Senate Bill 680 was introduced this week by Senator Susan Rubio (Democrat, Ontario). If... -
Convicted sex offender may renounce US citizenship, be deported to Philippines
Source: 2/26/25 A man facing 90 years in prison for sex crimes is set to...
Prior being on the registry and this site, I knew nothing of the MPC. Doubt if our neighbors do also. However, the AG’s and DOJ understand the power of suggested information. Once unleashed, there’s a reference point for lawsuits. Its detrimental to their lies and deceit. There’s real power behind what’s happening. They recognize it.
“The Times of Northwest Indiana: County sex offender registry named among top in nation.”
(I wonder if that’s a selling point for realtors?: “We have one of the top sex offense registries in the entire country! Don’t you want to live here and enjoy that??”🙄)
Another police officer, this one in Tennessee, sworn to uphold the law, was found to be violating the public trust and our sex offense laws by repeatedly raping a 14 year old girl over an almost two year span of time. Brian O. Beck, 47, an 18 year veteran of the Shelby County sheriff’s office, will serve no jail time and not be required to appear on the sex offense registry.
Somehow, so soon after this came to light, the court is satisfied that the defendant is not likely again to engage in a criminal course of conduct. I most certainly doubt that other defendants similarly situated enjoyed the same treatment in their cases.
Once again, we see the hypocrisy of those who claim to defend victims of sexual assault. Our law enforcement communities are more interested in protecting their own rather than the public. They throw the book at “sex offenders” but then sweep their own filthy behavior under the rug when it’s convenient. It is an exclusive club in which the law rarely holds sway over their conduct.
Oh my, while reviewing the article I just posted about, two more articles were recommended for similarly despicable behavior from the “monsters” in blue: A NJ police chief accused of sexual abuse of an employee and a PA state trooper accused of recording a young girl in his bathroom. Wow, who knew it was so pervasive? Do they think they’re untouchable?
Now Will Allen, who is shooting who. Gentlemen, can I throw a temper tantrum at all of you. Isn’t that my rights. Think I will do that on my visit to my PO tomorrow. Seems the past President threw one. If its good enough for the past president its good enough for many on here.
Is that logical thinking. Seems he had a few off colored words for Barr and Barr is an attorney general. Sort of makes a person feel good to just let it out once in a while. Wonder how many extra time a person would get even a past president for venting out of character. Guess people think before they act and go ballistic Guess doing that would be more of a blind guide to the wise. Guess that’s temper tantrum.. tampering of justice.
March 7, 2022 at 9:38 am
Here’s a suggestion, why not draw up a petition type letter from registrants and their families to sign and present to the ALI being that “WE” are the ones directly affected by these oppressing registration laws. Who better to represent a “group” than the “body” themselves. We surly out number the AG’s, NADA, and NCMEC combined. (I posted this in NARSOL comments on the above date.) It’s worth a try.
If a California registrant becomes homeless, they have to register every month as a transient. For some people this could be the rest of their life to be the same as on parole or probation for life. Has someone figured out a way around this, do mile markers on highways count as addresses?
🤨 Some ankle-monitors can record whole conversations without people’s knowledge or consent. 🤔
I have a take on the terms that the registries are not working. Do we “as a whole” have a defense to the mindset that registers do work and that is why offenders do not reoffend? I feel like low re-offense rates could be thrown back in our faces and make it look like they do work. I was just curious what the rebuttal would be to that? Obviously, this is not my mindset but a good offense, is with a better defense.
The swift reprisal of the Russian government against any who would seek to share the truth regarding the war in Ukraine reminds me of a stark but seldom recognized truth: History tells us that the greatest threats to our freedom, safety and security do not come from criminals, terrorists, or even other countries, but typically come from within our own governing bodies. Those placed in power to serve the people are also the ones most likely to oppress them.
Can anyone who has traveled tell me whether major hotels like Marriott or Hilton do background checks on their guests. And if so do they kic out sex offenders because of family environment.
News in Texas this morning…
Nine employees of a state-contracted facility in Bastrop County that cares for young girls who are victims of sex trafficking were found to have been trafficking those same girls…
The state received multiple calls alleging sexual and physical abuse, exploitation for licensing, neglectful supervision and medical neglect at the facility. One person already arrested with more to come…
And government at it’s best…it took nearly six weeks and eight phone calls to the Department of Family and Protective Services intake line alleging human trafficking before the girls were removed from the facility.
The government needs to stop focusing on the 3-5% and start focusing on the 95-97%.
This is a slippery slope of exclusion when those whose DNA is on file but were never charged after collection can’t claim this type of injury if investigated later but those whose DNA was collected because of other circumstances can. Regardless of why the DNA is collected, it remains on file for life and then some to be referenced if needed later. There is nothing to say this person won’t commit a crime later. I believe LE needs to do constitutional due diligence in investigations and since this is on file, then they are in their right to use it regardless of where it came from initially. I am sorry the person went through this, but it is the 21st Century. Either keep them all or destroy them all after the case is closed.
Woman whose rape DNA led to her arrest to sue San Francisco
Does anyone know Texas rules for people on the registry who are not on probation or parole and was convicted in 2000? What are the rules for tier III? I was curious and called the forth worth police and they said there were no distance restrictions and one would only have to register every so many times yearly based on tier. Is this true? Lastly, do they list where you work, or put a picture on a map above where you work?
If I move to a SORNA, and I was granted a 1203.4, and victim was 17, Static 0. Do you think I would still have to register or be on the website? I know every state is different, I’ve done a lot of research but it’s so much to read and comprehend. I’ve called several attorneys in the area I plan to move but I never get a call back, even after stating I would pay for this consultation. Thanks.
Thanks Dr. !! Appreciate the updates.
I hope there’s verbiage, in the ACLU’s newest lawsuit, that can somehow prevent Michigan legislature from just passing a new, new SORA. Not sure if they are allowed legally to do that. Seems if the legislature can travel back in time, the ACLU should be allowed to go in the future. In the same sentence, it all sounds ridiculous, unreal, and unbelievable. Of course, that’s life on the registry.
Several Illinois neighborhood individuals engaged in potential fraud and criminal harassment of registrant (on my phone, can’t embed as a link, sorry):
Neighbor started a “home daycare” in order to get sex offender forced to move out of the neighborhood. (Illinois)
Anyone know if Georgia has any restrictions on if a registrant off paper can be on the beach in Savannah? I need to get to a warm place for a few days for my mental health
Ok to all that post on Janice’s forum do we all understand this registry punishment or do we all understand one’s upsets or do we all think about the consequences before and after the fact, or even the actions one takes. Are many on here trying to be the Sherlock Holmes trying to figure all this out, or are many paranoid about getting some true understanding in this foundation of legalism in this sex registry ordeal. Like many are we all still in the dark on this registry issue and want the quick answers. Well there is no quick answers to this breakdown in judgement.
Was reading last night about this ALI model code and this letter writing in challenging or recommending some changes. Government is not going to change because government has lost their understanding of truth and understanding. Has government gone by the wayside where a plea deal is a better option in many non contact type ordeals. Or what about the physical contacts in these sexual ordeals. Sure some guidelines are their or as many say on here one size fits all.
Is this registry like some temptations of Eve where government are doing a trespass against another or even leading one into temptation. Look at internet encounters today as compared to actual physical ordeals. Who is conning who? Don’t we all have a spirit or where is the discernment in this good and bad registry. Government makes mistakes like anyone else… we all do… Sure we can all vent, be angry, or have some chip on our shoulders like some on here but where is the true justice in all this matter or is it well we feel that you need to be on probation longer or lifetime is that not judging.
Helping others is always good and remember evil is always around us and yes even our hearts are evil. In much of this registry who is doing the evil or who is badgering one in some sexual encounter. Sure many of us are in different situations but the main element is this thorn in the flesh to buff one. So where is the universal code in all this or has America justice challenge or has the nation forgotten Christian understanding or the basic foundation or liberty. equality and also truth. As I have said on here I don’t even trust myself as I make mistakes also like anyone else.
CA: Convicted Child Sex Offender Considered High Risk of Reoffending, Will Remain in Custody.
(Modesto, Stanislaus County, Coalinga State Hospital)
Interesting article including risk assessments, protective factors, etc.
(No link icon available.)
Senator Hawley, on Twitter, makes it clear the GOP will oppose Biden’s SCOTUS nominee due to her less draconian record on sex offenders:
Watching Golden Girls late last night (Season 6, Ep 6, Feelings, 1990) when Dorothy on the show says “In most cases when a person is m*lest*d, it’s by a friend or a relative. Someone they know.”
Considering the show was on from ’85-’92, I find it interesting that stat was mentioned at a time before the national registry movement was around. Even TV writers knew it before it went crazy nationally. Put that in your court filings when others tend to focus on the <5% who repeat offend.
Transcript of the episode
TS, I don’t understand your “Golden Girls” logic… Are not those writings fictitious or who actually understands a play-write. I’m sorry I am not a Rhode scholar like many of you all on here and I’m sure it didn’t take me five times to pass my drivers test or even an algebra class which I’m sure today is a bit vague in and of itself in much of this equation.
Seems like people on here are using a double standard or a double talk in this ACSOL courtroom drama of this internet justice. So what is your meaning of vain? or who is playing the harlot today in this court of true justice? There is meaning in everything if one “opens their ears”.
Apparently, people at the doj can’t read. My husband didn’t ask to be taken off the registry oh, he asked to be taken off of Megan’s Law and he reiterated in his letter that he was aware that he is still required to register, he just wanted to be taken off of Megan’s Law. Is there anything in the works for 1203.4’s? Because as of now, the conviction my husband has is going to require him to register for life. Does anyone know if we could move to another state that is SORNA compliant since he has a dismissal? We’ve been trying to rent elsewhere in CA because our neighborhood is super dangerous, but people keep denying us.