General Comments Mar 2022

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I had a peculiar event a couple days ago. I received a cold call from an insurance company, trying to get me to switch over to them from my current insurer. Being someone who’s always interested in saving money, I went through the process.

Interestingly, when it got to vehicles I own, a car I drive but in which I have no financial interest or ties was included in the list. The only way that car could have been associated with me is via my having to list it during registration.

I’m not surprised by this but I am, yet again, disgusted. Everything that gets put on that form gets tossed into the data pools available to all sorts of entities–and gets attached to the PFR.

Does anyone know if there is anything in the courts in California that might possibly lower a 288c from a tier 3 to a lower tier it’s a 30 year old conviction with no prison

Seems some on here are trying to understand more of this sex registry issue. SR you makes a lot of sense in this general topic of the registry. Are all like greedy dogs today? If you don’t have some righteousness you don’t have justice. One wonders if its right to set others up today. HATE, crimes,Prejudicial issues that are vain and even blind weights in matters of a weightier human nature,. One wonders who’s NAKED today?

Guess love killed that man in prison or prevents others from getting jobs, being social in public or even getting true justice today. Who is overriding who or who is getting over on another in this mental blockage of true justice. I’m sorry folks guess its all about the database which seems like mans’ greatest way for law and true justice. Even killing that man in prison all about the database or keeping a person on lifetime leg monitoring, probation, or parole for a lifetime in many issues.

Isn’t setting up others the right way with ones character a bit counterproductive if one doesn’t go along with the program. One wonders how many are in their own concentration camp with this type of ill-regular justice hanging over ones head. Guess lady liberty is still blind in NY harbor but what about lady wisdom.

So, in NC, a number of registered citizens were relieved on the argument of the punitive nature of SORNA. Why is this argument not used here? I have 5k to put in this challenge. Right now Janice!!! Enough of the pulling the leaves of the weed. I wanna go for the roots.
I want to challenge SORNA. How can this law be ruled, by SCOTUS, as regulatory, but have punitive penalties?
Email me. You have my email.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if anybody who is Tier 3 is definitely displayed on the public site? Or are there PFRs who are Tier 3 but not public?

Oh look, another fine law enforcement officer🙄:

Former chief convicted of all counts; faces potentially long state prison term

I’m afraid everybody on here is right about this wrong in this deceitful registry. Even the abuse whether man made or by blind sight or hindsight. So whats the answer. Do unto others or check out your local database daily. Reason till the cows come home or do a rendition of America the beautiful and lets not forget liberty and justice for all.
 Seems these comments are getting more complaintive daily but remember its all about the database of double standards. I’m sure everyone has their own database in this issue of this deceitful registry in many ways but isn’t the whole truth and nothing but the truth a bit better in this problem solving. Are we are all sinners casting stones? Guess the registry can tell you that or is their more to it as I’m sure Janice and others understand. Course I’m sure this man made database can figure this all out or do we all go with some trial and error factor in this true justice for all.

Indiana Voices has been advocating for Registrants for the past 20 years. Please add us to your list of state organizations.
[MODERATOR’S NOTE: We added you to our support groups page, which is available by clicking the RESOURCES menu at the top of our pages, then click SUPPORT AND ADVOCACY GROUPS]

Janis or anyone ,

I have received a response to my Tier level Designation request that says Tier-to-be- determined. What can I do now to get this process going ? Could you point me in the right direction? I need to get up to speed with all of the others doing this , what video do I need to watch ?

LA County CCW? I’m pretty sure I know the answer (and that is, hell no!) but what are the chances of me getting my concealed carry license in LA County?

Now that they’re much easier to get lots of people are applying for and getting them. And even though I have a 17b and 1203.4 I now find myself after 7 years listed on the public site with full info, picture, address and all. Never been on the site at all before this year. If that’s not a good reason for a CCW I don’t know what is.

Just wondering.

I live in California and just changed my work address. I did not see anything on my Registration that said I have to report the change but want to make sure .The Girl there is on vacation I asked them but they do not know. PLEASE HELP

I’m planning to make a trip out to Phoenix Arizona. I plan on staying for two days and two nights. Does anyone know what the requirements are for registrants in Phoenix? When would a registrant be required to register in their state? If you have a link that shows the requirements, I would greatly appreciate it.

Does anyone know anything about Maryland registration? In my current state, I no longer need to register because I’m 13 years out and my registration requirements were reduced from 15 to 10 years because of SORNA – no other crime, treatment, etc. Maryland has the same deal, but do I need to get it approved by a judge so I don’t have to register or since I meet the requirements I am ok and just don’t even have to think about registering.

Wow. ‘Listening to the Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson. GOP Senators are going apesh#t over her rulings and sentences in sex offender cases. Lots of hysterical hyperbole. 🙄
Does the name “Dennis Hastert” ring a bell, Senator Hawley??😒

The Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings are providing an enlightening focus on the subject of illegal images (CP) laws. It’s also renewing a focus on legal vs illegal LE searches of cell phones and other electronic devices. Very nerdworthy listening! 🙂👍🏻

Since we are on the topic of public safety, I found a statistics page for Arrests from 2001 through 2010 in Monterey County. I am sure I can find it for other counties and/ or years. It was interesting to see that the average number of arrests for sexual offenses (Indecent Exposure, annoying children, obscene matter, contribute delinquency of minor, etc) was between 20 and 32. The average number of arrests for DUI was 3000 as in 3 and 3 zeros….3000! So much for public safety, and imagine the danger kids were put in having these DUI drivers on the streets. But, PFRs are the true danger here? Get a grip and stop lying to us about public safety. Grow some balls and tell it like it is. It is about money and nothing else.

Does anyone know if PC 288.4 (b) can be reduced to a misdemeanor? It’s been past 10 years for me. I fall in tier 3 cause I have a felony although 288.4 (b) as a misdemeanor is tier 1.

I was going to make a really long comment as some but since I read some of these comments on many articles I won’t as you all are right and have been since I have been on here.. David, TS, Tim n Wi, Dr and many more on here are right. Now Janice in many ways she stay’s neutral but at the same time I’m sure she is upset about much of this registry ordeal. I’ve always said I would rather be wrong than right See being right is justifying oneself for some vain glory. Even my sister tries to justify everything she says but when push comes to shove she drops the ball. But who can argue with a woman as they always win. Maybe government always win also.

Many’ people don’t understand what bridle thy tongue means. Seems people want to play Mr Peabody and Sherman. Therefore based on my observation I sentence all of you all to psychiatric treatment to a local mental institution of your choice. I myself went thru all that stuff also but if you notice that psychiatrist is promoting one to that institution. Its like one hand feeds the other. Their are choices and decisions made daily and yes we all offend in many ways. if a man thinkest… That passage means a lot today.

So what causes mental blockage or breakdowns. Isn’t it the stress enough in this registry entrapping or whatever ordeal one would call it. Isn’t going to war bad enough or what was the saying make war not love? They will evaluation the person just before they give one a plea deal. So who thinks anymore when setting one up in surprise attacks. Now Janice told me at one time everyone was looking for a quick fix. Isn’t the ultimate goal to prevent Adults from talking to kids via this internet with all this icing and trickery and a story of a little girl wanting someone to talk dirty to them, even conning them to come down to meet. So who’s thinking and at the same time conning in a double standard of bearing false witness

Ok, here is a thought or a task for anybody who is allowed to search the National Registry database. I had time tonight and googled “famous sex offenders” or “Celebrities who committed sex offenses”. I found many names and started searching to see if they are listed on the National Registry. Besides Mike Tyson, I did not find any other names listed. How is that possible? Either, we are being screwed, or we should argue equal rights protection. If money got them to not appear online, then that would be a hell of a lawsuit in my opinion. What am I missing? Maybe, we should reach out to these celebrities to fund our cause and challenge.

Can anyone tell me why I went from ZIP CODE ONLY to now having my full address posted on the Megan’s law website? I’ve been ZIP only for 12 years. I didn’t look…A friend brought it up.

I came across this and am hoping that someone here can provide this young lady some good advice for her uncle. Sounds like her heart is in the right place.

Inigo Montoya. Your “Commie” comment was absolutely side splitting hilarious. Took me to the movie. Thanks for that.

So, I went on ML since I’m not on the list and found there are AT LEAST 60 transient people on the list within a 5 mile radius from me… Gives me pause and makes me wonder how many of those people would have housing if they weren’t on there… And most of them looked like senior citizens. My husband might have to be on there in the next few months listed as transient. New ownership in our complex and all the tenants are getting the boot to make room for trendier suits for people with bigger pockets.

If anyone knows where we can move in SoCal, preferably Inland Empire with an owner who doesn’t care about criminal convictions of this nature, let me know. Me and the kids will probably be staying with my parents, but we all decided it’d be best my husband stayed somewhere else until we find housing. My parent’s neighbors don’t know about his record and we want to keep it that way. Plus, their next door neighbors are cops.

I am interested in knowing if there has been any effort to find a lawyer ot legislator with the courage to take up the cause of those who have been falsely accused. Many have been, and it seems to me the psychology community has experts who could testify with confidence that if the behavior hasn’t been repeated within 3 – 5 years, it is not a disorder with the registrant, and registration should be terminated. Too many lives have been unjustly ruined.

URGENT Polygraph question: Our son is a tier 1 and on 2 years probation for 3 felonies. He is very lucky. However, he failed 2 polygraphs recently. The administrator told him its difficult to test someone with severe ADHD and who is on medications for it. We have court Monday (3/28) and he is unsure what to expect b/c of the fails. Are there any law cases or tips someone can give on polygraphs and ADHD. The probation and court appointment therapists says not to worry. But I don’t believe them