The Trailer: How campaign rhetoric about child porn made it to the Supreme Court hearing

Source: 3/22/22

In this edition: Why Republicans are talking about pedophilia this week, how contempt is shaping Ohio’s U.S. Senate primary, and what’s happening in the race to replace Don Young.

Treat a senator: Print out your favorite part of the newsletter and turn it into a big, scary poster. This is The Trailer.

The White House dismissed it with a joke. A National Review columnist called it a “smear.” And the paid media campaigns against Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court have ignored it completely.

And yet, on Tuesday morning, the first accusation Jackson was asked to respond to was the one first made by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) — that she had given sexual predators and people caught with child pornography the most “lenient” sentences she possibly could.

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A thinking Judge or Justice is a person needed on the bench. Sen Graham’s outburst is just as bad as previous societies throwing the baby out with the bathwater to the gulag because they can regardless.

“This is a 25-year pet project for Judge Jackson, and it is very, very alarming,” Mike Davis, the founder of the conservative Article III Project, said on a conservative podcast shortly before the hearing. “Of all the issues that she could have taken on in law school, as a sentencing commissioner where she’s setting policy, as a district court judge — why is going easier on people who possess child pornography one of her pet issues?” 

Article III Project is a non-profit that promotes “constitutionalist judges.” “Constitutionalism,” apparently, doesn’t mean keeping the government from monitoring Internet speech.

I’m starting to worry about how obsessed these GOP Senators are with CP and other sexual offenses. 😒
It’s gone beyond hysterical hyperbole to outright creepy obsession. 🤔
Maybe someone needs to check THEIR computers. 😏

Last edited 2 years ago by David⚜️

My first reaction when Sen. Hawley incredulously inquired of the Judge whether or not she agreed that sex offenders are mistreated by society and castigated unnecessarily (this is a paraphrase), was that this was THE opportunity for this judge to scream at the top of her lungs (as I would have) “YES!! Isn’t it OBVIOUS??”. But after the judge replied in a very controlled and neutral fashion, diffusing the Senator’s attack, I agreed that this was not the forum nor the time to make such arguments/statements. In retrospect, this a far wiser approach. The judge’s job at this point, and in this forum, was to “not alienate the majority of Senators” and present herself as poised, intelligent, honest, and truthful, and holding the judicial temperament necessary for the position of Supreme Court Justice. This is how she has comported herself throughout these hearings. She has done an excellent job.

The correct time and place to voice her opinion as to the mistreatment and overly harsh penalties attached to sex offender laws, regulations, conditions, registrations, etc. is when she has become a Sup. Ct. Associate Justice and has a seat at the conference table where these matters can be properly debated. I don’t know if she will be able to persuade the majority of justices to agree with her, but I am hopeful.

those commie basters really suck no class all hate

I was impressed with Judge Jackson’s poise, maturity, and temperament in the face of Rightwing Extremist Senators (Cruz, Hawley, Cotton, Graham, Blackburn, and others) racist and overly-rude questioning. I know that I would never have been able to comport myself similarly.

When questioned yesterday by Sen. Josh Hawley as to whether or not she agreed or disagreed with the proposition that sex offenders were treated unfairly and overly-harsh by society (my paraphrase), I was so hoping that she would stand up and shout “YES!! Isn’t it OBVIOUS??” But in retrospect, I realized that the judge’s job was not to take Hawley’s bait (which likely would have resulted in her alienating not only the senators but the public as well by appearing “emotional” or acting as an advocate for one side or another), but rather to showcase her intellect, ability to analyze complex legal issues, and remain composed and in control when under attack. She did an excellent job.

The time for her to advocate any position is (once officially appointed as a Sup. Ct. Associate Justice) is at the conference table with her fellow justices. Let us pray for her success.