Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Apr 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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All minors recovered from family members.
Good evening,
My wife’s close friend is inviting us to her wedding along with our two children. However, it will be in Hawaii this upcoming July. I have done some research regarding my registration going into a new state. I live in California and I am no longer on supervision (since last year). I am a bit confused, some websites state that in the state of Hawaii for visiting registrants, you are required to register if you’re staying over 10 days, but in some sites, within 3 days of arrival. Not sure which one is correct. We plan to be there for about 3-5 days (max). Can you guide me or give me the correct response regarding this? I would greatly appreciate it. Hope to hear from you guys soon. Be safe.
Ruben H.
I came across this CNN article: yesterday and it shows another example of how media skews things with sex offenses especially with headline use and the first few sentences of the article. “A three-month operation by the US Marshals Service in Louisiana led to the recovery of 16 missing children, the arrest of five individuals and uncovered allegations of sex trafficking in several of the cases, according to the agency”
Based on the headline, I thought this operation would actually be about missing children due to them being trafficked.
Then I read the article and although it makes clear that some of it was parents kidnapping their own children it also implies there was some kind of sex trafficking operation going on.
Then I went to the USMS press release and from that found it doesn’t seem like the operation had all that much to do with sex trafficking at all. Some of the arrests were non-custodial parents and the others were children themselves. Even the people with allegations, at least the USMS article stops short of saying there is a sexual involvement at all, only that there is involvement with Missing Child Unit minors but doesn’t specify where the involvement is.
While it does say it uncovered allegations of human sex trafficking at the top of the USMS article, you could not assume any of the 4 felony warrants specifically involved the sex trafficking and the only reference to sex trafficking in the rest of the article involves a 14 year old runaway whose parents were ‘concerned’ about her being involved in trafficking.
Yet, from a quick non-analytical read, people would assume there was some big sex trafficking operation of some sort from either article. I’d like to know the actual extent of the sex trafficking from the operation but I’m going to guess that there wasn’t all that much, the goal is public opinion and propaganda, and that is why it doesn’t say more about it than it does.
Does anyone know if VRBO prohibits registered people from using the services? Has anyone had problems with VRBO rental due to being registered, and if so what issues were encountered?
Child s$xually abused at a homeless shelter by a man. Guess what the man was not a registrant either. Well the article did not state he was and I did a search on him also with the federal registry
Williamsport man charged with sexually abusing a child at a homeless shelter | WHP (
I have an time sensitive question. Has anyone left the country on emergency and notified the authorities less than 21 days?
I know that’s the law, but I really need to leave the country at the end of the month and I don’t want to get arrested as local police is known to give you wishy washy advice.
Just watching the news about 17 gangs being responsible for the follow home robberies. These gang members use guns and violence, so why again does the public not know where they live? Does the public really need to know where the person who urinated in public or watched videos that did not physically harm anyone lives? Pathetic!
These are the Karen’s who need to be watched out for since they do much damage before it is too late to stop the momentum. This one is from CA. Read the stats in the article too.
The Karen Who Cried Kidnapping (Apr 2022, Elle)
Investor spills beans on lucrative Prison Industry & Gov’t bribes: “I’ve owned private prisons for 20yrs, single greatest investment vehicle”
Here is what they have learned:
Despite making up close to 5% of the global population, the U.S. has more than 20% of the world’s prison population.
Since 1970, our incarcerated population has increased by 500% – 2 million people in jail and prison today, far outpacing population growth and crime.
Owning a private prison gives an investor a recurring and predictable stream of high margin revenue.
The government contracts are long-term in nature and very lucrative. Managed to make over $35k per prisoner annually.
Let’s breakdown a deal.
Purchased the Eagle Nest Facility in 2008. Total cost was $30 million with 25% down ($7.5 million).
The facility has 1,200 beds implying a cost per bed of only $25,000 (building a new prison is in excess of $150k per bed).
Entered into a perpetual contract with the United States Marshall Services at $20 million per year with 5% escalators per year.
In the first year, generated $5 million in free cash flow, a 67% cash on cash return.
Prison owners get paid per person. The more people the more money.
Here are the economics per person:
– $100/day per person in revenues
– $25/day per person in variable cost
– $35/day per person fixed costs
– $40/day per person in straight margin
To increase my cash flow, spent a significant amount of money on lobbying efforts to win a judge who was hard on crime.
This paid off by the end of year two.
To pay the investor back, the judge sent most young men (higher margin than older men) to the facility.
Cash flow went up 3x.
In four years, turned $7.5 million into a clean $150 million. Took this money and reinvested it into other prisons across southern states.
Today, manage an investment portfolio of over $1.5 billion in prison real estate.
– Get financing from individual investors
– Focus on states “hard on crime”
– Prisoners = money. You need crime to profit
– You can use prisoners to generate ancillary revenues at dirt cheap wages (incredibly high margin)
– Become best friends with judges
The greatest thing about this business is never paid taxes on any of my millions because of the unique U.S. tax law of depreciation on real estate and 1031 gains.
Did I mention that received $35 million in PPP loans that were forgiven?
Greatest business ever.
Just found out we are a Tier 1!!! Because it was a federal CP charge we thought for sure it would be a Tier 3. We have lifetime supervision which we are trying to get off of now. If that happens does anyone know if we can petition to get off the hit list (completed jail time 13 years ago, birthday is April)? The clock starts at the end of your jail time, correct? It doesn’t start after you get released from supervision? Also, has anyone heard of someone getting released from Orange County, CA? I know Janice has said it’s pretty hard if not impossible.
Interesting article. Just one more issue where the US and especially the state I live in (TX) is so backwards as compared to Europe. The article throws cold water on various sex myths in the US believed by the general public.
One statement even states good sex education should avoid “stranger danger” since 93% of abuse is not from strangers.
Sorry for length but I try to get into details that may be helpful for others.
First, I’d like to express how important this site is. When I discovered it, I felt less alone because there are people who are advocating for our lives, our dignity–they aren’t trying to castigate, shun and perpetuate the injustice we face daily. And it’s encouraging to see fellow registrants actively trying to remain positive. retain their vitality and help one another. That’s a miracle considering all we’re up against.
Like many, when I went for my annual registration last year, I received a letter informing me about my tier status. The letter stated I was tier 3, which was wrong. My case was a “wobbler,” dismissed and reduced to a misdemeanor upon completing probation over a decade ago. I had never appeared on the online public registry. I feared that the tier 3 designation would place me on it in late January (once the new legislation took effect), which did happen. (One organization I’m affiliated with found out and severed my membership without any discussion.)
The very day I received the tier designation letter, I contacted my attorney who confirmed that I should: 1) get a Live Scan to see what information the DOJ had on me, 2) get an official copy of the court ruling and 3) submit the official court documents along with the DOJ’s Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy form. I got the Live Scan that same day. A few days later I received the DOJ report and it was, in fact, incorrect–it never updated the dismissal/reduction. I contacted the court and ordered the official record, which I received within a week or so. I immediately submitted the court record along with the Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy form.
I received a response, saying it was under investigation, a week or so later. But then didn’t hear anything for another month, so I sent a letter inquiring about whether they received it, along with another Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy form and my personal official copy of the court record. They answered that letter in about a week, saying that it was still under investigation, and returned everything: letter, 2nd Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy form and my copy of the official court record.
As it was nearing 60 days since I’d submitted the Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy form, I emailed the DOJ. They responded in two days, saying it was under investigation. Two weeks later I received a letter saying the record had been amended.
I asked my attorney if this would automatically correct the tier designation and remove me from the website. She said “nothing is automatic” and that I should send another Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy form to address the incorrect tier designation. But before doing so, I reread the tier status letter I received last year and noticed it actually had a CA sex offenders office PHONE NUMBER, so I called. I got VERY LUCKY. I spoke with an unbelievably nice, respectful person who didn’t at all seem like a cold bureaucrat. I mean, she was kind, courteous and informative.
After getting critical personal information and saying she couldn’t provide any details, she said that, in fact, their office had received the DOJ update, that the update was in process and that, in a couple of days, I could have someone check the website (since we are not allowed to).
My attorney says that the court is backed up and that it’ll take months to get a court date to petition to cease registration altogether. Is that true? Is that other people’s experience? I’m in the Bay area. If so, I’ll just stay on my attorney to keep the process moving.
This is my first time posting something. I hope this can help someone in some small way.
As cliche as it sounds, try to remain positive. These past months have been the most difficult of my life. I didn’t tell anyone, not even my spouse, about being newly listed on the website. I didn’t share anything about all the paperwork, emails and contact with my attorney. I tried staying positive and that was very very very difficult.
Again, stay positive and keep at it–whatever will get you more real justice.
Hello All,
Has anyone out there successfully been granted a 17B WITH a suspended state prison sentence at sentencing or know of someone who has had success in California?
Thank you!
Given the wide range of the forum and its readers, Sen Hawley R-MO is proposing a new law one can see in the Senate Judiciary Committee process today which needs to be opposed, SB3951. It’s a bad bill calling for mandatory minimums without judicial consideration. The dude is clueless. How did he ever get to be MO AG?
I just wanted to share a pet story. Pets, and in my case, a dog, can sense way better than us humans can.
My dog, a Doberman Pinscher, is one of the smartest dogs around. She runs almost 30 mph and is super protective to her “owner” (I hate that word). 3rd smartest, 3rd fastest, but also, by my interactions, 1st in deviousness. She beckons me to throw her toys so she can run to get them but then sits with the toy between her legs daring me to go to her and throw it again.
She will protect me if she senses danger and will protect me in danger (yup, she bites). She is also the most loving animal I have ever had. She has emotions: I can sense when she hurts, when she’s sad, and even when she wants to be left alone. She returns those emotions to me.
I got her for free from a neighbor who locked her in a cage her first 1 1/2 years. She’s almost 5 now. My neighbor couldn’t afford to feed her, I jumped at the chance to have her. I got her free knowing Dobermans are great dogs for protection… however, I paid lots to free her from heart worms and I pay dearly to keep her healthy every year. More than I pay to keep me healthy.
Last night, Roxie woke me up. I have a small house with a back door and doggie door to a back enclosed porch which has a sliding glass door and a doggie door to the back yard. Roxie was kept caged for her first 1 1/2 years; she fears being caged (sigh, I do too). Roxie usually sleeps on the back porch.
She only comes into the house to occasionally say hi, I love you. She also comes in if there is lightning/thunder. Last night she came in, licked my sleeping face and then jumped on top of me (Doberman’s are like that). I thought she was cold as she was shivering. I checked the heater on the back porch… all good. She persisted.
It turns out that a house 3 doors down was on fire, fully engulfed by that time. Roxie wasn’t cold, she was warning me.
Happy Easter weekend all. From all the comments and opinions what have we learned about the sex registry? From the high end spectrum to the low spectrum. While some or many of you all seem to be still disgruntle about this registry. The government and its man made principals and their outlook on the sex offender and the registry in itself. Should we all say change is gonna come.
Myself I was sort of surprised about Janice’s forum. Than came WAR or women against registry and several others. One also has to look at a woman as an advocate. Actually this is going to sound odd but a woman is personified as “Lady Wisdom” in the bible and yes some women can put a man in his place…..Yes I’m sure many are suprised at that also.
We all talk about the ups and downs of the sex registry as if we murdered someone. Well I hate to tell you what the bible says so you look that up yourself but its respect that should go a long ways. Respect of persons.Now tell me how can one respect a database type computer or is it some pinball wizard from Tommy.Guess now its computer judgment or who is blind today.
Myself as I’m sure many others on here wouldn’t like to be in prison, on probation, parole or go thru all these registry hoops that are depressing with its repercussions even this branding is a bit much of this registry. While this type of justice has its faults I am glad to see many are trying to put the pieces of true justice back together in this transgression type law with its many angles. Yes this registry is a bit over the top in many ways. Vain punishment or blind punishment who is punishing who.
A world traveler I watch on YouTube named Itchy Boots travels to many places, many well lost to ya the rest of the world, just saying.
Received a phone call this morning, April 17th, from what I believe is a police impersonator. Just putting this out there for awareness. Be careful and do not respond to these scammers. The phone number was 209-728-6850. I googled the phone number and the web site said this person has seven phone numbers. The caller left a voice mail claiming to be Detective Stevens and had a urgent issue regarding my SOR order.
After being on the registry since I was released from prison in 2005 (conviction was 3/2001) I was told this past week that the state of Utah has said I have “met the requirements of my registration and am no longer required to register”.
I am in a happy shock of course….. but I also have many questions that no one seemed to be able to answer for me.
I found out my accident I am no longer on the state website (yay!)
I am still on in Texas where i picked up my federal charge. The Texas site just says that I moved away to CO in 2009.
Do I still have to do the 21-day SORNA notification? Can I go to parks now? I have been turned down for jobs and housing because my name came up in a search during the application process. Will that change now?
Can I get a new passport without the weird notice? If i travel, will my name pop up still or is the world more open to me? Are there pro bono lawyers I can get a hold of to help me out? Anyone else been through this?
Thanks for your advice!
Police officer arrested for having sex while transporting a prisoner.
Police also notify the officer and his girlfriend that the victim had a STD.
Janice, for the upcoming election in California, do you know which particular candidates are reasonable and which are toxic?
On tonight’s “Rachel Maddow Show” , Ms . Maddow goes on and on about pedophilia… the most repulsive, unthinkable of all human evil, etc, etc … And that it is one of the hallmarks of modern authoritarianism: accusing one’s opponents of being pedophiles. So where does that leave us? Plastered onto the internet, pilloried by our government, reviled by our communities. 🤔
On her show this evening, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow spoke about the phenomenon of Russian authorities accusing political dissidents of “pedophilia,” going so far as to fabricate evidence against them and even planting child porn on their computers which, apparently, can even be performed remotely. I’m not sure just how far removed the U.S. is from such a possibility but we may find out if/when the Qanon movement gets back into power. The point is that “pedophile” hysteria is a powerful movement now in many countries, including our own and we need to take it seriously. They cannot be trusted and we must not be taken in by them.
Bogus scoring of people with a past sex offense to guess pre-crime risk
Scam Alert:
Yesterday I got a text message demanding $50k or they’d alert the media to my criminal convictions and let the world know through social media, as well. Obviously these idiots don’t know that my beloved government already beat them to the punch.
I got screenshots of their threats and blocked the number. Should I even bother reporting them to the Stasi?