WI: Winnebago County unveils plan for million-dollar sex offender housing

Source: fox11online.com 5/5/22

OSHKOSH, Wis. (WLUK) — Million-dollar housing for violent sex offenders could be coming to Oshkosh.

The plan was introduced earlier this week.

“It keeps us from having those uncomfortable conversations in the community that we shouldn’t have to have,” said Winnebago County Executive Jon Doemel.

He’s trying to solve a years-long problem: a place to house violent sex offenders after their sentence is complete.

“There’s no great solution that everybody likes but I think it’s the best solution for a really hard situation,” he offered.

The Winnebago County executive talked on a plan introduced Tuesday night. It’s a proposal for the county to build apartment units in a rural area of Oshkosh.

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Follow the money. Someone is making great bank on this. Probably the politicians, their family members, and friends.

There is no bigger human trafficker in the entire world than Amerika’s criminal regimes. They traffic millions of humans for big $$$$$. They are a danger.

This is my great state!!! Instead of getting rid of the law that restricts “sexually violent” offenders from finding housing….after thier sentice is done. Let’s build housing to keep them imprisoned again. Then they can say they “released” them from the “rehabilitation center” that they were imprisoned after they finished their sentice. No one will ever be free…..

Creating problems to solve. Government at it’s best. Too bad I’m in commercial rather than residential. But I should get some trickle down $ from already overwhelmed residential contractors.

They keep tweaking the predator law and creating these problems for themselves. Better answer is to go back and fix a bad law, or they’ll be building apartments like this forever.

Even more worrying for me is that they don’t do a good job of public education on this. They are clearly talking about people who have been civilly committed as predators, but this will be on the news around here as just generic “sex offender housing” and people will assume that they’ll be housing all offenders.

I’m in LA so my knowledge of current real estate values might be a tad skewed, but how many apartment units would $1 million build?

Doesn’t this sound like Wisconsin is creating an internment camp for sex offenders? Thereby creating a second-level citizen.

How nobody in the Wisconsin government didn’t see this is pretty damned scary. Thank goodness in CA, Janice put up a fight via Re:Taylor to combat a similar problem in San Diego.

I get sick and tired from seeing the term “violent sex offender”. The average person who committed a sex crime did so without violence involved, but it appears the media would like the public to believe everyone is a violent offender and nothing short of a ticking time bomb.
“Violent sex offender” makes one think the person severely beat down and tortured the victim prior to forcibly raping her. I really think those types of crimes are rare. I think most sex crimes involve consenting people, even though the “victim” may be a minor.
Just my 2 cents worth.