Evangelical Christian zealot Kirk Cameron Claims Public Schools Are ‘Grooming’ Kids For ‘Sexual Chaos’ In Bonkers Video

Source: comicsands.com 6/1/22

Getting kids out of public schools is a huge talking point lately.

Parents are questioning whether their kids are safe as shootings and other acts of violence have become terrifyingly common.

They’re questioning the education they’ll get as many states have embraced policies that mean they don’t actually have to teach the truth because it might make White students “uncomfortable.”

They’re questioning whether their kids will get to eat, or maybe end up suffering at their teachers hands.

Child actor turned Evangelical Christian zealot Kirk Cameron is worried about kids in schools too. He has been pushing home schooling as an alternative (conveniently, his own network) but not for any of the fact based reasons above.

He released a video full of concerns about public school; but they center on non-issues that have been long dismissed by most as little more than right-wing fear mongering.

By that, we mean things like “sexual chaos,” “racial confusion” and the belief teachers are pawns for the “progressive left” who are “spreading a terminal disease, not education.”

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Christian Zealot? Nah he’s not a Zealot. A Zealot would be that guy in numbers Phineas that speared that couple for defying the teachings in the tent of the Tabernacle. This guy just wants attention.

Although I have read this article several times, I am still confused about what Kirk Cameron is talking about. Surely he is not saying that all public schools and teachers are bad. Or is he? Given the breadth and depth of his rantings, it is apparent that Mr. Cameron has no credibility and is merely fearmongering in the hopes of supporting his organization. We can only hope that the people who read this article or listen to Mr. Cameron use their critical thinking skills and do not react emotionally.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janice Bellucci

If it wasn’t public (or secular) schools this guy was lamenting, it would be some other denomination. His argument is kind of ambiguous but reminds me of Martin Luther’s orations (beefs) to the Catholic Monks and catechism. Old Luther rejected the idea that offerings or tithe were really evangelical acts ( true act of faith). He also brought and openly condoned married life to preisthood. Old Luther thought God meant for nuns to marry too. Old Martin Luther was a liberal.
However most modern churches do pass the collection plate, especially the larger institutions. Most do good work. I can only withhold my opinion about this man until I read more about him. I was beaten in Illinois public schools in the 70s. They called it corporal punishment and I was subjected to a large shoe leather advertised by the teacher as size 14, or the alternative heavier 18in. wood paddle. The hot seat on several occasions!

Cameron is thought of as a wacko even among evangelicals. His opinions are looked on by most as some “D” list celeb trying to remain relevant. The religious version of Cory Feldman.

Maybe he’s a pals with Josh Duggar.

His acting “career” has dried up, so now he’sa paid crackpot and rabble-rouser for Fox News and those “Q” conspiracy nut-jobs.

I’m not sure how this article relates to our issues. My guess is he is arguing for parents prerogative on what non-educational topics their children should be exposed to in public school, which has nothing to do with the registry as far as I know.

Rants like his reminds me that if we as citizens would learn to read and vote on the issues and stop defending our “political party” we may find ourselves better off.

oh my !!!

Janice I wasn’t going to comment on this Cameron person and yes I’m a bit confused also   about this Evangelical Christian as they call him than this “Anklebiter” person reminds some about Numbers. So is it all about Numbers, or the white person being uncomfortable or are public schools trying to hid the truth even about sexual kayos. Guess journalism in school today is a no, no factor. And no Tim its not all about religion or denomination but it is about truth. Should sex even be taught in school?

Sure many schools have gotten away from the “rod” or whippings in school systems, became more laxed and sure teachers have the rights to send a person to the office for disciplinary reasons. The sexual issues, the history of our nation is truth and I’m afraid to say slavery was a part of it. Even the buying and selling there of. Yes just like the book of Numbers America has had its wars and many have been bloody. Would that make others uncomfortable no matter what race they are, or would law and criminal justice be a bit more uncomfortable to some.So whos’ getting fair justice today. The one that goes on a rampage with their car or the one that checks out the sexual immorality of the internet and than sneaks around a bit unjustly. Guess one would say thats database justice for ya or is it stepping over others.