FL: Martin County sheriff wants to push out registrants who were pushed out of other counties

Source: wptv.com 6/7/22

MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — Martin County commissioners Tuesday will consider expanding the distance registered sex offenders in the county have to live from playgrounds, schools and day care centers.

Current registered sex offenders living in the county would be grandfathered into the new rule, if it is approved.

Sheriff William Snyder is asking the county to change the requirement from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet away.

“The reason we’re doing that is because we’ve interviewed predators and offenders coming in to register, which they’re required to by law, and they’ve told us unequivocally they’re here in Martin County because it’s easier to find a place to live,”

He feels it is one way to keep children safe in Martin County.

However, advocates for homeless populations claim it is already hard enough finding housing for registered sex offenders and that they do need homes.

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Take action, Florida registrants and supporters! Show up at these Martin County meetings. Also call and write! If not you, then who? If you don’t push back, they will continue to act like unopposed Nazis.

The very fact Americans even allow this shows the constitution for citizens is about as good as toilet paper, and that said country is turning into a new age Nazi Germany, with its banishment’s under the false idea they’re protecting anyone.

Yeah, lets tackle and address ANYTHING but guns.

Election season anyone?

F*ck the police. Why would anyone ever support them? They say, “See something, say something.” That’s hilarious. I think the opposite should be promoted. The police can be on their own and I’ll continue to work with other people and groups that are keeping resources from them.

There are no legitimate governments that have Registries. Let’s vote these big government loving, anti-American f*cks out of office.

The United States systemically interred (incarcerated) a hundred thousand Japanese-Americans on the belief that some might be collaborators with Japan during the war. We also supported segregation of Black Americans in public life and their widespread incarceration under the perception that they were inferior or perhaps even a menace to society.

Today we recognize that our treatment of these groups has been unjust, and we’re making progress to change, but we also need to recognize that we’ve not truly changed until we can respect the inherent dignity of all people. People should be held accountable for criminal behavior, but to violate a person’s autonomy and freedoms after they’ve done all that the criminal justice system has asked of them is a perpetuation of these evils we’ve committed in our past as a nation.

Also, why would anyone ever allow these Martin County law enforcement criminals (LECs) to “interview” them, as criminal sheriff William Snyder said?

Never, ever speak to LECs. Only give the information that is forced, by “law”, and do that only in writing. Never speak to them. They lie and misconstrue. Remember who the enemies of Americans are.

I want to say to all the politicians and law enforcement that are causing these housing problems in Florida to go f@ck themselves and go find another line of work – you guys are the problem.

[Moderators warning: We will be enforcing more strongly our requirement to use valid email addresses when anyone submits comments]

It’s pretty obvious where this thing is going…if 2,500 ft is approved, then hey, why not 3,000 ft…or 4,000 ft…or heck, why not the entire county. As far as the idiots proposing and supporting these ridiculous restrictions are concerned, registrants shouldn’t be allowed to live *anywhere* outside of prison…if we are “allowed” to live at all. It’s astounding the sheer level of ignorance and fear people have about being anywhere near even a single registrant, as though all the “bad guys” in the world are “conveniently listed” now. Americans have become some of the most paranoid and misinformed people on earth…and are damn proud of it, apparently.

Last edited 2 years ago by nobody special

Is there something in the water that turns Floridians into inquisitionists?

So “sex offenders and predators” will be required to reside 2,500 feet from schools, playgrounds, and daycare centers — but they also may presumably live in the same house as their own children or in the same neighborhood as any number of children. Because “sex offenders and predators” apparently are only tempted to do what everyone knows “sex offenders and predators” are wont to do while children are at parks, schools, or daycare centers. Brilliant!

Here we go AGAIN!! Another sheriff using people with sex offenses to pick on so that he can make it ‘appear’ to the public that he is actually doing something to prevent crime and get a pat on the back.
More law enforcement baloney to feed to the masses to keep them fat and well fed and keep himself in office.

Last edited 2 years ago by David