IL: Former B-N piano teacher sentenced to life in 2nd sexual assault case 8/1/22

A former piano teacher serving 450 years for sexual assault of one of his students was sentenced to life in prison Monday for similar charges related to a second student.

Aaron ____ , 41, was convicted in April in connection with an ongoing sexual relationship with a minor girl that lasted years and began when she was a minor.

The life term handed down by Judge Casey Costigan is in addition to the 450 years Aaron received in January, also given by Costigan.

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At what point will someone weigh the option: should [they] let this person go after sexually harming them, or do [they] kill them [to get a shorter sentence if caught]?
Yes this man belongs in prison, I just questioned if this sends the wrong message.

I see once again how the Useless Registry did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in preventing these victims from being sexually assaulted from this former piano teacher.

I would not be surprised at all that the victims’ parents looked him up online and Megan’s Law Website and found NOTHING on him before letting him teach their kids. How sad the Registry is nothing more than a USELESS Security Blanket and offers NO PROTECTION AT ALL at the expense of taxpayers and people forced to register.

Today’s parents use the Registry in exchange for real vigilance – and at what cost? Damaged traumatized children is what…while the government makes money, politicians get votes, and the masses get dumber.

Second offense? So he was a RSO, and the public registry did what to protect society? All the public registry does is destroy the lives of people who may have done something inappropriate at one time in their life, or made a poor or impulsive decision around their human sexuality a decade or two ago. The majority of the one millon people on the registry did a single instance. Those that are generally classed as repeat violent offenders end up like this guy, spending life in an institution, so the public takes their wrath out on those who would not repeat their error, they are unable to find decent employment, housing, or relationships–all the essential to prevent someone from re offending. In other words, the registry makes things less safe by preventing people from moving past their bad judgement.

Serving 450 years for sexual assault? Christ, murderers routinely get a fraction of that.

Once again I have said you don’t wake up one day and start molesting people or kids. You Born that way or taught that way. So it took 41 years to catch this human. Who did not kill anyone. But had sex with a minor /a teenager for years. So now it appears to be a problem. So johnny and suzie see a age difference and johnny is sent way to prison.