CA: Lakeside neighbors furious over home housing sex offenders

SAN DIEGO — Frustration and worry have grown in Lakeside over a home that is housing a group of registered sex offenders in a family neighborhood.

Neighbors say they checked the California Megan’s Law website, and were surprised to learn five sex offenders were living in the home.  Some reached out to CBS 8 for answers as to why they weren’t notified.

“I’m so angry about this, it’s not fair,” said Jeanette.

Lakeside neighbors are fuming after learning five registered sex offenders are living under this roof on Sesi Lane in Lakeside.

“Children, grandchildren, women, we are all active and we are afraid,” said Jeannette.

She shared her frustration with her neighbor Erica who is a mother of young children.

“I have family. We feel like our kids can’t go outside,” said Erica.

Neighbors say they didn’t learn about this until they recently went to the California Megan’s Law website and found five registered sex offenders living in the home.

What, we have to check Megan’s Law all the time? That’s wrong too,” said Jeannette.

On Sunday, Lakeside neighbors held a rally to protest the home.

“How was this approved, who knew about it? No one in the neighborhood because I would like to give them a piece of my mind,” said Jeannette.

We went to The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation who says the re-entry home opened in July 2022 and falls under the state’s Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming and says up to six people can live in a home which is aimed to reduce recidivism.

She also clarified the sex offender registry laws and restrictions on their living arrangements.

“Per Penal Code section 3003.5(a), a person released on parole who is required to register pursuant to Section 290 may not reside in a single-family dwelling with any other person also required to register, unless they are related,” wrote Simas. “A residential treatment facility which serves six or fewer persons is not considered a “single family dwelling” and is authorized to house and treat up to six registrants.”

CBS 8 spoke with Senator Brian Jones who is working to find out how this happened and if the laws were followed.

“My staff is working on it, as we speak, to figure out how this happened, why it happened, if they did follow the law, what I can do as the representative of that neighborhood,” said Jones. “The bottom line is, is we need to change the laws that allow this to happen in the first place.”

The full report can be read here


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Last I knew, anyone who doesn’t feel safe in whatever neighborhood they live in for whatever reason is free to move out of it. Personally, I don’t recognize any supposed right to choose you neighbors – they have just as much right to live where they want as anyone else.

A side, but related issue is wondering how any government that imposes residence restrictions on 80% of residential areas has any standing to complain when the restricted population clusters in the small areas that remain. The legislators are mostly (failed) lawyers and likely think they’re the smartest people in the universe, so how did they not foresee that problem?

Last edited 2 years ago by Dustin

This community ruckus is the end result of decades of misinformation of the stranger danger myth infecting the minds of the communities and governments -both local and federal. This newest idiot parade of protestors is fully distracted by pariah-labeled Registrants over in one corner of their community while their kids are left vulnerable to actual predators in their midst – in the form of a teacher, police officer, a family member, coach, doctor, etc…ALL of them not on the Registry.

This Registry Scam have bamboozled society for decades – protecting no one – at the expense of taxpayers and at the expense of the vulnerable – while politicians reap huge votes and police get additional funding for putting on a show that they are protecting the public…

The registry is just to notify the public about registrants. From this article, it does more than notify the public. The registry now creates animus. The purpose of the re-entry house is to help reduce recidivism. How can that happen when the public sees you as highly dangerous and wants you out of their neighborhood, basically ostracizing you from the get go.

This feels like a deterrence and retributive outcome. And they say the registry isn’t punitive.

One can chose to live their life in fear or love. I bet half this country lives in some sort of fear. How sad to go through life living in fear. Fear becomes dominate over the analytical part of the brain. Hatred comes from fear. Discrimination in any form comes from fear. Violence comes from fear.

On another note, as an adult I have met as friends or as a dating partner more than one lady who had some sort of abuse when a minor. Every single situation shared with me was NOT with a stranger but was with someone they knew and trusted.

Take a good look at these people they don’t look scared to me, if you zoom in you can see a lil girl holding A sign she looks so confused, I can’t believe these people brought a child to a sex offender protest, can you imagine the teacher asking her what did you do over the weekend, “I stood in 90° Whether holding a sign that said 3 sex offenders live here, it was fun”

LOL, Lakeside is the Methamphetamine capital of San Diego. I bet there are several meth labs in the same vicinity. Most of these concerned parents will have their kids offered meth in school by the time they are in high school, many of their kids will be addicted to it, and I won’t even talk about the fentynal. If these people would do a little research and turn off the fear mongering news, then they would find out that only about 3% of people on the registry re offend. Most become very respectable citizens–if they are ever given the chance to do so.

I sent an email yesterday in regards to their hack journalism.

here is their email:

From the looks of those people in the photo , they weren’t notified of the dangers of eating fast food everyday either……..😎

these Karens and Darens need to get a life , The people on the registry are not the issue other than its a fact that the registry makes no one safer . what about the real danger of many of the finger pointers could very well be of some kind of danger , why can’t they just be adults that watch over their kids? like no matter who or what is around there could be danger so grow up and be a parent and watch their kids they are the ones that chose to have kids SO get your butt out there and keep them safe from all the dangers you can. but don’t expect the whole world to change just because you chose to have children , might not be a bad idea to watch out for yourself either while driving because you never know , at least these people are not on a hate list ! how are people on the list going to be safe ? no one to help us or our family that are often targeted by many killed /harmed , cars/houses ruined , this can be changed by getting rid of of this worthless registry and let people move on with better jobs , better housing , the change that really needs to happen is if someone feels they need help should just be able to go get that help no questions ask , but putting people on some list helps no one other than already to many laws and over sized Gov’t