CA: Number of CA Registrants Continues to Drop Although at Slower Than Expected Rate

Source: ACSOL

The Tiered Registry Law was passed by the California state legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 2017.  That law became effective more than four years later in January 2021.  An integral part of the Tiered Registry Law is the ability of some, but not all, registrants to petition for removal from the registry starting on July 1, 2022.

According to a report made today by the California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) during a monthly meeting of the California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB), the state agency tasked with implementation of the Tiered Registry Law, a total of 3,984 petitions for removal from the registry have been filed as of September 14, 2022.  Of that total, 2,012 petitions have been granted and 174 petitions have been dismissed or denied.  In addition, there are 1,798 petitions pending throughout the state.  

CASOMB Board Member and retired public defender Ellen Coleman stated she believes the number of petitions that have been filed is low.  She also added that several public defense attorneys have reported to her multiple problems with the petitioning process.  She then urged CASOMB to create a committee to address this issue.

Also during the CASOMB meeting, CA DOJ reported that the total number of registrants in California is 107,573 which is 967 fewer registrants reported as compared to a report by  CA DOJ three months ago.  Of that total, there are 79,717 registrants who are not in custody and of that total there are 19,436 registrants who are in violation because they failed to register in a timely manner.  Also of that total, there are 6,837 registrants who are homeless.  

The California Department of Corrections (CDCR) reported during the CASOMB meeting that there are 6,976 registrants on parole.  All registrants on parole are required to wear a GPS device even if their current offense is not a sex offense.  Of that total, there are 3,370 registrants who are considered high risk.

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well Ill bet if you get rid of the lame assed LIFE for a 311 charge the registry will drop Id be willing to bet 20-30% !!

Maybe if they would get the TBD fixed they would see more people apply to be removed

My petition was granted in April and received my official copy shortly afterward, however, I never received any letter from DOJ. Yesterday I called DOJ, and they never received the petition from the court. They apparently call the my PD office, and they fax a copy to them, and I was removed from the website, today. There appears to be a problem of whom supposed to send the granted petition to DOJ.

I have to wonder: does the CASCOMB know that some persons forced to register, who have only one single MISDEMEANOR conviction, are being placed onto the same tier as someone who, for example, has multiple convictions of raping a small child (Tier 3) for life???
If not, maybe we need to make them aware of this ludicrous nonsense!!!
This is lunacy!!!

Did we ever get numbers on Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3? If it’s dropping slower than expected, that’s on the DOJ; they made this mess.

I seriously hope we can get 1203.4 off the registry or at least lower the tier. That has to be a significant chunk

Although streamlining the process would be nice, I believe the state should be using its resources to discover who else should qualify for the petition since they own all the information in their central database. Then, they need to go to each registrant, provide them with the paperwork, and give them a number to call such as the public defender’s office. If the police are adamant about compliance checks, then they can be adamant about going to give out Tier registration relief checks.

It just feels wrong that the state collects so much info on you, but the state neglects to inform you when you are up for relief.

Well, I would be running to LA, if I where you. It’s a very liberal county and unless you have multiple arrests; your request will be granted! One of my neighbors is a DA/I’ve asked him questions when I obtained a COR. I’m surprised more people haven’t applied. Like I noted from a past comment via Janice, I think a lot of people are unaware of this website and probably unaware of the laws! Or, possibly many people may not have $ the resources to pay an attorney! I’ve gone on the Megan’s law website and seen several people with the sane charges or convictions as myself online? The million dollar question is, how do we get the word out? In Ca, we have the most liberal Governor & the LA County DA is both very liberal and open to rehabilitation. I personally may have lived in OC, but registered a friends address in LA/because I used the 2 address law to my advantage! Good luck

I have a court hearing today, it’s the last day the DA has to respond I’ma call my lawyer when I get off work, I’m Hella nervous because I have two felony FTR’s that I got reduced to a misdemeanor and then eventually dismissed.
Will see if the DA acknowledges the 17b and the 1203.4 🤔

Last edited 2 years ago by Aeropost

About four years ago, the “sex offender” population in California was no more than 105,000. Over time, it still is growing, at 107,573 currently, even with all the petitions granted. That’s why I don’t trust CASOMB, SARATSO, and/or the Department of “Justice’s” numbers. They are misleading.

And how many more are added each day to this List? The registry has to be abolished or it will grow and grow, despite those getting off. Wasn’t there an article about 140 arrests during some “operation” just recently?

If they made tier 1s automatic, Tier 2s a simple court a filing and appearance with arguments in front of a judge, things would be much more streamlined.