Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Sept 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
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Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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Why is the General Comments section broken up by months when the posts aren’t as far as I know, specific to the month? It would be easier to find older comments if they were in one section. While I’m sure you have your reasons, I can think of no other forum that does it this way.
So I submitted a Record Review Live scan back in early July and as of yet I still haven’t received anything. I checked the status on their website using my ATI number and it says it was completed back then.
I emailed them about my status and they replied that they had mailed me the results right away. Which means it got lost in the mail.
Asked if they could send me another copy because I never received it and hopefully they’ll agree. I have the Post Office Informed Delivery service where you get an email with the image of what’s coming in the mail that day. Nothing ever showed up there from the DOJ so I didn’t miss it. Maybe they didn’t even send it.
They better not ask me to resubmit… cost me $85!
Hi everybody, I have a quick question. The new tier laws went into effect Jan 1st of this year. According to the updated law for tier two, it states:
“(c) (1) With respect to a person who has been convicted of the commission or the attempted commission of any of the offenses listed in, or who is otherwise described in, paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 290 and who is a tier two offender, and with respect to a person who has been convicted of the commission or the attempted commission of Section 647.6, the Department of Justice shall make available to the public via the Internet Web site his or her name and known aliases, a photograph, a physical description, including gender and race, date of birth, criminal history, the community of residence and ZIP Code in which the person resides or the county in which the person is registered as a transient, and any other information that the Department of Justice deems relevant, but not the information excluded pursuant to subdivision (a) or the address at which the person resides, except that information about persons required to register as a result of an adjudication as a ward of the juvenile court pursuant to Section 290.008 shall not be made available on the Internet Web site.”
So according to this, tier two should only have their ZIP code shown on Megan’s law. But currently, tier two offenders (including me) are still having their full address shown on the website.
Is there anyway we can fight against this and force the state DOJ to update their website?
Well I had a pleasant happening today. While sitting outside a café I frequent, I heard my name called out. It was 2 of my former probation officers ( I had 3 over 3 yrs ). They actually walked over and said “hello”. They asked how I was doing and I invited them to sit with me. They did for a few minutes ( out of courtesy I’m sure ). They both agreed that in their opinion I was a model probationary and said they were really pleased that I was getting through all of this. Interestingly, one said that she didn’t feel I deserved the registry, which kind of surprised me that she would voice that opinion given her job. Santa Clara county has a probation dept. just for sex offenders. When they got up to leave I thanked them and one even stepped over and gave me a polite hug and wished me well. All in all a nice experience that made me feel a little more “normal” if even for a short while.
I hope more of you have positive experiences and would be inclined to post them here. It gets kind of old hearing the same old blah blah blah from those looking for the black hole of negativity in all of this. You all know who you are.
Here we are headed into the fall midterms and the tough on crime narratives are beginning to ramp up. Campaign season is heating up and that usually means task forces and sex offenders.
Attorneys for wrongfully convicted man file petition with Supreme Court to allow lawsuit against Williamson County
man took a plea deal was on the registry is now off and is pleading to have Supreme Court to pick up the case so he can sue the county.
Im 65 days into my petition process, I’m guessing I made it past, Riversides & Los Angels PD, now my petition goes to the DA and I wait another 55 days, to see what the Riverside & Los Angels DA office is gonna do.
Oh puh-leeaze.🙄😒
Nirvana Wins Lawsuit Over Naked Baby on ‘Nevermind’ Album Cover
What if plaintiff (“child sexploitation victim”) had never been informed he was the photo baby? Would he still have been “traumatized” by an event of which he had no recollection? Or would you have gone on living his life as an average person of no specific significance?
Or what if some other child’s parents had inaccurately informed their child that he was “cover baby”? Then he could have been traumatized with no actual transgression ever having actually occurred! 🤨 But, I guess like a phobia, it would be “real” to him because he would believe it was real. 🤷🏻♂️
Hmmm, gets a bit complicated and confusing sometimes, doesn’t it? 🤔
I have lots of ideas. Sometimes so many that it causes me to be unforgivably rude even to people gracious enough to call me. A character flaw that has brought me much shame before, and did so again fairly recently. 🙁
I submitted this idea just a bit ago, but buried in replies. Thought I would put in a more visible place. It deals with the idea of International opinion about the registry. Opinion that could be quite negative and alarming to some of our peer Nation states.
The registry could be viewed as a pogrom. That is not a misspelling of “program”, a pogrom is quite different. Google it if you are unsure of its meaning.
The Registry has been proven to create and facilitate numerous harms to those forced to register. These harms have included:
Forced vacation of otherwise legally held premises. No specific reason provided why an individual should be required to vacate, only an unsubstantiated theory that it was needed. A theory that never had validity, and has been proven to be unneeded and counterproductive to the stated goals of the system. Yet it is still done, even in unofficial capacity by agents of the government (Florida Sheriff? Acting legally?) A classic pogrom tactic used in:
Nazi Germany
Former Russian Empire (original pogrom)
Former USSR
Various totalitarian regimes thought the world
Facilitates vigilant attacks that have resulted in multiple murders. The pogrom provides vigilantes with the means and motive by posting information on the ML Website. Sound anything like the Nazi Star of David requirements, but updated for the 21st century? Despite multiple proven instances of vigilante attacks, the state has no interest in changing the system that facilitates these attacks. Another classic pogrom feature.
It defames, slurs, dehumanizes, even demonizes registrants and their families, which further motivates vigilante violence and harassment. This defaming is widely practiced throughout the public media, with no State attempt to stop this or correct the inaccuracies. Registrant demonization is tolerated, and even practiced by agents of government ( Again Florida Sheriff). Registrants or the only group in the Nation where this is nearly universally accepted. Yet another classic pogrom tactic.
The State encourages and assists in unlimited surveillance by the citizens of registrants. Citizens that are untrained, unsupervised, given no instruction on what is allowed and what is not. The State insists that this is needed despite countless thousands of acts of harassment, false accusations, illegal attempts to control the movements and presence of registrants, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, threats of violence, and actual violence. These impacts are often shared by family and friends. More Pogrom tactics. The state tolerates and assists in creating a climate of fear and anxiety that registrants have no escape from, which is shared by family and friends.
The State makes no effort to provide any protection from any form of vigilantism, preferring to allow it to occur, then investigating any claims, taking action only when the act is substantiated and warranted. The state denies or disregards the fact that the majority of abuse suffered by registrants and their families can never be substituted. The state refuses and denies that this system creates the same abusive environment as was experienced by African-Americans during the Jim Crow era (an earlier American pogrom). During the Jim Crow pogrom, the vast majority of abuse suffered by African-Americans was unreported because it could not be proven, police indifference or for fear of retaliation. the same conditions exist for registrants and their families, but is denied or ignored by the State.
The State pogrom requires regular updates of personal information to be made in person to Law Enforcement officers. In addition to regularly scheduled updates, event driven updates are also required to be made in person, such as change of address. There are no alternatives to in person updates. Failure to perform these updates typically requires incarceration. There are few, if any, excuses accepted by the State for failure. Failure can be viewed as a Federal offence requiring multi-year incarceration. A penalty that can, and often does exceed the penalties the registrants may have faced for the original offense that placed them on the registry. This pogrom has resulted in thousands of failures resulting in decades, or possibly centuries of combined incarceration. Despite the trivial nature of the technical violation, and the onerous burden needed to avoid this incarceration, the State continues to maintain and expand these requirements. Another classic pogrom tactic, make you go to the cops all the time and jail you if you don’t.
The State has engaged in incarceration of individuals beyond their prison term in hospitals. These incarnations often vastly exceed their prison sentence, and can be for the reminder of the incarnated individuals life. The State considers this “Treatment for psychological abnormalities”, a term created by the State and applied only to individuals that are registry mandated individuals. The “treatment” goals are ambiguous and often unobtainable. Thus requiring the “treatment” to continue for the remainder of their life. Classic Stalin era tactic. Put them in a “Hospital”, keep them there as “patience” until they die.
Travel plans must be reported to Law Enforcement prior to departure. The Registrant is equired to disclose where they are going, where they will be staying, with whom they will be staying (if visiting a residence), and how long they will be gone. Once the registrant arrives, they must report to Law Enforcement, who have been made aware of their arrival date. Once at the destination, the registrant is subject not local requirements and restrictions, that may be different and unknown to the registrant. Thus creating not only a risk of breaking s local restriction, but also leaving the registrant at the mercy of the citizens who may demand compliance with invented rules that the registrant cannot be sure is real or not. Law Enforcement have also been known to misinform visiting registrants, referencing laws that do not exist, but insisting be obeyed. Allowing these law enforcement individuals to control the movements and behaviors of the registrant beyond the scope of actual law. The presence of the registrant may also be announced to the community by law enforcement, thus inviting harassment of the registrant and their host. Another classic pogrom move, shame and threaten their allies! Manipulation of their ignorance of actual law!
The State has repeatedly insisted this system is vital to the safety of the citizenship. They have also repeatedly ignored that the necessity they claim this system addresses has been repeatedly disproven. They have also consistently ignored ever mounting evidence that the system provides no benefit to any of its stated goals. Neither of these facts have brought about any discussion of abandonment or replacement of the system. It simply persists and expands. Another classic pogrom tactic…ignore anything that gets in the way!
I could go on, but you get the idea I hope. There are Numerous parallels to various pogroms that have been used in the past by various nations, including the US.b Obviously the US is unwilling to acknowledge these similarities. I wonder if the community of Nations would be so dismissive? Pogroms are often condemned by free Nations. Sometimes Nations will even grant asylum status to those that suffer under pogroms. If that happened, condemnation and maybe asylum offers…that would be hard to ignore. Right?
Anyone ever explain this system, and it’s realities to our peer nations and asked what they thought? Some of them may agree… even if not officially.
We need some movement in Texas.
Hi Ms. Janice I ask you this question a couple months I was unsure if you answered because I can’t find it. But in Texas I was place on deferred adjudication probation in 1997 when I was 18 for indecency with a child by contact and aggravated assault sexual she was 13. I been registering for over 25 years. I’ve all ways been in compliance with the registration rule a laws. Also never been arrested again for a felony crime. If I decide to move to California can I petition the court to be removed off the registry in California? Since I’ve already be registering for over 25 years? Crazy question but can’t I petition before I move there so I know answer that way I can decide if I want to make that gamble? Hope you’re able to answer those questions.. thanks for your time and help.
The Hit Lists have made me mentally ill. Perhaps I let it happen though.
I worked a lot of hours in my office today and had the news on the television throughout. The Hit Lists have really, really developed deep schadenfreude within my psyche. I have an insane disdain for Amerikans that I do not know. When I see an Amerikan that I don’t know talking, I immediately assume that the person likely thinks the Hit Lists are fine and is a dumb, hateful, awful person. That makes it easy for me to not care about them.
There was so much bad stuff on the news. But a lot of it brings me pleasure. I have to be honest with myself that is how I feel. I don’t like that but it is what I feel. I have been questioning if I care to try to change that.
I see widespread pain and problems in Amerika today. But maybe most of it is self inflicted? I have a lot of empathy and I’ll continue focusing on helping only people that I know deserve it.
@New Person (or others) – I have bought this up a few times. I know that “the right to privacy” is the number one issue someone should address. In the meantime, though, can someone who is more knowledgeable about reading laws look into PC1203.425 again. This is a new law, commencing July 1 of 2022. It addresses the AUTOMATIC conviction relief via expungement for those who qualify, meaning there is no petition needed to apply for a 1203.4. I do understand, that the “AUTOMATIC” relief does not apply to anyone who has to register as a “registrant” (no surprise here). BUT, it does say that for those who do not qualify for automatic relief, the traditional 1203.4 (meaning one has to petition) is still available and treated the same as the new law of automatic relief, for those who qualify. It emphasizes again that no information shall be disseminated to anyone besides the person to whom the relief is granted or a criminal agency. There are a few other exceptions, but none are about the registry. PC290.007 is no longer valid as written, so the part about still having to register despite a 1203.4 should no longer be cited since that same law states that only a COR will relieve you of the duty to register, and we all know a COR no longer does this.
Police captain had to problem wasting tax payer money. Authorities round up registered sex offenders in Benton County, accuse them of noncompliance
N.J. cops used baby DNA to crack a sex assault case. But did they cross a line? We asked a molecular biologist
really good article with the complexity of DNA issues. Not being used as intended. Anyway apparently the child father allegedly assaulted a child in 96’ they used blood collected from his child at the hospital when born, then without a warrant they do a DNA sample to see if the father is potentially a suspect and a crime. Public [Defender’s Office] is suing to see how often this happens
Oh puh…leaz! 🙄 We all know the US Marshals dress up in their full riot gear glory and spend all their time harassing individuals who are exactly where they say they are, living their law-abiding lives. Idiots for compliance checks.🙄
Today I was watching some spinoff of how to catch a predator episodes, they had it set up in a comical way and I realize because of this show people force to register have been suffering for you years.
@ Janice is there any possible way you and chance can start A YouTube podcast, Just in California alone you’d have 147,000 subscribers and bring in Hella money 🤔
Just yesterday I was informed that I no longer need to register. I’m lucky I’m in bako so our public defender did all the leg work. There is hope. I’m a 288(a) the process started end of March. I’ve been registering since 1997. If there’s any questions I’ll come back to this later.
Good to see Psychology Today combating a myth a bit more…Good article for its own posting on here too.
Fighting the “Stranger Danger” Myth, Sept 3, 2022, Psychology Today
“In fact, it is estimated that only 7% of all child abuse is perpetrated by a stranger. One report found that of children who were sexually abused:
34% were sexually abused by a family member
59% were sexually abused by someone known to them
7% were sexually abused by a stranger
Furthermore, focusing on stranger danger neglects to include the fact that one third of all sex crimes against minors are perpetrated by another minor and that up to 12% of individuals report that they were sexually abused by a woman.
Court case where they allowed a registrant to use an alias online for his social media account in U.K. The defendant reasons mirror very much a lot of our own.
Michigan is closing one prison down (Ionia) and shutting half of Adrian due to low recidivism rates. Lowest in 30 years. Googled lowest recidivism rates and sex offenses was listed with others. Story said, “opposite of current belief.”. Wonder if legislatures could take time out of vacation spot “seminars” long enough to read what’s on line about recitivism rates and finally admit the truth about sex offenses. (Then do what’s right and abolish the registry).Something we all know already. They should abolish it, more and more LE and politicians are getting charged. I take self serving reasons, I’ll take any reason for it being shut down.
Update on Utah Registry Fee Administrative Offset Case:
Appeal was dismissed on 29 Aug 2022.
The State convinced the District Court that it was protected by Sovereign Immunity under the Eleventh Amendment and that I was suing them. The statute allowing a party from an informal administrative hearing to “appeal” (Petition for Judicial Review) to the District Court, in which the statute states, “…the Petition shall name the agency…as the Respondents…” is not a waiver of immunity.
Although the Utah Administrative Procedures Act (UAPA) requires that the State Agency be named as the respondent on Judicial Review, that does not make them the defendant in the underlying administrative case. Plus many Appellate Court decisions in Utah allowing such appeals from informal administrative hearings under the UAPA – this judge decided he knew better than the higher Courts who have already ruled on the issue.
He decided that a UAPA Petition for Judicial Review was not an appeal (appeals are not barred by the Eleventh Amendment) even though I cited 10 cases from the Utah Supreme and Appeals Courts stating that these Judicial Reviews are [b][i]appeals[/i][/b] of administrative decisions. He decided it was a lawsuit against the state instead.
Additionally, he decided that I was the aggressor in the matter. However, the State Agency sent me a summons which stated that I could file a [i]response[/i], the time that response was due, that I could request a hearing, and that I could “appeal any decision to the District Court.” If I failed to file a response or request a hearing the statute states that you are in default and a judgment will be entered against you. We had such hearing and I raised constitutional defenses, which they said they could not rule on as an executive branch agency and that the Court would have to decide it on appeal in their written decision. The judge had a copy of this summons, their written decision, and I cited the statute several times. However, once we got to Court on “appeal,” the State flipped the switch and argued that I was suing them instead of appealing their decision/agency action.
Therefore, in Utah a state agency can seize your property to pay for their registry fee, when such law was not on the books at the time of your conviction. They can take said property without providing a meaningful hearing where you can present defenses, such as constitutional defenses like due process and ex post facto. And, although they state in the summons and statute that you are the respondent/defendant, that you can appeal the administrative decision on “any constitutional issues…unconstitutional agency action…or when the statute the agency action is based in unconstitutional, facially or as applied…” – its a lie because the Eleventh Amendment bars you from getting relief against the State agency because the statute says you have to name the agency and not an individual agent.
So, off to appeal this decision to the Utah Court of Appeals or Utah Supreme Court we go. “…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” – Fourteenth Amendment.
Can someone tell me how many days I am allowed to visit Indiana before I would be required to register? It appears to be seven, but I’m not a lawyer and I’d rather have some person on this forum who is smarter than me (and that’s a lot of you) check the statute and tell me how they interpret it. Here’s the actual statute:
Thank you!
Apparently Price club members and nonmembers can longer mingle
Dennis! Kucinich Files Lawsuit Against Website Creators Who Associated Him with Sex Offender During 2021 Mayoral Campaign
Central Prison on lockdown after Inmates beat convicted sex offender to death
could be gang or gambling related though. Or the other g