Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Sept 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Apparently this lady has not been paying attention ?_amp=true
Steven Whitsett was granted Asylum in Germany partially due to Florida’s registry violating international human rights.
Update on his YT channel Common Sense Laws
More on 1203.4 and the registry.
Part 1. =====
subdivision (D) of division (3) of subsection (a):
Key phrase: “except to the person whose conviction was granted relief or a criminal justice agency.”
Section 852.92 does not list Sex Offender Registration officer as a criminal justice agency. Why? Because under law, we are no longer considered criminals once you are no longer under custody.
Note, 1203.4 has always stated the accusation or information against the defendant shall be dismissed. I am using 1203.425 to share explicitly what a dismissed accusation/info does.
Part 2. =====
Conditions of disclosure under General Privacy Laws
Civil Code 1798.24
An agency shall not disclose any personal information in a manner that would link the information disclosed to the individual to whom it pertains unless the information is disclosed, as follows:
Here, we see the delineation between law enforcement and regulatory agencies. A regulatory agency is not a criminal agency.
Key phrase: “unless the disclosure is otherwise prohibited by law.”
Conclusion =====
CA has been violating its “right to privacy” laws since its inception in 1972 with respect to the registry pursuant to PC 1203.4. No one has taken this position before of utilizing “right to privacy”.
1203.4 and 1203.425 “shall not disclose information concerning a conviction” except to the defendant or criminal justice agency. CC 1798.24 states sharing information is prohibited by law that is prohibited pursuant to 1203.4.
Therefore, PC 290.5, PC 290.007, and SB 384 are unconstitutional laws as they violate CA Const. Sec 7(b) and Sec 9 pursuant to “right to privacy” and PC 1203.4.
……. CA Const. Art 1, Sec 7 (b): A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens. Privileges or immunities granted by the Legislature may be altered or revoked.
……. CA Const. Art 1, Sec 9: A bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts may not be passed.
Extra =====
PC 1203.425 appears to violate CA Const Sec 7(b) by omitting eligible registrants from qualifying for the automatic dismissal program when eligible registrants do qualify for 1203.4, a manual dismissal process. This feels like an easy case to win since the progenitor 1203.425 is 1203.4.
Oh My Gawd, Grady Judd!!!
You A-G-A-I-N???? 😲😳
Get a f@#king life!!!!!
Disney, Publix workers among 13 arrested in Florida child sex crimes sting (Sept. 15, 2022)
Un-f’king-believable!! 😖🤬
These sex stings must really get his rock off!! 🤮
I have a concern about the clean slate laws in PA and other states that have similar laws for people convicted of felonies and misdemeanor crimes. I have really wanted to get my records sealed or erased. It seems the clean slate law discriminates against SO’s. Other felons have the right to have their records sealed or erased but not SO’s. This should be something the ACSOL and others should start to focus on eventually.I am at the moment not on the reg. Who knows what’s to come with the new sorna regulations in the future. I don’t at the moment have to worry about employers or other organizations seeing my face and info plastered on the hate list but, I am always worried about background checks when interviewing. Gyms, apartment applications, campgrounds and so many more places do background checks. On the clean slate laws, I think after 10 or 20 years, non SO’s have the right or ability to have their records removed or sealed. We don’t have that right.
Interesting article regarding Irrebuttable Presumptions (IP) in SCOTUS case law. It suggests that IP denies Due Process. It has a study published by Harvard Law Review.
Ref to:
Vlandis v. Kline
United States Dept. of Agriculture v. Murry, 413 U.S. 508 (1973)
Check it out?
One wonders how pious authorities are today. This registry in many ways is a type of hypocritical when one looks at the real picture. No wonder PA called it unconstitutional or was our first president of the USA right in many ways. Talk about machine science. Seems the love of money is still the root to all evil.
🤔 This is unusual:
[Offender] Sentenced to Maximum of 60 years for Rape of a Child
🤔 A surprising opinion:
Let’s stop criminalizing teachers having sex with students in NJ
Why do the heathen rage.? Why does any American rage? Why do Governments give plea deals or why don’t they admit their guilt as well. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Looking at the constitution today as a model of human intervention it would seem that much of this registry is lost in its due process by this deception, pretending over another in this gainful way, or do many imagine in vain or vexation of spirit. He who increase in knowledge increase in sorrow.
While Janice and her studies may be for Constitutional law, some may perceive this so called computerized database is knowledge. Where does the real wisdom, truth & understanding come from. Who is guiding who in many of these ordeals? Court systems today have used plea deals to soften the real damage done in this registry ordeal when many never harmed any, touched any or damaged any. Yes we are all presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
This plea deal is like a witch hunt. And yes the government wants the guilty plea as they themselves are guilty in pride in many ways and means in much of this sex registry ordeal that they infringe on others. Why go to court in front of the unjust in this sex registry issue when governments can’t even reason and understand judge not or you will be judged.
Looking through comments from some recent news items. Saw one on my posts that ended with a question. Allow me to paraphrase myself,
If the registry isn’t punishment, what would be? What about it would have to change to make it into probation?
P: On probation I had to check in with my PO in person on a regular basis as determined by the State. Failure to do so could lead to incarceration.
R: On the registry, I have to check in with the police in person on a regular basis as determined by the State. Failure to do so could lead to incarceration.
P: On Probation I had to immediately notify my PO of any change of residence, employment or any vehicle purchase or sale. Failure to do so could lead to incarceration.
R: On the registry, I have to immediately notify the police of any change of residence, employment or any vehicle purchase or sale. Failure to do so could lead to incarceration.
P: On probation I had to immediately notify my PO of any other residence that I frequent or spend the night at.
R: On the registry I must immediately notify the police of any residence that I frequent or spend the night at.
P: On probation, I was subject to my PO making unannounced visitations to my home to confirm I was in compliance with the terms of my probation.
R: On the registry, I am subject to the Police making unannounced visitations to my home to confirm that I am in compliance with the terms of the registry.
P: On probation, my PO could restrict my choices of residence, employment, and with whom I am allowed to cohabitate with.
R: on the registry, the State can restrict my choices of employment and with whom I can cohabitate with. Residency restriction are no longer legal in my state, but they are in others. I am only restricted from cohabitating with other, unrelated, registrants. Which was a problem for me. I had to let a friend go back to being homeless because of that.
P: On probation, I had to remain within a State determined proximity to my residence without first gaining permission to be travel further. Failure to do so could lead to incarceration.
R: On the registry, I have to inform the police of my intended travel plans that will take me beyond a State determined proximity to my residence. Failure to do so could lead to incarceration.
P: On probation, my PO was legally prohibited from disclosing my status as a probationer to the public.
R: On the registry, my status as a registrant is made available to all, along with my address and a photograph of me.
P: On probation, I was subject to monitoring by agents of the probation department and law enforcement.
R: On the registry, I am subject to monitoring by law enforcement as untrained, unsupervised members of the general community.
So the difference between:
PO and Police?
Residency Restrictions may not be applicable?
I can travel further without having to discuss this with the state, and I don’t need permission?
That’s what makes this not lifetime probation?
Miss anything?
From CA Penal code 1203.4
Subdivision (a) of this section does not apply to any misdemeanor that is within the provisions of Section 42002.1 of the Vehicle Code, to any violation of subdivision (c) of Section 286, Section 288, subdivision (c) of Section 287 or of former Section 288a, Section 288.5, subdivision (j) of Section 289, Section 311.1, 311.2, 311.3, or 311.11, or any felony conviction pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 261.5, or to any infraction.
Why was I told that I could not gain relief from this at the end of my probation?
Felony 311.11
Sentenced to and successfully completed probation.
From what I am reading, a misdemeanor 311.11 is out, but not felony. So I can have !y felony reduced into a misdemeanor? Right?
Let me ask everyone on here. Can you justify your actions? One wonders if LE can justify their actions in this good or bad ordeal that we all are going thru or have been going thru. Can a woman justify her actions? How about government? Well when on probation the probation officer can justify their actions as we are only doing what we are told to do
So if actions speak louder than words who’s actions are diabolic. I am sure many of you all on here were hit with questions, such as do you have any pictures… meaning dirty pictures.. come to my house… mom’s not home… are you going to bring rubbers…. and other coy con lines in this sexual type maze called computer motoring in this sexual type encounter with a surprise ending to ensnare another. Wrong is wrong no matter how you count the angles. So who justifying who. I’m sure this should get a lot of response not only from woman but the men also. I mean don’t we all look for justification as in the truth or are we all caught up by reasons of the Megans law so to speak that in many ways is just as unjust.
Doing a number on another via a computer compounds the horrible event all over again and wasn’t thought out and goes against the constitutional in any ways and even Christian ways also.
Two great videos from Vice News YouTube, both posted today, one a clip of an upcoming video and the other a full clip:
UNCENSORED (Official Clip) | VICE | Season 3 (why Japan hasn’t moved to ban sexual depictions of children in manga)
Why Some Sex Offenders Never Get Out Of Prison
So they finally sent me the results of the Live Scan I asked for in July. After reviewing the record, everything is correct. It shows 290 registration (though no tier), conviction date in 2015, early end of probation in 2018, 17b reduction, and 1203.4 dismissal in 2019.
Before this year I was not listed on the public site at all, but now I am listed with full information. Earlier this year I finally received my tier letter and they placed me on tier 3. Funny thing is my code [288.2.(A).(1)] is a wobbler and the misdemeanor version isn’t registrable at all.
What do I do now? I took the plea deal back in 2015 with the understanding that I was going to have to register, but not be publicly listed. In addition I was going to be able to apply for the COR in 2025 to eliminate registration entirely. That was the plan worked out with my lawyer. Now all that is gone. How is it ok for them to change the rules?
With me being listed publicly I would be visible on any background check. I was able to get my current job in fall 2021 and passed that check but wouldn’t be able to pass one now. Problem is this job hasn’t worked out and I really should be looking to move on. Except I’m stuck now.
I know there’s a lawsuit about people in my position, but I know those things take time.
Was chilling when my friend told me my full info was on the site, scary. Haven’t told my wife because she would freak out.
If anyone has time check out the Vice YouTube channel. The video is titled “Why some sex offenders never get out of prison”.
For those who know more about politics and immigrants/ refugees, I was wondering how the US can ensure they are not letting any criminals and/ or PFRs into our country. I do understand that a rigorous vetting program is in place for those seeking refuge in the US. My question is this, though. They are conducting background checks, I am sure, but those background checks are based on any criminal activity in the country of origin where these refugees/ immigrants are coming from. Obviously, there won’t be a background on US grounds since they have never lived in the US. So, let’s say a person comes from Europe and is cleared via the background, how does the US know if this person has not committed a crime that is a crime in the US but not in Europe? Indecent Exposure, for example, will not get you arrested in Germany (or even some US States), but it is a crime here in California (and other States) and will get you on the registry. I am not sure if CP would be another one of these types of offenses, but I am sure there are more/ others. So, basically, a person who committed a sex offense in another country that is not considered a sex offense in their country now comes to the US, undetected and cleared. Wouldn’t that put our children in danger (sarcasm)? Just thinking out loud here.
MarkE I’m glad these are only comments, opinions, and views on here but you sound like your vocation is in poly si major and yes you are right again or all we all missing something. Are we all so self-righteous even the nations that judge another. What a mixed group of opinions on the registry when even the goal to end most of this. Whether one be self-righteous or not one has to look at the human heart factor. Is one comparing these registries with a Holocaust a conceived idea as some Archie Bunker comparing meathead to Sherlock Homes which might be elementary to some doctor Watson wiz. Who comperes apples to oranges? Who dominates over another? Who is praising the beast more than the creator? Or who exchanged the truth for a lie?
Course why would one plead guilty if one was self-righteous? Here I was looking at 10 yrs in prison and the next minute probation if I took the plea deal Their are even many have mixed reviews on Tier’s 1.2,or 3 or violence behavior vs evil for evil, it all comes down to truth in a lot of this registry punishment whether punitive or not or should one take a good look at Roman’s 13 and analyze it for yourselves if that be the case.
Hey when I first came on here I have said I would rather be wrong than right. And yes to much thinking can create sorrow or is it better to dwell on one’s past. No I am not self-righteous but I am what I am so let us all come to reason.
CA polygraph requirement is a violation of 5th amendment protection against self-incrimination. They require you be hooked to their electric Quija board and spill your guts about everything in your past, present and potential future, or at least what they think it could be. Technically, this information cannot be used to file new charges. However, it can be used to end your parole or probation. Change the terms of them. Even launch an, “investigation” to “discover facts” that can result in new charges.
They force self-incrimination, when applicable. How is this valid given 5th amendment rights and equal protection? Also in CA Polygraph is inadmissible as evidence because of the unreliability…but good enough for PFRs? Only PFRs?
Sexual History examine? They don’t hook drug offenders, violet crimes of any non-sexual kind, anyone else. Make them reveal their whole past so they can use it against you.
State of New Hampshire Constitution
Part 1
[Art.] 2-b. [Right of Privacy.] An individual’s right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent.
December 5, 2018
311 Exclusion from CA 1203.4 is a violation of the privileges and immunities clause of the State Constitution. Others are granted this privilege, why am I denied?
I am not denied because it was a felony.
I am not denied because I was sent to State Prison, I was not.
I am not denied because it would relieve me of registration requirements, it would not.
I am denied because…I have been specifically denied arbitrarily.
senate Bill 1106, which may become law at the end of the month, makes all crimes where the defendant is sentenced to probation misdemeanors automatically. I am denied this privilege. Why?
California has stated that felony convictions significantly hinder reintegration efforts for convicted individuals. The State declared that these hindrances to reintegration are a significant contributor to new criminal offenses. The state has passed multiple bills to eliminate this hindrances for all former probationers, except for a few selected penal code violations. Thus the State admits they are contributing to the likelihood of new criminal behavior by hindering my reintegration.
Why would the state allow for a hindrance that they know makes new criminal behavior more likely?
Risk of recidivism played no part in granting this privilege to any other grantee. It was assumed that granting this privilege would universally lower the risk, and denying would increase it.
I am being maliciously denied this privilege. This denial decreases public safety, by their own admission. This denial serves no public interest, and instead is counter to it. This was the logic used in all other cases.
Ok, so got some answers about domestic travel after being relieved from registration in California. What about international travel after one has been relieved from registering in California? Do I still need to notify anyone? Will I possibly be let in say for example England once you are off the registry? I have not applied for a passport during my 10 year registration so I have not been flagged and curious if once 290 registration is behind me and apply for a passport if I will encounter any issues?
I don’t have a Bloomberg account but article: Amazon Wrongly Using Megan’s Law Information in Hiring: Suit seems interesting
Yet another idea…more just thinking, “out loud”.
How much do, “Intentions” matter? If you’re the State, the reign supreme! If not, they are often of little importance.
Why is probation punishment? I am not locked up, and if I follow the rules, I will not be. I am more or less free to go where I want and do what I want,with some limitations. However those limitations are mainly self enforced. Yes, if I break a rule, I can get into trouble, if I get caught. If I do not get caught, then nothing. I must regulate my behavior to stay within the limitations so that I avoid increased consequences. That’s what makes probation punishment. I know I am being punished because of the self regulations I must abuse by to avoid increased consequences.
How is the registry different?
I know I am being punished by it for the same reasons I knew I was being punished by probation. I am being punished, because just like probation, I think of it as punishment. I think of it as punishment in the same ways and for the same reasons. Perhaps a slightly less restrictive punishment, but one that I earned through probation? Just a different degree.
The State says I was being punished on probation, but I am not punished by the registry. However, I think of it as punishment. The state dismisses this idea with, intentions. It is not their intention that I feel punished. It was their intention that I feel punished on probation, but not now. The slight alterations to the requirements make all the difference? They do not.
Go to your room and stay there. I’ll be checking to make sure. You are being punished, and failure will require more punishment.
You’re grounded, don’t leave the house. I’ll be checking to make sure. I do this not as punishment, but to ensure you don’t need to be punished later! Remember, failure will require punishment!
See the massive difference?
Did the drunk driver intend to run you over? Did the camper intend to burn the Forrest down with their camp fire? Did I intend to miss my annual update window? Turns out, doesn’t matter. The actions are the only things that do.
Why is the State given such consideration that it denies others? Why can their actions be viewed exclusively through the lens of intentions?
Can a registered person not on paper rent something from VRBO? Has anyone had any issues with VRBO? I was considering renting for two to three days.