WA: U Washington students defend themselves from potential sex offender threat following assaults near campus

Source: foxnews 10/13/22

Students at the University of Washington are sounding the alarm on the handful of registered sex offenders who live near the Seattle campus, which has recently been plagued by crime. 

“I ordered two things of pepper spray, and my parents keep texting me asking about how my individual room locks, and if there is bars on my basement window,” student Jacqueline Niles told Fox 13. 

The University District of Seattle, which surrounds UW’s campus, has seen repeated instances of crime in recent weeks, including a shooting that left four students injured outside a bar; a student who was assaulted and threatened at gunpoint in her own home; and the arrest of a man accused of murdering a woman near campus and sexually violating her remains.

“It’s disheartening because we come to college like expecting to have safety living on campus. That’s kind of like the bare minimum of what I think we deserve,” Niles added. 

There are 10 registered sex offenders living on one off-campus street alone – a street that is also home to Greek life housing and other students, the outlet reported. The convictions for the sex offenders include rape and sexual battery, as well as child molestation and child pornography. Of those sex offenders, some have multiple convictions.

Department of Corrections officials told Fox 13 that most sex offenders can live where they want, unless they are on court ordered supervision. 

Fox News Digital reached out to the University of Washington Thursday morning, but did not immediately receive a reply. The school did tell Fox 13 that they have no authority over how close a sex offender can live to campus. 

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So were the ones doing those off campus murders, shootings and muggings on [the sex offense registry]? Was the girl assaulted and threatened in her home a victim of “date rape” which is common among peers on college campus? Those [people listed on the sex offense registry] living in the area have nothing to do with those things, and these college students should be educated enough to know that.

Of course this is another sensational article put forth by conservatives at Fox News pushing the narrative that “liberal” cities are out of control. Now they are harboring sex offenders.

This is Fox “news”, lol. What garbage.

The article quoted one of the genius students as saying “… if there is bars on …”. The first course such a person should take in college is English.

I wanted to see if there was video at the article and if the student REALLY did say exactly that. I expect they did. That would be EXACTLY the level of intelligence of a person who looks at the Sex Offense Registries. Dumb.

Anyway, I love how the title of the article says “… defend themselves from potential sex offender threat …” and this is the very first discussion in the article, just 3 paragraphs in, of the crime wave that is happening, “… has seen repeated instances of crime in recent weeks, including a shooting that left four students injured outside a bar; a student who was assaulted and threatened at gunpoint in her own home; and the arrest of a man accused of murdering a woman near campus and sexually violating her remains.”

Well, of course! It makes perfect sense to worry about people who big government has listed on a Hate List who aren’t doing anything at all! You never know when one of those “SEX people” might start shooting someone with a gun! But obviously shooting people is not even dangerous since these genius students aren’t worried at all about all of the people living nearby who are listed on the Gun Offender Registry. Shocking.

I was looking for a video where the genius students were being interviewed but guess what video they have there instead? A great fear mongering piece about defunding law enforcement criminals. How it is causing a crime wave. They are working so hard to protect their carceral business and keep the piles of taxpayer dollars pouring in. If only law enforcement was good at their jobs and prevented crimes. Instead of jacking off with Hate Lists.

Defund all law enforcement everywhere. They clearly have far, far, far too many resources. They have enough resources to run Hate Lists, they have too much.

Good ol’ UDub and the U District. Spent many a days there in my younger years. This is their picking the low hanging fruit (PFRs) they can highlight after the summer of love Mayor decided LE needed to be less present and communities can police themselves, e.g. see ChazChop zone. That particular district has always had some sort of shenanigan problems with students, even if they came from other parts of the metro area to partake in the fun there.

When will they stop blaming everything on former PFRs? The news constantly talks about the increase in crime, so please focus on getting that sort of crime under control and leave the law abiding citizens alone. They have not done anything [and will NOT] do anything to harm your children. It is all the other crimes the Karens et al need to start worrying about. When have they become such puppets? They just repeat what they hear without knowing anything.

My mom watched news coverage of the latest Florida hurricane and told me “thank God you’re not living in Florida.” Keep in mind the vast majority of Floridians were fine. Parents often overreact to news and are protective of the children.

More fear mongering from Fox “News”. Typical…

More sadness upon sadness. The students, victims of these horrible crimes, others left in fear they will be next. The PFRs, just trying to live their lives…all but accused and convicted of these crimes, and more to come.

I weep for these young adults, their school, these Citizens forced to register…the community. I also worry that this will be yet another moment where fear and hatred will take a bad situation and make it worse.

The Citizen PFRs, forced to move
The violence at the school continues
The Police emboldened to…who knows what

Why can we as a Nation never learn?

This is really dumb. How does one draw the conclusion that somehow targeting the registrants in the area is some kind of solution to crime problems in the University district?

This is a prime example of why treatment of PFR can be equated to treatment of Jews during WWII. While I agree it’s different in the sense that the Jews didn’t make a choice when a PFR has committed a crime at one point the differences end there. In what other instance is a person who once committed a criminal offense blamed whenever other – sometimes not even similar crimes – are committed? This is what Hitler did to the Jews. He blames them for things that happened they didn’t even do. Is that not the same thing as what is being done in this article?

Gee, I wonder how many of those crimes were done by PFRs. My guess is ZERO. Once again, the Chicken Littles are in a dander.

This is EXACTLY why I don’t watch Fox News!!
They are ‘Shock Chefs’, like other media sources, but they go to more extremes by adding ‘more spice’ to recipe.
The violence had nothing to do with sex offenses at all, but in order to make the story ‘spicier’ and ‘scarily delicious’ they added Registered sex offenders into the recipe and out comes a tasty media morsel fit for public consumption.

Man bites dog.

Its the sex offenders fault.

Fox News might as well just stream themselves into little TV monitors placed at the grocery checkouts…you know, right next to The Enquirer, Globe, Sun, etc…
Total tabloid crap!!!!

I was looking for some sort of place at U of W that dealt with law statistics or sex crime statistics but found this instead:
The Center for an Informed Public at the University Washington Seattle campus who’s mission states:
“Our mission is to resist strategic misinformation, promote an informed society, and strengthen democratic discourse.”
Let them know at uwcip@uw.edu

Ok, I moved to Washington a few months ago from LA because I’m not a Tier 1, so I’m not on the website.

Seattle is no difference than LA, there’s more street violence and sex crimes. Actually I watched the news the other morning and sex offenses were less than 1.9% of in total violent crimes in Seattle. Shootings and Robberies were in the high 90%. They interviewed a few people around the same university and they said it’s not safe because of homeless.

But I also don’t live anywhere near a school for the reason of this article.