CA: Gay California legislator gets 2nd bomb threat this year

Source: 12/7/22

A gay California lawmaker revealed Tuesday that he received a bomb threat laced with homophobic tropes and rhetoric, amid a simmering culture war that has sparked widespread anti-LGBTQ threats and attacks nationwide.

California state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, said an unnamed individual threatened to bomb his home and shoot up his office. He said he was informed of the threat by police and a local newspaper that the individual had emailed.

“The email said, we will f—ing kill you’ and called me a pedophile and groomer,” Wiener said in a statement released on Twitter. “The extreme homophobic and transphobic rhetoric that has escalated on social media and right wing media outlets has real world impacts.”

He added that this is the second bomb threat he has received this year and just the latest in a “wave of death threats” against him related to his LGBTQ advocacy work.

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Very disturbing! 😳 Senator Wiener is a great advocate for all Californians on numerous social and economic justice issues!! 👍🏻

My heart goes out to Senator Wiener and his family. What he has been subjected to is an outrageous disgrace. Violence has no place in our society, and especially not in politics. America is not some Banana Republic where you gain political objectives through violence.

That said…

The registry is reckless endangerment! These extremists attacked Senator Wiener based on the completely false accusation of being a “Pedo…”, a “groomer” and releasing other “Pedo…s” from jail. What would stop these people from targeting any PFR? Nothing…

We already saw exactly this in California, with Rory Banks in Wheatland. He was exactly the kind of person that would make this threat against Senator Wiener. Instead he killed a registrant, and intended to kill 4 others. Banks also had a cache of homemade pipe bombs…for unknown reasons.

If they can’t get a State Senator, they’ll settle for a registrant…or multiple.

what is that supposed to mean?

Ok guys here’s the deal about some politicians. They come in all sizes of brain matter. Some good some not so good. Actually we are suppose to pray for our leaders.. shazam or Should ACSOL back off of this registry issue….? I don’t think so. Now from what I gather California was the first state to initiate a registry back in the Sherman and Peabody era. So no moose about it.

The gay thing well thats personal in one’s life so is church in many ways. This public safety ordeal still has a ways to be worked out. Many on here want to let one’s energy get the best of him or her. Hey only you know what they did to you so let your conscience be your guide. Sure its a shame people have to wear ankle monitors and even the prison or jail is bad enough and the labeling. Now that ASOL has a new leader thats good.

 Course Janice and Chance are back ups in many ways and support. Don’t you all think Janice is under a bit of pressure in many ways starting this ACSOL and conducting their law firm. Sure if we can’t speak up than why stand up or let the internet be your guide.

Hey look its hard enough being a constitutional lawyer and keeping a practice in state. And yes lawyers have been given fines and warnings also.. There’s that no, no… because we can sounding off again. At least one thing I have noticed about Janice she and her team are prepared in more ways than a lot of others. These bomb threats are a bit out of line for any type of human behavior. Guess we all have views.

Twitter really!
Come on man. Wiener stated he was called a pedo and a groomer in the e-mail, but then he says its about homophobia & trans phobia rhetoric. These are different things. Obviously the sender of the e-mail suffers from ignorance or confusion concerning the definition of each. And like the registry the definition is coloured with one broad brush. Originally the registry was meant for the child molester\ rapist alone, and even by limiting action to that group somewhat clumps the violent with the non violent offenders into one group. This leads to conflicting conflation as a basis for intent concerning the use of these social distinctions in the cyber world.

Yeah people are crazy, When I was working on Rams Stadium here in Los Angeles, word was going around that one of my co-workers was a registered sex offender on Megan’s Law and some of the guys from our company and from other trades got together snuck off and physically flipped his car over in the parking lot. I never saw that dude again.

First it was African-Americans then it was the gay community then it was the war on drugs and now it’s tough on Sex Offense Laws, I can only Imagine what this is gonna morph into 20 years from now.

I heard on NPR radio the other day that Senator Wiener is sponsoring a bill to legalize the use of psychedelic mushrooms, peyote, etc. 👍🏻