CA: Nearly 300 Sue Over Alleged Sexual Abuse at LA County Youth Detention Centers

Source: 12/28/22

Nearly 300 people are suing Los Angeles County, alleging decades-long sexual abuse in various detention centers for minors.

The third complaint against the LA County Probation Department was accuses probation officers of sexually abusing boys and girls. The suit was filed thanks to a 2020 California law that gave victims three years to sue over sexual abuse that happened decades ago.

The latest lawsuit, which involves 279 alleged victims of sexual abuse at LA County detention centers for minors, follows two previously filed suits involving 70 women.

“These facilities were for girls between 12 and 18 years old,” said Cristina Nolan, of the Manly Stewart & Finaldi law firm.

The 359-page complaint filed Dec. 20 alleges systemic failures and horrendous instances of sexual abuse of boys and girls from officials in detention centers. In some cases, the suit alleges, female employees forced minors into sex acts.

“It began with these officials looking at these girls in the shower and then it turned into sexual acts,” Nolan said.

Some women were raped by more than one employee going as far back as the 1970s, while other allegations of rape are as recent as 2019 and 2020, according to Nolan, who is representing 70 women whose alleged abuse happened at Camp Scott and other detention centers.

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Lawmaker: Get rid of statute of limitations! We’ll really get all those RSO’s!

Cops: To quote Taylor Swift, “it’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.”

The conclusion of the story says it all: “The victims are seeking monetary damages and that the alleged perpetrators be brought to justice.”

Around 350 complaints since the statute of limitations was lifted. I wonder how many of them were tracked by ambulance chasers with a list of those who had done time in these facilities. I also wonder how many of those complaints are fabricated. Both significant numbers, I’d bet.

But at least the legislators got what they wanted – cheap political points and a program that will spend more than the state has, giving them a reason to raise taxes and create more budgets to skim from.

In a philosophical kinda mood…as such, I am once again, reminded…

It is the nature of golems to destroy their creators, and themselves.

America has created a golem out its Justice system. Decades of locking up anyone and everyone they could justify, cramming them into Hell on Earth facilities….they create the very destruction they claim to be preventing.

The people have facilitated sexual assault at levels almost unimaginable, while simultaneously preventing none. They threw hundreds, perhaps…probably…thousands to the very “Predators” they claim to be protecting children from.

That is the nature of those that create golems.

Dr. Frankenstein sought to defy death and create eternal life. He created only death, for others, himself and ultimately his creation. His creation was a mockery of life, born of his hubris, and he paid for that.

American, has through its hubris, made a mockery of Justice…and now they will pay for their arrogance.

Either child detention centers are engaged in child rearing or they are not. Obviously they are necessary because children are involved in criminality, which must be addressed. How America goes about rearing children that do not IS the question. This is not a problem that promulgation of laws can solve. Detention centers are a societal bandaid for an underlying conflict. Those who’ve placed the onus of sound child rearing practices on the Acts of congressional bodies absolutely also disavow the original intent in the notions of separation of church and state & the separation of parental power and state power. Does anyone else find the paradox convincing? The more “state child abuse” initiatives you get the more violent the children have become. This is not a coincidence.