GOP Congressmembers who are very concerned about grooming vote against child sex abuse bill

Source: 12/22/22

Numerous Republican Congressmembers who have accused LGBTQ+ people of sexualizing children just voted against a bill that would help the actual victims of child sex abuse.

Many of these 28 Republicans have been using “grooming” to score political points. They weren’t willing to vote for a real bill to fight child sex abuse.

The bill, entitled Respect for Child Survivors Act, was developed with input from child welfare groups to address the mistreatment that child witnesses sometimes face during investigations of their own abuse.

 The bill requires the FBI to form multi-disciplinary teams to investigate child sex abuse cases in a way that ensures accountability and transparency without re-traumatizing victims and their families. The teams would include “investigative personnel, mental health professionals, medical personnel, family advocacy workers, child advocacy workers, and prosecutors,” Newsweek reported.

The bipartisan bill — which was introduced by Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Chris Coons (D-DE), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) — passed the House with 215 Democratic and 170 Republican votes.

“It takes tremendous courage for young victims of sexual assault to tell their story and overcome the fear that they may not be taken seriously, may be ignored, or may be wrongfully blamed,” said Cornyn. “To avoid re-traumatizing victims during the investigation process, it’s imperative we give these individuals the support they need to ensure survivors feel respected during the interview process and abusers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

It’s notable that these politicians, who have spent the year making so much noise about LGBTQ+ people supposedly “grooming” children, never speak as loudly against widespread child sex abuse in the Christian church, nor do they partner with organizations that actually oppose such abuse or child sex trafficking.

And they weren’t willing to even vote for a bill to address child sex abuse that got broad bipartisan support.

 Read the full article


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To be fair, there are 222 Democrat House seats, so that means 7 democrats opposed the bill. Just becasue a bill says it does something in the title doesn’t necessarily tell everything about the bill. Unfortunately most bills have other things put in them that gets pushed through and that is often why it isopposed, not necessarily the due to the main substance of the bill.

I would like to hear Paul Pelosi’s opinion on that subject since we are both members of the LBGQT community.

MTG is the definition of hypocrisy. Right now as I comment she is in Costa Rica on vacation being paid by taxpayers. She voted by proxy on a bill that came to the floor while she is gone. The funny thing is she wrote a bill to abolish proxy voting earlier this year. The woman is a dumpster fire of a person and has no direction.

It was over a week ago NewsMax was carrying on about, i think it was Alice in Wonderland some school class went to see the play and there were parents who complained that trans people were acting in the play. Karen’s specifically did the complaining but it occured to me that since Shakespeare and before it was only men who acted in plays no women unless it was an opera.

I’m not surprised by this. From the perspective of child rearing no one expects war mongers to give a damn about kids unless its their own. This is why Senate’s conservative leader from KY put the latest OMNIBUS on the table for the traditional branch of the Rs to vote for.
Military industrial budgets & social initiative budgets supported by the liberal progressive were more or less an equal balanced equation @860 B each + borrowing costs.