Janice’s Journal: Don’t Feed Oxygen to a Fire

ACSOL is aware that articles have been published and TV reports have been broadcast that are spreading misinformation about alleged early releases from prison of several hundred registrants in California.  These false articles and reports claim that the registrants pose a current danger to the public.  

ACSOL has decided not to publish these articles and TV reports on its website because they are not based on reality.  Instead, they are based on unsupported allegations made by an attorney in California who is a former prosecutor.  The same attorney is also a leader of a non-profit organization that is surely capitalizing from the free publicity provided in those articles and TV reports.

As of today, there are only a limited number of media outlets that are willing to publish the unsupported allegations of that attorney and organization.  ACSOL is actively monitoring other media outlets to see if the number of articles and reports increase.

ACSOL is also conducting factual and legal research regarding both the attorney and the organization in order to prepare an organized and effective response in the near future if required.  After ACSOL completes its research, ACSOL will share with the registrant community the information it discovers.

Please be patient as ACSOL monitors media outlets and prepares an effective response.  And remember that it is unwise to feed oxygen to a fire.  That is because many fires burn out of their own accord.


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Good idea, ACSOL, and thank you for not publishing these articles.
They only make us more angry about the disinformation about us being promoted in the political arena and the people promulgating it for their own gain.
Thank you!!

Thank you ACSOL, for all you do!

The decision in the correct course of action. The internet has enabled so many things, including echo chambers. The law making trend aimed at sex offenders is a cultural norm despite the prohibition upon ex post facto law contained in the constitution.
Isn’t interesting that bots can be used to manufacture clicks lending the recipient inflated representations of followers or visitors to a web url address. As ineffectual as the SORs have been they appear to generate good amounts of traffic. I wonder how much of it is valid traffic with respect to it’s stated developmental purpose and how much is for other reasons…. Say as pure entertainment.

Janice you made a good move on that one. Assumption and/or supposition can be a dangerous thing and that can cause a Chicago fire. Sure everyone wants to Anticipat but truth is always the better key.

Thank you

Why doesn’t CASOMB rebuke such salacious allegations? You fight bad information with correct information by the state’s only SOMB.

Why is CASOMB silent in this matter?

why am I not seeing any comments from Janice ? I look for them all the time , but can’t find any , one of the main reasons I come here is to see what she is doing and if she is okay , I gave up all hope till I found her on YT years back