QAnon Leader Inadvertently Outs Himself as a Groomer

Source: 11/30/22

Believers in the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory are always on the hunt for the powerful pedophiles they imagine run the world—like the cabal of pedophiles they say controls the Democratic Party, or the one operating out of the imagined basement of a Washington pizzeria.

But now, new court records reveal that QAnon leader Phil Godlewski has a criminal past of his own involving an inappropriate relationship with a minor that police records suggest turned sexual.

Thanks to an ill-conceived defamation lawsuit against a local newspaper, Godlewski has put his conspiracy-theory career at risk by inadvertently prompting the release of more details regarding his case, including lurid text messages and a video of his erect penis.

Perhaps worse, according to his courtroom opponents, records suggest Godlewski has been caught both committing perjury himself and attempting to convince his own victim to do the same to ensure a “financial windfall” for them both.

Now, in a bombshell motion, the newspaper claims they’ve caught Godlewski breaking a bevy of courtroom rules and want him to pay $70,000 in legal fees and damages. As the case heats up and revelations spill out, it also offers a chance to see the kind of person who can profit from the persistent conspiracy theory.

QAnon has ruined families, inspired multiple gruesome murders, and helped power the Jan. 6 insurrection. But QAnon has also been a lucrative career for Godlewski, a Pennsylvania-based promoter of the conspiracy theory who speaks to his fans in lengthy, rambling livestream videos.

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Time wounds all heels!

Is Q interested in Max Headroom? Yes.

I mean this shit just keeps getting better! some times you gotta love this stuff! “He who is without sin cast the first stone”only if you don’t live in a glass house of course!

And as i have said time and time before “whoever smelt it dealt it” This is karma at work plain and simple. better luck next time around!
what no comment section at the Daily Beast!

So, is Phil Godlewski on the Registry?

whoever denied it supplied it!

In the grand tradition of “pedo” obsessives e.g. Xavier von Erck, Mike Echols and, undoubtedly, legions of other hysteria-mongers, there is a clear model being followed of hiding in plain sight. Shakespeare said it well in one sentence, slightly modified: “Me think thou doth protest too much.”

I have a theory… People who are adamantly againist the existence of RSOs are in fact RSOs who haven’t got caught… So they push for more draconian laws to make them look like they are the “good” guys

Those who shout the loudest have the most, to hide.

Why do you all read such internet gossip garbage or the who’s who in the upper crust society today. Do one try to be someone that wants their cake and eat it to. Talk about someone who walks different in life. One wonders who’s the real conspirator’s are in this registry ruse. Guess to error is human to forgive divine. Wasn’t that Shakespeare..

This is sad, but ultimately not all that surprising to me.

Also,very sad but not in the least bit surprising that:
A: Made contact with this girl, while working at a school…access and authority.
B: He targeted a girl in distress over her BF’s recent suicide.
C: The “Victim” was a gleefully willing participant, at least at first.

Interesting article in Scientific American on a related idea. Article deals with homophobia, and how some of the most adamant homophobes might be hiding same sex attractions they feel. Not the same thing, but similar ideas. Denounce and attack the thing you don’t like about yourself.

I have experienced this myself, in multiple ways. Self hating Gay men, some were straight up vicious. You have probably experienced something similar if you think about it.
