SC: Stepdaughter of Shield Ministries director fights against his sex offender rehab plans

Source: 12/29/22

Walterboro residents are coming together to keep registered sex offenders out of their neighborhood.

Shield Ministries, a nonprofit organization, is planning to open their third treatment center at a vacant church campus in Walterboro.

In Shield Ministries’ 2021 annual report, 70 percent of their applicants are registered as sex offenders.

Neighbors say that has them worried for their children.

“When parents can’t let their children go out to their yard and play because of fear, what quality of life is that?” asked Kevin Lyles, a resident who lives nearby.

Executive Director of Shield Ministries David Truluck is also a registered sex offender.

His stepdaughter joining the fight to stop his ministry.

The community’s next plan of action is to create a petition to take to Colleton County Council.

There is no word yet on which council meeting they plan to attend.

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I think the people fighting this need to wake up to reality and realize the SOR protects no one. it’s 100% shaming and 0% protecting.

This guy was smart, he started his own ministry and cashed in on the low hanging fruits of the sex offender Business.
I met a guy out in Los Angeles who was renting out beds to sex offenders for $700 he started back in 2000 after getting out of prison, he said his wife and family left him and all he had was the house so he started renting out rooms to other registrants, 23 years later he has over seven properties.
We all need to cash in on the “SEX OFFENDER” craze no one in America really cares about Megan’s law, everyone’s just clout chasing and trolling for likes and views.
I’m not discrediting the stepdaughter about her stepdad David being a “POS” BUT it sounds like she can’t move on because of her mother, her real anger is with her mother for letting this man abuse her and then abandoning her and her siblings for him.

Here we go again. The community barking up the wrong tree.
Instead of educating their children about people touching them like family members, teachers, gym coaches, doctors, etc., they are focusing on ‘after-the-fact’ registrants who are just trying to get on with their lives and who are little to no danger to anyone.
Will they ever learn??

So sick and tired of reading about people believing PFRs are after their kids…

Truth is the vindictive stepdaughter is the #1 likely to assert false correlations.

““When parents can’t let their children go out to their yard and play.”

Hey, stop right there for a sec. Wasn’t keeping your kids inside and not letting them play in the yard /(front/back/side/roof) already normalized as a thing? Seems like worrywart mothers already made THAT decision 25 years ago.

But DO go ahead and whine about how your children’s “rights” are being oppressed just to feel better about your mundane life! .

Ministries like these come under attack, I believe, because of the rage it instills in those who think former sexual offenders should never be able to move forward and leave their past behind. The stepdaughter is a perfect example of this.

The success of these men (and women) in programs like these ultimately make the community safer, not the opposite. The changed mindset, the motivation to succeed, and the community support all encourage patterns of thinking and behavior that move people away from offending. The success rate of this ministry, and others like it, prove that is the case.

The mindless opposition simply shows the pervasive ignorance in the community regarding sexual offending and best practices for protecting one’s children. It has nothing to do with the registry or physical proximity.

Wow i am shocked!! They don’t have Pat Benatar singing at there event.

Since he’s opening a third location, that means there are two already operating. How many problems have arisen from those two locations, both generally and by PFRs? I’m guessing a big fat zero on the latter, and perhaps on the former.

Funny too, that the concerned parents only become concerned when the info is put before them. So even though the risk has not changed, now magically it’s the biggest threat to their kids’ lives. Sadly, they are looking the wrong direction. Check out coach, cop, priest, relative, etc., first and most!