Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Jan 2023. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
Source: 2/25/25 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is creating a registry for all people who are...
What an excellent way to start the new year! Hope there are many more of these this year for everyone! Oops don’t know why that’s so blurry but it’s my termination to register letter from the doj. Lol dated 10/25 but received yesterday.
Happy New Year to all. I do hope and pray it will be a much better new year for all us. Today is Sunday, January 1, 2023. California County Courts will not be open until probably Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023 due to the Holidays. Just wondering – have we or will be filing law suits against California DOJ for those still listed as TBD – to be determined. Looking forward to this. DOJ plays to many games, why, because they can – just my opinion of course .
I like the new website look…
I like the new site look, I noticed some stuff is still being fine tuned, such the logo background color this morning. Keep up the great work ACSOL!
After Janice’s court victory a few years ago, are there now no residence restrictions in San Diego (city)? I will be visiting there for a few weeks and want to make sure I’m not staying too close to a prohibited school/park/etc.
And how about presence restrictions. Can I take a walk in the Balboa park zoo in San Diego?
I watched an interview of the Doordash founder today. The interview talked about tech industry and risks and mentioned a question: if FB(META) is good for the world? As for utilizing the DDI, ACSOL represents a far better and more important use of the DDI for peace among the people by embracing those rejected by corporate FB TOS. That took guts and I suspect 2023 will require more of the same.
What Happens To My DNA Sample After My CR-415 Petition Is Granted..?
I guess we can expect more sex offense statutes(?) 😩:
Psychology Today: Sexual Assault in the Metaverse: Virtual Reality, Real Trauma
So with the New Year, a new law took effect here in AZ, allowing sealing of criminal records. In anticipation, I read through it gaining excitement that I would be able to take advantage and seal my record, until I got to section O. There it stated that sex offenders were ineligible.
So, murderers and drug dealers are OK, but we with the Scarlet Letter are once again despised and ineligible to live normally.
I think an excellent way to start 2023 is a lifetime registrant celebrating his first new year living outside the country
‘Romeo and Juliet’ Stars Sue Paramount for Child Abuse Over Nude Scene in 1968 Film Interesting she seemed to not have a problem a few years ago with it. Much like the Nirvana Kid and the registry it’s all about the money.
😠 F*king media! 🤬
4 sex offenders in Chicopee renewed their registration
Here is the email message I have sent to the journalist:
RE: 4 sex offenders in Chicopee renewed their registration
Hello Ms. McCorkindale:
I do not comprehend why WWLP publishes articles such as this or the information contained therein.
You and WWLP-22News should be aware that doing so is frighteningly close to “doxing” these individuals who have already repaid their court-determined debts to society for their transgressions. They are now freed individuals attempting to re-enter society and simply live their lives. The offenses committed by most the individuals occurred many years ago. By constantly re-highlighting this old information (which members of the public can easily find online by themselves if they wish to!), you are continuing to inspire efforts to publicly shame and ostracize these individuals from reintegrating into their communities and into society as a whole.
Please take these thoughts into consideration before posting articles such as this in the future.
Thank you for considering my comments.
Whatever happened to Mike R and his case Michael Rochardson vs Rob Bonta? He addressed a lot of the “privacy” issues.
I lived in Nevada for a few months and registered. I left the state and live in a state where I’m not on the registry.
If I move to California get on the registry, then move back to my current state. Do you think the California registry will knock the Nevada registry out so it doesn’t show on the national registry?
The state I’m in doesn’t require me to register, I’m on the national because of Nevada (SORNA) as a tier 2, they refuse to remove it. I have a great job offer but my background check shows Nevada and sadly I will lose the offer because of it. No protections at all in my current state if they do.
thank you.
Well this aught to be interesting,
isn’t this about the time and place all the crap started ?
Alaska’s former acting attorney general appears in court on charges of sexual abuse of a minor
Happy New Year to everyone who thinks Registries should not exist! Everyone else should continue to go f*ck themselves.
I haven’t posted for a long time but I’ve read all of your interesting comments. They are good to keep me thinking. I like to keep current with the Registry nonsense anyway. I plan to be really busy for a good while though so I will probably limit throwing in my opinions.
There’s been a lot of interesting discussions (again) lately about if Tiers should exist or be embraced and how to kill the Registry disaster in whole. I’m not Registered in CA so that doesn’t directly affect me. I have been eligible for a number of years to petition for removal from the Registries. I have talked in some detail with a couple of attorneys about it but they were obnoxious people who I determined I wouldn’t work with even if they did it for free. Money isn’t the issue anyway.
I’m not in a real hurry to get off the Registries even though being listed is very dangerous for me, my family, and all of Amerika. I’m not in a hurry to get off the Registries and leave the “worst of the worst” behind. I think the Registries are idiotic, through and through, and that it is truly stupid and hateful to list anyone on them. So I don’t feel like stepping back and letting the crybaby bullies continue bullying others.
And IF the criminal regimes had ANY sense, they’d be falling all over themselves to take me off the Registries. But they don’t have sense. They are arrogant a***** as well. So they can’t help themselves. They’ve cried, whined, and legislated themselves into a real problem.
As long as I’m listed on the Registries people are going to pay consequences. In fairness, even if the criminal regimes unlist me, the consequences are probably going to continue. The real thing that unlisting me will do is remove the very serious risk that exists that a criminal regime might do something stupid to me that requires ever more impactful retaliation. That risk is real. Most people simply want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that is doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t change reality.
Anyway, Happy New Year! I hope that nuclear war doesn’t visit us this year and lead to worldwide destruction and billions of deaths. But it might.
I have been looking up crime statistics by offense, and I can’t seem to find anything that lists sex offenses in general. I keep finding rape and forceful assault among others. So, how, where and why are sex offenses (other than rape) deemed so horrendous when they don’t even get mentioned in the statistics? And furthermore, if absent statistics, how does one decide the recidivism rate is “frightening and high”?
Happy New Year..this is my 20th year and hope to be off the REGISTRY this year, working with Public Defender Post Conviction Div of LA County,
One question HOW MANY OF US were TRAPPED in a STING by LEO. Seems that no one has addressed this type of offense. I got a 664/288(a) due to the fact that mine was a STING.
Just curious and wish well to 20 yearer to get off the Registry
Hi, I am looking to leave California and relocate. Is there an up to date list of states and regulations? Does anyone have any suggestions? I know to avoid a bunch of states but can’t seem to really locate local information on the rules. Thanks.
☎️❗ PA Phone Scam Alert ☎️❗
Phone Scam Targets Crawford County Sex Offender – Erie News Now
Anyone have any experience/trouble with WIndstar cruises? Were you able to do a shore excursion in any countries where you would not normally be able to travel? Understand that for shore excursions you don’t have to go through customs and show your passport.
Few years ago when I was doing my annual registration there was a guy in front of me filling out his paperwork, he was in a really good mood, he was smiling and laughing with the 290 registration officers even though they weren’t smiling or laughing at all. My first thought was this guy must be new to the registry and then as he kept talking I realize he was from out of state and had just moved to California.
So as he’s sitting there happily filling out his 290 paperwork his phone rings he answers it and puts it on speakerphone it’s a female and she says what’s taking you so long, he replied I’m almost done, then Ima stop and get gas and then I’ll pick you and the girls up and drop them off at school and then take you to work, and he hung up.
The 290 officer steps back into the lobby and says you didn’t say you had access to any vehicles, we need the license plate and registration of that vehicle he replied it’s not my car it’s my girl friends car, The officer reply it doesn’t matter we still need that information and are those both your kids, he replies No they’re hers and leaves to get the car information.
While he’s gone i’m sitting there and I can hear the 290 officer talking with the door wide open, one asked is he even allowed to be around kids and the female deputy replied I don’t know but we’re gonna find out, I’ll contact child protective services so they can also be there when deputies go out to verify his address.
@New Person – Can you, in layman’s terms explain the “general and special” rule that was brought up in Kelly vs Municipal? My brain is not grasping it this morning…lol. Also, what really was the outcome or result of that case? Thanks.
Why cant SOr just simply just gat challanged to SCOTUS when states add more to what SCOTUS said its like joining a price club why hasnt it just been called out and challenged since its anything today that SCOTUS said was legal. just challenge it on that and make SCOTUS decide if all these changes are still legal instead of looking for details to challenge it on.