Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Jan 2023. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
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@Daryl. I made it thru 5yrs of P.O.’s trying to trip me up, bait me into hitting them. They were P*##ed off that I was self employed contractor: how the f**k do you keep getting work! I felt better knowing I was succeeding and pissing him off at the same time. Then I started a daily journal with start, finish, and travel times though out my contracting day. I flooded them with extra paperwork. That pissed them off too. It’s how I got thru my 5 years on paper. I wasn’t a hardtimer, only had 5 years on paper. Finish the race. Enjoy the small moments. Group them together. You’ll have good days. Fight that S**t they dish out by doing right. You will win by not letting the bas***ds take your drive. Stay strong. You made 26 years! Like beating an addiction, don’t worry about tomorrow get thru the next minute doing what’s right and you’ll beat them f***ers.
On a business trip, two weeks living in a hotel. I frequently visit this site, this morning I noticed that the site was blocked. So I bypassed firewall and I checked it and then again from my cell phone and sure enough webmaster for this hotel block this site. Anyways, I ended up buying a hotspot, because that lead me to wonder what other content are they monitoring, is my personal information compromised.
Question for GROUP: I got a call today from Los Angeles County Public Defender who is submitting my Petition to get off Registry. He is telling me that it could take up to FIVE months. What is the experience of those who have been able to get relief? I am wondering if five months is the average or is he just just giving me the worse possible. My re registering date is April, My offense is 664/288(a) and I have received a Cert of Rehab and no offense since my release in 2003 and registered on time every year
Thanks for past support and information
Whatever happened with the new law PC1203.425? It states that once a person’s record was either automatically sealed with this new law, or the expungement was granted via the old fashioned PC1203.4, no information shall be disseminated, except to the person who seeked the expungement of a criminal agency. Megan’s Law is neither and should not be allowed to disseminate information, especially since that information is no longer correct as ML states there is a conviction, when there is not. Any chance to sue the DOJ for posting information for those who have earned a 1203.4? In addition, the CA right to privacy is another factor when disseminating information, especially with an earned 1203.4.
Saw this on another platform, bad decision in Missouri
So apparently everyone on in Missouri is on the registry for life even tho they have a tier system.
looks like Arkansas will now list level 3 and 4 registrants address.
I just go on ChatGPT and asked it this request and followed by this question. Tell me what you think.
Tell me what you think of the Sex offender registry in relation to how it does or doesn’t seem constitutional.
As a language model AI, I don’t have personal opinions, but I can tell you that the constitutionality of sex offender registries is a widely debated issue. Some argue that the registry is a violation of the ex post facto clause and the due process clause of the US Constitution, while others argue that it is a necessary tool for protecting the public. The US Supreme Court has generally upheld the constitutionality of sex offender registries, but the issue remains a contentious one and there have been several challenges to the registry in lower courts. Ultimately, the constitutionality of sex offender registries is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the specific facts and circumstances of each case.
Do you think that politicians and prison systems profit from the use of the sex offender registry?
As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions, but there have been arguments and debates that the sex offender registry may serve as a source of profit for some politicians and prison systems. Some people argue that the registry creates a continued source of income for the government and law enforcement through fees associated with registration, monitoring, and enforcement. Additionally, the registry can lead to increased demand for prison and jail spaces to house individuals who are required to register as sex offenders, potentially leading to increased profits for private prison companies.
However, others argue that the primary purpose of the registry is to protect the public and not for profit-making. The exact impact of the registry on government and prison systems’ profits is difficult to quantify and is the subject of ongoing debate and analysis.
Seems pretty interesting…
I had a few choices words out loud for Justice Kennedy when I saw him at the SOTU last night when POTUS stopped by to say hi to him and Souter.
Was talking to a friend and she had a rather interesting idea.
Booking speaking dates at colleges to speak about Sex offenses and the registry.
Why are we bothering with legislators that will nod their head in sympathy and then proceed to vote for legislation that harms us.
Colleges are the breeding grounds of future leaders of business and government. Why not allow them to decide if the registry is harmful based on facts and 1st hand testimonials.
I just came on here to see if anyone had posted anything about ChatGPT since it’s about to turn into Microsoft Bing AI (and Google has announced its competitor Bard). I saw Jim’s comment about ChatGPT refusing to offer an opinion on the registry itself. Given the issues surrounding arrest records, registries, and how most people access this information via search engines, I have to wonder how Bing AI and Google Bard will handle these matters. I haven’t been able to find anything about it. ChatGPT refuses to provide any information about anyone it deems a private individual (basically if you don’t have a wiki page about you, then you’re a private individual).
ChatGPT refused my every attempt to get it to retrieve any kind of arrest or conviction record, let alone police blotters or any personal information. For the moment it seems information about private individuals simply doesn’t exist for ChatGPT. If you ask about public criminal record information, including registry data, it will just refer you to contact the relevant agency. Every time it would respond saying this is private personal information, for example: “If you need to access this type of information, you may be able to do so by contacting the relevant law enforcement agency or government organization in your jurisdiction…Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the information you’re seeking is relevant and necessary for your needs, and to respect individuals’ privacy by not spreading or sharing sensitive information without their consent.”
Bing AI is built directly upon ChatGPT. The new Bing AI TOS – – includes the following: “Not to engage in activity that violates the privacy of others. Do not attempt to create or share content that could violate the privacy of others, including disclosure of private information (sometimes known as “doxing”).” It would be nice to live in a world where people can’t simply google you anymore. I’ll hold off on judgment until I see how Bard operates. I’m afraid some kind of AI will be abused by fee-based online data harvesters, but a paywall is a good deterrent for most prying eyes.
The more I think about Megan’s Law, the more I realize that it has to go. Even if they are not willing to abolish the registry, yet, the public site is a disgrace. They plaster millions of people on there to increase “public safety”. So, they deem everyone a threat to public safety without any true risk evaluation (not the ridiculous Static-99R). They are defaming reputations because of a possible future re-offense that nobody knows will ever happen, and as a matter of fact is almost non existent based on numerous scientific studies. How can they get away with this much public shaming without due process or any backup to justify this shaming? A defamation lawsuit is in order, I think.
just for the record, once you come off the registry, scam calls continue.
Been off since last summer and ust got a call from 510 399 4335 representing themselves as the Alameda county sheriffs department.
They told me they were recording the call and I told them I was as well.
They called me names and hung up
Anyone know for sure if this is correct Please advise my Mom is in the Hospital and i need to go ASAP
NYS does not require registration for a short visit (less than 14 days) however, as a courtesy, it is suggested that the offender advises local law enforcement of their presence in the area.
Living in NY for 14 consecutive days or 30 days over the course of a 12-month period could be considered residency and would be a deciding factor in referring a case to the New York State Board of Examiners of Sex Offenders to determine if the offender is required to register in NYS.
– New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
Guess which one is it …. NBA or NFL… 36 have been accused of spousal abuse, 7 been arrested for fraud, 19 have been accused of writing bad checks, 117 have directly or indirectly have bankrupted at least 2 businesses, 3 have done time for assault, 71 I repeat 71.. can’t even get a credit card due to their bad credit, 14 have been arrested for drug related charges, 8 have been arrested for shoplifting, 21 currently are defendants in law suits, 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year.. How many of you think it’s the NBA?? How many of you think it’s the NFL?? The answer is neither!!! It’s actually the 435 members of Congress!!! How can these people be allowed to keep making laws and punishing people for the mistakes, that they have made in the past and placing us on registries, be allowed to hold a position in Congress, and act like they are better then us, but say they support and defend the Constitution and our Declaration of Independence, which states that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!!! If that is truly the case, then why are we on registries and they are not? Why do they get to enjoy the freedoms that every American, according to our Constitution, that all men are suppose to have? We are treated worse then slaves, worse then third world society, worse then the lowest life form on Earth, but these guys can hold political offices, spread false information about SOR, and take the heat off them, make ex post facto rulings, and enforce cruel and unusual punishment beyond our sentences, but they can live the good life…. And these people are just members of Congress… what about judges, law enforcement officers, prosecutors?? They are just as bad as our and women!!! They always find the loop holes to weasel their way out. Perfect example, a prosecutor here in Michigan sentenced to 21 months in a federal prison, released after 6 months, to home monitoring because he found a loophole in the system, involving the CARES Act, do the he has an insulin pump and Covid in Prison could kill him. If it was a SOR person, we wouldn’t be given that opportunity at all. Enough is enough….. it’s time for this to end… Janice, PFL, ACLU, etc…. it’s time to end this maddness… Let’s Go!!!
KANSAS:New scam targets registered offenders in Brown Co.
Based upon the more recent articles here and based upon the current bills filed in my state of Texas, it appears to me that every legislative session in multiple states around the country, stricter sex offender statutes are enacted.
It appears to me every year a legislator(s) file stricter sex offender bills so they can say they are tough on crime. It is so easy to prey on people’s fears and lack of motivation to educate themselves, but mostly fear. To me it is hard to see progress. In my state, more banishment bills were filed all doing the same thing. It will be a miracle if none of these banishment bills get signed into law.
I was just forced to leave where I live and at the moment have no idea where to go but am hoping to find a place soon so I can be grandfathered in before any of these banishment bills get adopted.
I’m devastated. I just learned that the Missouri Supreme Court ruled that anyone on the national registry is ineligible to be removed from the registry. That’s 99.9% of us. I’m tier one and have worked so hard to keep motivated telling myself I’ll be off eventually. I finally made it to 10 years and the lawyer I called informed me of this recent ruling.
I cannot live this way in unofficial custody of the state decades after I paid my dues. It’s a horrible, stressful life. I live with my parents and work menial labor just to get by. I’ve been on the registry since I was 21 before I ever had a chance in life. Is there any state that I can move to that I can successfully petition to be removed from the registry? 1 count of CP possession, Missouri tier 1. Is Oregon really an option? Any insight of suggestions would be appreciated.
Messed up part under my pre agreement in Texas in 1997 and 1000’s of others, I wasn’t convicted of my charge but I’m still treated as someone who rolled the dice, lost and got convicted. My charges are very old compared to most people on this site. Before they ruin people’s lives my posting everything online. Which I can’t understand how people are still ending up on the registry knowing this? But at the same time most of the people put on the registry are teenagers or very young adults making a stupid mistake or was lied to by an female girl about her age and the legal system wants to punish them for the rest of their life. How is that fair? How is that best for society? Then they wonder why people go crazy.
Maybe Ms. Janice or someone can answer this question? I do believe if you have millions of dollars or very very well off which cash it’s possible to buy yourself off the registry. Not a celebrity or a high profile case but just a normal person I think they may be able to pull some strings somewhere in Texas or maybe other states too. Any opinions? pushbacks? Or believers?
So what’s the deal with the case about registrants who have 1203.4/17b and were assigned to tier 3… I think the case number is 34-2022-80003816-CU-WM-GDS.
Looks like the judge denied it, but what happens now?
What happened to the changes of Megan Law to remove the addresses of those of us who got Cert of Rehab? I got mine back in 2019 for by 664/288(a) and was informed that my address is still on the Site. I am in the process of getting off the Registry this year but wondering about the removal of the addresses
Has anyone traveled to Puerto Rico? I’d like to visit soon…it says on the registration laws page there are no provisions for visitors, but I wanted to verify. Does that mean I don’t have to about register a rental car there?
CA Edition: How did a regulatory scheme (290 registry) become more powerful than a criminal agency (1203.4)?
I’ve read how the registry is just collateral damage due to a criminal conviction. If that criminal conviction goes away, then the regulatory scheme must abide said action and the collateral damage must also go away. Yet, the regulatory scheme does not abide by this order of function. So how did a regulatory scheme wrestle away the powers of a criminal agency?
It broke many laws that safeguard order and consistency. The inconsistency of ordered law is on full display when a person earns a 1203.4 to rightfully state he or she has never been convicted before, including a sex crime conviction. Yet, the registry contradicts that court ruling by disseminating information that cites that individual is still convicted of a sex crime. Both instances cannot simultaneously exist nor can they be reconciled to be consistent.
Did you know there was a way off the registry that didn’t require one to go through the registry to de-register? This happened in 1958 with the Kelly v Municipal court decision via 1203.4. Why is this important? It’s important because this avenue was a legal avenue to de-register. Also, 1203.4 carried the value the courts identified the defendant as a low level criminal. But back then the registry was considered a part of the criminal agency.
Fast forward to the early 2000s, when the registry changed its agency from criminal to regulatory. This is where we start to notice the registry is just collateral damage from the conviction, a criminal agency operation. Because the registry became a non-criminal agency, then it had no way to keep it’s powers in check. Power driven with fear mongering, legislators overrode several laws:
All of these actions are proof of collusion to undermine the rule and order of law. CA did no such research on recidivism on its own state when changing these laws. Remember, people were removed from the registry in 1958 and the state failed to track the recidivism rates between 1958 to 2007, the implementation of 290.007.
1203.4 recognizes low level offenders. 1203.4 was the court citing you are rehabilitated as a low level offender and to not intrude into one’s life, but 290.007 changed all that despite 1203.4 already having exceptions on who can qualify for 1203.4. Why prove to the courts twice you are rehabilitated, once with 1203.4 and another with a 10-year wait of CoR? No other convict group needs to prove itself twice to be rehabilitated.
Here is where it gets even more interesting. With the passing of SB-384, the registry has usurped the power to de-register from the criminal agency altogether. In fact, the burden of proof to de-register is far less than going through the CoR. It appears there are two forms of justice now, a criminal and non-criminal agency – except only sex convicted individual are subjected to both forms of justice. There is no public murderer’s list. There is no public gang list. There is no public DUI list, etc…
This SB-384 makes no sense as it is just an extended wait version of 1203.4. Instead of your duration term in 1203.4, it is a set term of 10 years, 20 years, or lifetime terms. The 10 year wait is arbitrary. There are people who earn the 1203.4 who are on a 10-year term and those who did not earn a 1203.4 on a 10-year term. There is no value to earning a 1203.4 as you are still subjected to collateral consequences of your conviction that is supposed to no longer exist nor the accusation shared.
Conflate that with the passing of 1203.425 that specifically states it will not pass on the info to any non-criminal agency. So what exactly does this mean? This means when the court changes your plea to “not guilty”, every non-criminal agency cannot discern whether your case dismissal was due to wrongful accusation, proven innocent, or earned a 1203.4 case dismissal. Yet, the non-criminal agency registry scheme still has access to those records. Again, we have a problem of ignoring laws here. 1203.425 and 290.007 violate equal benefits and immunities, which is CA Const. Article 1, Section 7(b): “A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens.“
Why are there two forms of justice and why are laws blatantly being ignored? It all goes back to Kelly v Municipal, 1958. In that decision, they stated that the special law, PC 290, cannot be an exception to the general law, PC 1203.4 because they did not have the same coverage. Globally, this means there is only one form of justice. Specifically, this means 290 cannot prevent the benefits granted by 1203.4. This is further protected by CA Const. Article 1, Section 9: “ A bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts may not be passed.” Since 1203.4 is a contract with obligations, there will be no law that impairs these obligations of 1203.4, which includes the change of plea to not guilty and accusation/info dismissed.
The hysteria of Smith v Doe 2003 declaring the registry wasn’t punishment, but a regulatory scheme gave states carte blanche to do whatever without due process. Unfortunately, CA legislators forgot CA passed the “right to pursue and obtain privacy” law in 1972 and amended it into its constitution explicitly. Compound that with Melvin 1931 that states there is a “right to reputation” implied within “right to privacy”. The registry not only has an individual under surveillance while registered, the registry is able to ruin one’s reputation after earning the 1203.4 by disseminating you are still convicted of sex crime if you belong to the registry.
It’s crazy to accept that a non-criminal agency has more power than the criminal agency. The only way to get onto the non-criminal agency registry is through the criminal agency. And when the criminal agency grants a plea of not guilty and the individual can legally state he or she has not been convicted, the non-criminal agency can ignore the court granting. This makes absolutely no sense as the non-criminal agency registry has created two forms of justice that contradict one another. In doing so, it has created a separate class of citizens that is undeserving of receiving all the benefits and immunities of laws earned – the state has created a secondary class citizens by default. How very unconstitutional this is for California, a supposed progressive state.
Why can’t they just LET US BE?
Why is that so hard for them to grasp?
Everyone remember “Angie’s List”? They renamed it to “Angi”. Branding is important.
We need to brand the Hit Lists. I’ve used:
Sex Offense Registries
Hit Lists
Harassment Lists
I’m going to start using:
Karen’s List
I think that has “pop” and should perform well in advertisements.
“Are you a Karen/Ken? Can’t mind your own business? Can’t leave other families alone?
Use Karen’s List! Then you can be all smug and pretend you aren’t just a waste of oxygen. Bring meaning to your life!”