Janice’s Journal: New Year, New Hope

It is the beginning of a new year.  It is also the beginning of new hope.

The new hope is based upon ACSOL’s commitment to improve the California Tiered Registry Law this year.  We will do this by lobbying the state legislature in Sacramento.

Although this is only the third day of the new year, lobbying efforts are already underway as ACSOL reaches out to other organizations who are likely to support the improvements we request. 

ACSOL is also reaching out to YOU because it will be your participation in the lobbying efforts that will make the biggest difference.  We need YOU to join Lobby Day in Sacramento on March 21We need YOU to write letters, send emails and make phone calls.

Lobby Day in Sacramento will be different this year in several ways.  First, ACSOL will pay for the parking of everyone who participates.  Second, ACSOL will provide scholarships for travel expenses for participants who qualify.  Third, ACSOL will provide lunch and dinner for everyone who participates in Lobby Day.

As Frank Lindsay has said for years, we’re all in this together!

Together we can change the Tiered Registry Law.  Together we can persuade the legislators to reduce from Tier 3 to Tier 1 those convicted of a felony child pornography offense.  Together we can persuade the legislators to reduce from Tier 3 to Tier 2 those convicted of PC 288(c).  And together we can persuade the legislators to create an off-ramp for those assigned to Tier 3 as well as make other necessary improvements.

Come to Sacramento on March 21 for Lobby Day if you are able.  If you are not able to come to Sacramento, you will have opportunities to make phone calls, send emails and write letters.  Details regarding those opportunities will be posted on this website during the next few months.

The important thing to remember is that Together, WE can improve the Tiered Registry Law!

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I really wish this year for changes. C.P. cases being tier 3 is absolutely garbage, just like me in Wisconsin having to wear a gps unit for life with the same charge! One day i will be free of the shackles of injustice!

Is there any chance of asking for misdemeanor 288(c) to be put on tier 1 and felony on tier 2?

It’s definitely a great start, but please don’t forget about those who are a Tier 3 after they earned a 1203.4. Hopefully, the new law 1203.425 is the reason ACSOL is not pursuing this yet. Or the fact that NARSOL will take a look at it along with the right to privacy that New Person so awesomely explained numerous times. I remember vividly that ACSOL said that nobody will be thrown under the bus.

I know this is probably beating a dead horse… are there any real conversations regarding people who have been granted 1203.4 being relieved of their duty to register? Tier 2 here and hitting 20 years in May of 2024 but wouldn’t be sad if 1203.4 expedited the process.

Thumb up!

Together we can persuade the legislators to reduce from Tier 3 to Tier 2 those convicted of PC 288(c). 

Is there still a lawsuit pending regarding the Equal Protection issue of 288(c) being Tier 3 as compared to a similar statue with younger victims being Tier 2?

I hope this is still a possible solution in addition to the lobbying angle.

I participated in Lobby Day with ACSOL twice pre-pandemic, got to work with both Frank and Roger. We were never able to meet directly with legislators, but their staff members, even knowing what we represented, were courteous and respectful, and took lots of notes. A very educational and hopefully helpful experience that I recommend for everyone.
If everything goes well, we will be flying from the Galapagos to Ecuador that day, but I’ll look for other ways to help.

I’ll definitely be there this time 😎👌

I understand fighting to get CP offenses to tier 1. I wonder what that exactly includes? 311.11 (possession), attempted or actual 311.4 (use of minor in explicit way to produce an image or video) or even 288.3 communication offenses. It seems to me that any non contact offenses, unless recurring convictions, should be placed in tier 1. In my situation, through social networking I asked someone who I believed to be an adult to send nude photos. They never sent them but the person was actually under 18. So I have convictions for 288.3(a) (communication with a minor with intent to commit a sex offense), 311.11(a) (possession of cp), and attempted 311.4(c) (attempted empty minor for use in obscene material). All first time offender, all non contact offenses, all stemming from one incident.

I am not able to attend the March 21 Lobby Day, but I would like to contribute to the cause by a phone call or writing an email/letter. Who are the specific people that would best for me to contact to send my message? Thanks.