Man Offers First Class Seat To Child In Coach, American Airlines Suspects He’s A Predator

Source: 2/23/23

An American Airlines ConciergeKey passenger, one of the carrier’s top customers, shared to social media that they were flying from Portland to Dallas on Tuesday’s flight 2655 and wound up suspected of being a child predator – because they tried to do a good deed, giving up their first class seat for an unaccompanied minor seated in coach.

They were heading to Dallas to connect to a British Airways flight to London. Pre-boarding (since ConciergeKey members board ahead of first class, even), they noticed “a very young unaccompanied minor” and let a flight attendant in first class know they’d be happy to swap their first class seat with the child and sit in coach. This didn’t seem like a big deal.

Offering the flight attendant at the back of the cabin that they’d switch seats, the response was jarring: ”Why would you want to do that? Do you know him? Why do you want to separate him from his group?”

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I am often concerned that there is just not enough sex offender hysteria in the world these days*. Fortunately, I am reassured when I come across articles like this

The frequent flyer was probably trying to keep the boy safe from the flight crew and the captain. “Have you ever seen a grown man naked!” A classic line from the movie Airplane!

Revolution is coming. Keep ***king with innocent people, and eventually it’s going to happen. We will revolt!

Probably can thank Rep Smith for this hysteria…

You know, being in an aluminum tube stuffed to the gills with crammed-in passengers is such a great place to seduce unaccompanied minors. There are literally no witnesses anywhere to see or hear anything. It’s perfect!

What if the young ‘unaccompanied’ minor really was in danger (trying to escape trafficking), and no one passed him to front coach where the disgusted instigating flight attendant could have protected the ‘child’? Would it have been the passengers’ fault that no one brought the minor to the attention of the flight crew?

You help, you’re a (suspected) p3do. If don’t help, you’re endangering the child.

One just can’t win in this day and age; what’s with all this petty, trivial “child molestaishun’zzzz!!1!” accusations that has venomized our English-speaking western cultures.

I’m sorry. I’m against the trend of America “suing over everything”. But… sometimes…. **smacks and shakes head**

Last edited 8 months ago by AC