Marjorie Taylor Greene shocks Lesley Stahl by saying Joe Biden supports pedophilia

Source: 4/3/23

During an appearance on CBS’s television magazine 60 Minutes, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) called Democrats – and even President Joe Biden – supporters of pedophilia.

“Greene complains that the news media harp on things she did in the past,” Stahl says in a voiceover. “Like, as in this video, chasing after a survivor of the Parkland, Florida school shooting… and things she says that are over the top, like…”

“‘The Democrats are a party of pedophiles,’” Stahl says, quoting Greene from an April 2022 interview.

“I would definitely say so,” Greene told Stahl, standing by her words. “They support grooming children-“

“They are not pedophiles!” Stahl laughed, apparently thinking Greene wasn’t serious. “Why would you say that?”

“Democrats, Democrats support- Even Joe Biden the President himself supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries,” Greene stated. “Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children.”

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MTG is always going to say something for shock value to get headlines because she believes any press, even bad press, is better than no press. I think schools should be focusing on the essentials of education like reading, writing, arithmetic and the sciences as opposed to some of this other crap. Our failure to do so makes us a dumber country and fall farther behind the rest of the world. Maybe that explains why other countries say we are a human rights offender in respect to sex offender registry laws because we aren’t smart enough to read the data on re-offending, or at least the judiciary isn’t.
It seems the republican party can only sway voters is with the 2nd Amendment, sex offenders, abortion and defense spending. Maybe that is because as a political party they are as hapless as the democrats and only care about staying in power not helping the people who elected them.

If I were Leslie, I would point out to Ms. Greene that she seems very preoccupied with the topic, and just mention the fact that republicans across the country have soundly rejected Democratic efforts to make child marriage illegal. Now what do you think her response would be to that?

i don’t understand why libs are upset over the 60 minutes show about MTG, during the week social media was saying 60 minutes did not do enough to challenge MTG i think MTG showed what kind of an animal she is for women who do not like the C word in this case MTG is big _UNT !! she will see the devil some day i am sure of it

i think social media was wrong in saying 60 minutes did not fact check MTG is wrong if anyone watch the 60 minutes interview that thing called MTG hung her self on air and she showed her real colors that night and how much of a C word she really is

Let them continue carrying on!! The more often these folks banter on about “grooming” and “pedophilia”, the more it weakens the actual words – especially when they apply these terms so loosely and “liberally” to all Democrats. Soon they’ll be throwing it out there as if it were no different from “douchebag” or “asshat” – it won’t even get a rise from people anymore. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Last edited 1 year ago by David🔱

I believe Clinton sign the registration laws.

It’s no secret that this woman is a full blown psychopath. But unfortunately she appeals to a large segment of the population with the same mindset that believes President Obama was born in Kenya. Marjorie is Sarah Palin on steroids combined with Michelle Bachmann’s brain soaked in battery acid. Her husband Marcus only wanted to “reprogram” gays in his therapy school, but Marjorie would rather kill them, These people only get more dangerous, and it doesn’t get better when you have a certain political party always giving them cover.

She has a big mouth for someone that looks like a Neanderthal throwback.

It’s always project, deflect and re-direct with these people.

North Carolina’s GOP banned gender neutral bathrooms out of fear who’s lurking in the next stall; Tennessee’s GOP banned drag queens, while wanting to lower the age of teen marriage; MTG wants to ban child mutilation calling it child abuse; Florida and other states what to track teens’ menstruation cycles; MTG and the GOP calls anyone who identifies as transgender dangerous to society, while all they want is acceptance. Anyone who disagrees with the GOP they label a pedophile or groomer. Well from what I can tell the GOP is more focused on children’s sexuality; so wouldn’t they be more of what they accuse others of doing.