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This is wonderful. A perfect addition and compliment to the travel pages. Thank you to everyone who advocated for adding this section. While I have no information to add at this time or questions, my wife and I do plan, tentatively to move abroad, most likely France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, or some of the other Norwegian countries in the coming years. I will be back. Again, Kudos for adding this!!!

One thing that may be helpful to know is which countries are taking PFR’s that offer the digital nomad visa. For those who have a solid remote work opportunity, it could be a very easy way to make the transition. I personally haven’t found one yet that met my requirements….

Just finished vacation to Spain. Was stopped by Spanish immigration going in and again on return to the US. Same questions at both ends…how many days, what will you do, where will you go. Spanish officials wanted to also look at my reservations. Good news is that I got end….bad news is that I was separated from people I was traveling with and directed to sit for an hour waiting to talk to someone

fwiw… Ive found guatemala easy to live in. you have to drive to the border every 6 months to renew your tourist visa, but they dont have any kind of system to see your history. its only when flyinging in and out of the country that can be an issue. and that is only because of the angel watch center being jerks. ive managed to walk into mexico, taxi to immigration and then bus to an airport. no issues when flying out of mexico. AWC only informs when flying out of domestic… so far

I am going to be jumping into the digital nomad scene in about 10 months. I have a client base that wants to continue working with me via zoom sessions, so I will be able to both travel and schedule. Payment of services will be easy, but I will sometimes need to be up at 2 or 3 in the morning to accommodate some clients.
I have friends that left their tech jobs to do this. They both got certified and teach yoga and have youtube/ instagram channels. I will likely be doing the same as a second source of income.
A client is well versed at setting up these sites and is going to help me out. I’m looking forward to this new adventure. Not for everyone, but I have always been a person that travelled anyway, and with no family ties or responsibilities, I can simply take off and not look back. I’m excited about this new adventure!

Has anyone had their identifiers in their Passport removed. I only have one CP case, and was granted a Level One Status by a Superior Court Judge in Lower Manhattan, in NYC, which ends in early 2031… I would also like to know how to apply to be removed from my obligation to register earlier than that (as soon as possible)!

ANY IDEAS!!!!!!!???????

with the knowledge that it is possible to migrate to Germany, does anyone know if its possible to migrate to the Netherlands on the (DAFT) visa? if not ill be migrating to Germany by December but would much rather go to Netherlands

Travelling to Mexico
I’ve gone to Mexico regularly, by driving across the border at San Ysidro. Never a problem entering, and always expect a quick trip through secondary, but still no problem. Has anyone crossed into Tijuana Airport through the Cross Border Express and experienced and problems. I’ve taken a taxi to the TJ airport, flown to Cabo and had a very pleasant trip. I’m curious whether Mexican Immigration is linked to CBP/Angel Watch/US Marshalls service. Curious minds want to know!

We have traveled a lot internationally for work and vacation. We have enjoyed time in Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Germany and Czech Republic. Planning future trips and really looking into best place to live, as we are very interested in relocating there. Love this discussion group and look forward to great information from everyone. Our son is the registered traveler and has his passport marked.

If anyone is interested in Teaching English online as some extra income I’ll let you know the particulars about the program Im using

This is a bit of information that I hope someone may find helpful, as everyone should have the right to own a Plan B, but for some, it is nearly impossible.

The Greek Golden Visa implements the most privacy-focused due diligence of all EU residency programs.

The program is very straightforward – the applicant purchases real estate and acquires Greek permanent residency.

Greek residency is EU residency, and thus, Greek Golden Visa holders are exempt from having to use the EU’s ETIAS [eVisa] and EES entry systems.

The Greek Golden Visa requires a real estate investment of at least €250,000 [approx. $265,000]. For real estate purchases, no criminal background check is required to be submitted [there is no guarantee a criminal background won’t be discovered, however], and the money needs only to be transferred from an account in an accredited bank.

However, ownership of the property must be maintained to keep residency.

I know it may not be perfect, but it is the best EU residency option we have for clients in difficult situations.

The number of available slots is reflected by the availability of approved properties we have left to sell.

If anyone is interested in more information or wishes to schedule a Free Consultation, you can do so via this link:
[I apologize; my site is currently under construction]

Has Anyone Successfully relocated to the EU and if so where?

Good news for anyone with a Misdemeanor and off registry. Spoke to a person I had been in therapy with after my conviction. He has been approved by Costa Rica for a retirement residence visa. He and I both had same conviction and had same probation officer. He was interviewed after his request and was told that since it was a misdemeanor, that a significant time had elapsed and that he had provided quality reference letters, that they would approve his request. He had a Costa Rican Attorney representing him. So when you read about countries denying residence visas, you need to contact an immigration lawyer for that country. They will be able to give you the best advise.

Passport Identifier
Five year ago (2020) I relocated to Honduras and notified the LAPD to “De-list me from the Registry” since I will not be leaving in California/USA. I relocated to Honduras. Two years ago I’ve travel by land to Mexico from Honduras without a problem (had to learn Spanish). I’ve cross the San Ysidro border when I was visiting friends in San Diego and the normal routine of Second Inspection was gone. I double asked the CBP officer if I was required for Second Inspection and he said “no, there nothing on the screen for me to send you there”. So the “de-listing from the Registry” worked! HOWEVER….

Now that I need to renew my USA Passport will the Passport Identified be in the new Passport?
If any one could shed some light I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Stumbled across this today…a complaint form from the US Marshals Office for use when our plans are interrupted by notification they send out:

International Megan’s Law Complaint Form

Click on the ‘forms’ tab a little bit down the page to get the complaint form. Not sure if this will do any good or not.