ACSOL will lead an in-person meeting in Berkeley on Saturday, February 15, 2025, starting at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held at:
The Finnish Hall
1970 Chestnut Street
Berkeley, CA
“We are pleased to return to Finnish Hall for this meeting,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “Finnish Hall is a great location for our meeting due to its proximity to BART. There will be much to discuss during the meeting including proposed improvements to the Tiered Registry Law, treatment for parolees and the pending challenge to SORNA regulations.”
The meeting is free and will include refreshments. There is no sign up for the meeting, but attendees who drive there are encouraged to arrive early due to limited parking.
Attendance at the meeting is limited to registrants, their loved ones and those who support them. No government officials are allowed to attend the meetings.
The in-person meetings will not be recorded. They will not replace the monthly Zoom meetings, which go into more detail on the issues.
Will there be Parking for charging EVs?
No, there is not parking for charging EVs at this location. The parking lot only holds about 6 cars in addition to parking on the street. This location is good for many people because it is within walking distance of a BART station.
I’m not 100% sure I’m commenting in the right place RE: February 22 online meeting. But it’s where a link brought me. I know that recent discussions on counseling and therapy are regarding California practice of repeating same or similar therapy over and over. Maybe the discussion can be expanded to include Federal Supervised Release? – same practice at least in California.
I haven’t called in for many months so excuse me if I’m bringing up old news.