ACSOL Letter to DOGE Requests Elimination of All Funding for SORNA

Source: ACSOL

The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) has prepared and sent a letter to the federal Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), headed by Elon Musk, to eliminate all funding for the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).  According to that letter, annual funding for SORNA exceeds $10 billion.

The letter states clearly that SORNA funding has punished and continues to punish U.S. citizens required to register.  The letter identifies three agencies — Department of Justice, Department of State and the General Services Administration — as recipients of SORNA funding.

For example, SORNA requires individuals convicted of a sex offense involving a minor, including offenses that did not include violence or even physical touching, to have a “unique identifier” added to their passport.  This identifier is now printed on page one of the passports of affected registrants and can result in the denial of entry into countries.  In the history of the world only two countries — Nazi Germany and the USSR — have added similar markings to the passports of their citizens.  For both countries, the passports of only their Jewish citizens had this marking.

The letter also addresses recently issued regulations which require registrants to take actions that are not possible in the state where they live.  For example, the regulations require many registrants to register four times a year despite the fact that state law requires registration only once a year.  

ACSOL will post any and all replies to this letter on this website.  

Download ACSOL’s letter;

Letter to DOGE - Signed - Feb 202502242025

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I have issues with DOGE, but this is NOT one of them. I’m all for the elimination of SORNA. To be honest I still feel this a longshot attempt but what the heck – GO ACSOL!

You should have told him to close down Angel Watch and IML as well

Let’s hope this letter will even reach him. Everything else in gov getting cut. Why not this, and it’s a huge one.

Go Get ’em!!!! I support your cause.

If DOGE or another government entity responds to this, I don’t think we are going to like the result. Bringing light/attention to our group seems like it is going to have the opposite effect we would all hope for when their are much worse “solutions” to save money. Pandora’s box is now open.

It may work, considering they are in a budget cutting mood. Prayers🙏🙏🙏

I really appreciate this approach. It is a great idea, and seems like a good candidate for eliminating wasteful spending.

Thank you ACSOL, I totally support this 100%


EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT idea! Just FYI, I voted for Trump and would be considered a Conservative Christian, so for the record, I whole heartedly support this request and will gladly make my support public! Whether or not this request is accepted and acted upon, I am with you and will support whatever measures that you (and I can help, we) can find to assist in eliminating the registration for good. Well done! I will also be at the DC Vigil and conference this Sat-Mon. Looking forward to it. Driving from Kansas. Well done!

I think we missed a huge part of this letter. What about an offramp for people convicted of a tier 3 and have not had a repeated offense. It would save the government a lot of money to not have to track these individuals that are not of risk. This offramp situation is of the highest importance. Can you add this to the letter? It’s too bad that this letter was already sent.

BRAVO JANICE!!!👏 👏 👏 This is a brilliant move, on your part! So obvious but I would have never thought of this!!! I sincerely hope and pray Elon identifies with your brilliance, and sees it your way!!! THANK YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Last edited 2 hours ago by WhenWillThisAllEnd?

As a lifelong Conservative, I was in favor of eliminating the Registry long before I was required to register myself. Fiscal restraint is important to me. If the government is going to tax us and spend money, it is incumbent on that government to provide a clearly defined benefit to the taxpayers. The Registry clearly provides no benefit, and in fact can actually have a detrimental impact. “Good intentions” are not a benefit.

Most of my fellow Conservatives are opposed to laws and systems that just don’t work. Needless bureaucracy is nothing but a resource stealing black hole of waste and abuse.

We criticize signs proclaiming a “gun free zone” because we know it will not stop someone intent on committing a crime with a gun from doing so. Similarly, the Registry does absolutely nothing to stop someone intent on committing a sex based crime from doing so. Thus, it logically serves no real purpose.

It is long past time to end the Registry. It is completely counter to the idea of a limited and fiscally responsible government.

I am all for the elimination of SORNA and Angel Watch as well. Go ACSOL. I support your cause!

The letter is a good start and moral booster for us in the registrant community, but that’s about it. The brutal truth: DOGE will see the letter and laugh, ball it up and throw it in the trash. For anyone who has follow this administration, DOGE is not about cost cutting unless it fits their ideology. Now if SORNA had some DEI salaries, grants or employees working in Angel Watch programs, maybe they would do a little reshuffling around such as replacing people of color with white guys. But THEY ARE NOT cutting SORNA. I’m sorry I had to give it straight, but some people still have trouble understanding what makes Donald Trump & the MAGA movement tick.