The Senate Appropriations Committee will consider Senate Bill 448 (SB 448) during a hearing on August 24. If passed, the bill would require registered citizens to disclose internet identifiers to law enforcement officials.
The Senate Public Safety Committee passed SB 448 unanimously based in part upon a promise by the bill’s author to amend the bill. According to committee staff, the bill must be amended to limit those who must disclose to an individual convicted of an offense that involved use of the internet.
“Senate Bill 448 must be stopped,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “Even as amended, the bill casts too wide a net because it would include individuals convicted of non-contact offenses. For example, a 16-year-old who views a pornographic image of another 16-year-old would be required to disclose his internet identifiers.”
There are many additional steps required before SB 448 could become law. If the Appropriations Committee approves the bill, the bill would be voted on the Senate floor and then sent to the Assembly. In the Assembly, it would require passage by the Public Safety Committee, the Appropriations Committees and the full Assembly before the legislature ends its session on September 11. If the legislature approves the bill, the bill must obtain the Governor’s approval before it becomes law.
“In order to stop SB 448, letters must be written and phone calls must be made to leaders in both the Senate and the Assembly,.” stated Bellucci.
Kevin de Leon, President Pro Tem
California Senate
State Capitol, Room 205
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4024
Toni Atkins, Speaker
California Assembly
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0078
(916) 319-2078
Bill Quirk, Chairman
Public Safety Committee
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0020
(916) 319-2020
Timmr said “… expanded it to include all those deemed “dangerous”. The country I once knew of is gone. Nixon is smiling in his grave.”
I agree Nixon is smiling in his grave, but he’s also probably sad he’s not alive and in office to be doing this crap himself.