PHOENIX – A court ruling says an Arizona law intended to make it practical for homeless people to register as sex offenders only goes so far. Full Article
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This is a sort of catch-22. The guy can’t get a job or housing due to his registration status but if he does get temporary housing he is liable to report it and also report it when he looses housing…God forbid if he is also mentally ill and forgets stuff or delirious due to getting beat up on the streets and lacks understanding enough to know he is suppose to report. Question: How does one NOT violate in some way considering the details? To violate is more likely than the ability to comply. Hitler would be proud…Nazi law…If you are a Jew you must wear a yellow star, but if you wear a yellow star you will be shot or hauled away to be killed, If you don’t wear the yellow star and you are a Jew you get shot on the spot. The Salem witch trials: If you are NOT a witch after being thrown into deep water and you do not surface (hence drown) you’re innocent (how-be-dead), but if you do surface you are a witch and will be burned alive! How to not violate? is the big question for registered sex offenders homeless in AZ. If this wasn’t so tragically stupid it would almost be humorous!
This shows how registration is not an extention of parole or probation or any other corrective program. It undoes any correction or reintegration that the original punishment may have done or intended to do. It’s effect is to eliminate people from society, rather than readjust to it, plain and simple, and dishonest.
“The court says the law is intended to protect communities by tracking sex offenders’ whereabouts as closely as reasonable practicable.”
And how does that protect the community? Oh right, ask a silly question and get a silly answer.
Never mind.
they don’t care who gets screwed , that’s why they make stupid laws to fight over , rather than just being fair , face it we are going to be punished for just living , under fake laws passed and defended buy fake humans , and while we are being put in prisons and being put to death , they will raise glass’s and say they did the best the could to save humanity from the monsters that our great laws created , the shrinks will say that they tried to help but the sex offenders lack of trust in them just shows how unstable they really are , you know the doctors ? the sell outs to big Fed money , what crime have they went out of their way to pass so many new laws,? and why? a guard in prison told me it was because we don’t keep coming back on their own , but what dose he know right? oh my garsh we have homeless sex offenders ? wonder how that happed ? yet we have people that were middle class that are now homeless and they have a hard time making it , yet the sex offender is some how suppose rise above all the laws , even when the state raise the bar , yes sir , no mam , yes sir , no mam , thank you for the kick in the teeth sir , yes mam I love it when you twist my arm mam , yes sir its fine the these people make our familys fear for their life , yes sir its fair that you make it harder for me to be homeless and harder to keep a home or find a new one sir mam . of course I love having to register sir because it keeps my betters feeling safer in their homes , yes sir its ok that people find us and mess up what little we do have , yes mam its just fine that “men” and “women” seek out vengeance on us , you know , like being slammed in the head with a hammer in the night , that guy is a real hero , and all of the folks involved in shooting that guy in MO that had no where to go , the ones that did that sir should get a metal , I am sorry sir that we still have a spark of will sir , its ok sir that if there is a disaster of some kind we cant stay with everyone else and go to jail in stead mam , is there some way that we can punish our self’s further to better help you keep us in jails sir , and sir , mam , we know its safer that our kids be raised by state rather than our selfs , because we know that state shelters are safer , and besides we have an important job already and that’s to insure the many very important jobs of doctors , law officers , judges , lawyers , and of course internet watch sir