Sex offenders will soon have to report their email addresses, user names and other Internet identifiers to police under a bill Governor Jerry Brown signed Wednesday.
The bill, authored by state Sen. Ben Hueso (D-San Diego), will apply to people convicted on or after Jan. 1, 2017 of Internet-related sex crimes. Full Article
The change to the law to include only those convicted after January 1st 2017 still doesn’t change the fact that it chills the free speech for those individuals.
So why couldn’t IML have been setup the same way..going forward instead of backward compatible and grossly unconstitutional?
wow what a loser ben is, If I was convicted after this date I WOULDNT DO IT EVER, PROVE it that its my email address. Its called MORE GOVERNMENT DATA COLLECTION Our govt has gotten TO BIG and TO EVIL and imho needs to be overthrown ASAP.
So does the new ‘law’ say what the punishment for NOT doing it is ? is it a failure to register ?
I recall seeing ben posting a sex ad on craiglist trying to sell himself ! ahha
We’re all just a bunch of free range chickens in an open air prison with zero privacy, safety or security whatsoever.
I would just make up one of those “10 minute email” things just to give them in order to make them feel IMPORTANT and to pacify their “we’re protecting children” with this feckless measure/initiative.
I’m surprised they didn’t want to know what color socks we have.
Of course this is going to be challenged.
It’s a silly bill by a silly man, who needed a “win” after his DUI arrest and conviction, bought and paid for by a power hungry Facebook troll. It had to be gutted to be pushed past committee without the ex post facto and other issues that got that portion of Prop. 35 ruled unconstitutional in the first place. And yes, it will be challenged, as soon as the first poor soul is convicted under it. Until then, it won’t be ripe for challenge. But isn’t that the way of the S.O. world? Write garbage, push garbage, sign garbage, and then let someone sue and have the judicial branch declare what we already know? We’ve danced this dance so long and often…Let’s do it again.
“We have learned that the internet has become extremely popular for sex crimes,” Hueso said. Keep a eye Benny, he has more experience on this than most RCs.
Here’s another case of The bill, authored by state Sen. Ben Hueso (D-San Diego) and signed my
one of the most liberal Governors (D-Jerry Brown) in all 57 States (per Obama). We just can’t count on Democrats to be in our corner, as they once were.
I’ve been saying for some time now that we need to look to those who really abide by and truly believe in our “Constitution”.
I’m sorry, but this is an example of more trashing of our Constitution. The current Administration has absolutely trashed our Constitution. That “trashing” just filters down to the State and Local levels across the board.
I believe before I vote I’m going to bluntly ask this…”Do you believe in our Constitution?” Next question…”Do you believe that RC’s are being treated according to our founding fathers aspirations?” Their answer will make the voting decision simple. I’ve been watching this registration process morph over the past 26 years into something that looks very much like this. Since we don’t have “Communists” to kick around any longer, let’s just screw the hell out of RSO’s. If they try to fight us, we’ll just screw them harder.
We all should register 100 emails each, all of which we never use. Let’s overload the database. Surely they would take them from any RC, even those who do not have to. Then we legally use one we do not register. Ha…ha…help our brethren who are required to do this.
man these guys up here in Sacramento don’t even want you coming in when you change or add vehicles or when I enroll or unenroll in college every semester…they tell me to go away and report back at my annual and tell me just register with campus police.which I do at the beginning of every semester….talk about onerous thats 4times a year I have to register and if they did follow the law and made me report everytime I enrolled and completed a semester that would mean reporting 13times a year….sounds a little more than price club….then the FBI and dhs and cia all claim they dont havethe resources to monitor high risk suspected terrorist or to fight gun violence and gangbanging drug lords…ridiculous….cops are to afraid of their own shadows to go after real threats…thats why they shoot anyone every time someone even looks threatening….plus they get paid vacations for every waiting for them to arrest me for not reporting everytime I enrolled or unenroll in college because there’s no way they can say I intentionally failed to Report when I’ve been reporting for the last 8years and report every semester to campus police….even if they do arrest me it will just open the door for a habeas corpus in which I can get my motion and arguments in the courts without all the filing requirements im going to have to follow…as far as this Internet indetifier issue it’s just like I said amend reenact and pass through the courts because now it’s narrowly focused I hope I’m wrong but I’m sure we can expect the same thing with residency and presence restrictions….except those so called narrowly application will be retroactively applied…I really hope they don’t try to screw me out of my education because like I said that will be the last kick this dog is going to take…I will bite back and hard…
sorry for being negative and just whining like I’ve been accused of doing but we can all talk until we’re blue in the face but in the end the only way to get change is going to be through the courts…I wonder who these others that janice was talking about…Janice please let me and the rest of us know who these others are that are supposed to be preparing to get the real issues in front of a judge so maybe we can feel some kind of hope and maybe even be able to provide some kind of assistance even if it’s just suggestions or evidence or???? I know these lawyers are professionals and don’t pay any attention to or give weight to any of our layman suggestions but maybe we might be more successful if they did…just saying it’s insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results….
I hear people on this thread coming up with ideals to turn this new email law into a headache & bureaucratic mess for the state to handle. But be careful what you wish for. Instead of easing up on the law because the system gets overloaded, the state may just decide to ban registrants from having emails at all. Less paperwork and overloading the servers. At the same tome, legislators can still appear to be tough on sex offenders
not to mention I’ve read or heard somewhere that it against the law to intentionally disrupt or attempt to incompacitate these laws…
im glad to see a quite a few new names on here…hopefully words getting round about sites like this…especially this site…am i missing something..whats FCD renny…im not getting the acronym…also janice or moderator or someone please update us on who these others are that you mentioned are preparing to challenge these laws and wat they are going to be challenging or some kind of information besides just leaving us hanging and wondering….like I said give us some hope….it seems like the pendulum is starting to swing back the govs way again…
This is potentially a very dangerous law. Just like 290 itself (which only required registration for 13 offenses in 1947), the internet identifier will grow to include more of us if it is not challenged in this early stage. It chills Free Speech, so it must be challenged.
So, I correct that this new law is admitting that requiring this reporting is punishment? If so, does this law say it must be handed down as part of the sentence, not a notice aside from the sentence as SOR is?
Does this provide an avenue to attack the entirety of registration, since 290 now specifically says it is not punishment, yet this admitted punishment will be in 290? Or, will this be a separate statute?
Or, are they still claiming that this is not punishment, doesn’t not violate the US Constitution, they simply decided not to make it retroactive?
And considering all this, how does the passage of this new law affect the challenge to the previous ballot measure imposing this requirement on all registrants? Does this somehow provide something to officially and definitively override and KILL PERMANENTLY this similar requirement but for all registrants in that ballot measure? As I recall, the challenge to that provision in the ballot measure is still in limbo. I think at the Ninth Circuit.
And I additionally say, and everything considered, including that this law will not apply to me: This is still VERY wrong, and surly still violates the First Amendment. And it absolutely violates the California Constitution’s much stronger protection of individual privacy.
If registration were merely “administrative” and not punishment and comparable to a “Price Club application,” then there would be no additional restrictions, no additional punishment for failing to register, and none of this intrusive information required. Everyone knows it, whether politicians or just the average joe off the street, everyone it seems except SCOTUS.
great argument new person…. That will definitely have to be included in any court challenge in the future…..
Advise from anyone ??!!
Could anyone give me some advice ??!! I am 75% done with my Parole with the crime of sexual assault on an adult 261(a)(4).
I have monthly meetings w/ my PO along with urine tests .
Today my PO checked my iPhones out and shortly later texted me saying I had to close my Facebook account because I am not allowed to be on Facebook . As we know Face book is used for everything. Over the past 2 years I have been involved more and more with political activities blogging etc since this is the most important election I will see in my life time ( and I wont be able to vote in it ) Line 87 on my Parole paperwork is what I am in violation of.
I really don’t want to close my FB for so many reasons . Last week the Therapist from the weekly therapy classes that I have to take was asked about discrepancies in applications of rules between POs and what she told us several times that the POs have quite a bit of leeway on how they want to enforce these rules , if your PO is cool he will not fuck with your Facebook participation .
I want to figure out on how to respond to this in the right way that would continue to allow me too respond to the Political conversation on Facebook and participate with my family and friends on FB.
I could agree to stop any submembership to any groups that are not either non political or have no direct relationship to my family or friends
If I try to fight this guy I will lose . I could give him my Password so he could check for himself if I was involved with anything that involved communicating with pretty women .
I could as for a meeting with his supervisor and lay everything out and plead my case there .
Anybody Please give me some advice as I have only a short time to deal with this .
As we can see in the news sexual misconduct censorship is most effective to use in political censorship as it is the most PC victim class . Wikileaks founder Julian Assange hides out in an Embassy in London from falsified sexual assault charges from Sweden that is being used to silence him . Perhaps my PO does not like my Rants against the Prison Industrial Complex . I don’t know but any advice woukl be greatly appreciated !
Thank You fellow sufferers
catch in my experience and my opinion the only way to fight your issue is by filing a 602 appeal form with the parole Department..its an extreme Longshot unless you have an attorney prepare and argue it or if you’re incredibly articulate and know your laws and regulations on what and how parole decides and implement their conditions of parole…they are extremely difficult to fight but it can be done…I don’t believe there is anyway to force them to expedite your appeal either so it takes a quite a long time to get thru the process although there are time requirements for them to follow and meet…good luck man
Thanks guys this was exactly the type of advice I was looking for and I have almost decided my strategy . I will text him back with one last appeal to reason before doing what he askes . It would be nice if I could kind of put my FB site into” vacation mode” with a I will be out of town until June 15th 2017 but I would have to see how that would work . I don’t really want to restart my FB again and I want to keep the name I am using if possible . 10 mos left on Parole seems huge but I should be able to hit the ground running if I am patient .
How is Ben Hueso still in politics after his DUI? Only in the world of California’s dysfunctional politics.
Maybe it would be understandable if he didn’t choose “sex offenders” as a scapegoat to project his inadequacies. But using “sex offenders” to further his very own political career says something about this guy’s faulty character.
Can someone clarify this applies to new registrants, this wording is concerning:
290.023. The registration provisions of the Act are applicable to
every person described in the Act, without regard to when his or her
crime or crimes were committed or his or her duty to register
pursuant to the Act arose, and to every offense described in the Act,
regardless of when it was committed.
290.024. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms apply:
(a) “Internet service provider” means a business, organization, or
other entity providing a computer and communications facility
directly to consumers through which a person may obtain access to the
Internet. An Internet service provider does not include a business,
organization, or other entity that provides only telecommunications
services, cable services, or video services, or any system operated
or services offered by a library or educational institution.
(b) “Internet identifier” means an electronic mail address, user
name, screen name, or similar identifier used for the purpose of
Internet forum discussions, Internet chat room discussions, instant
messaging, social networking, or similar Internet communication.