CO: Sex offenders see stringent parenting rules relaxed in Colorado, prompting debate over child safety

Colorado’s sex offenders have long maintained the state treats them as pariahs, closely monitoring where they live, what they look at, who they talk to and what they discuss. One claimed in federal court filings that he was warned against keeping a crucifix because it displayed partial nudity. Another, convicted of groping a woman, said he had to write down his thoughts every time he saw a school bus. Full Article

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The State of Colorado is a Evil (Want) Creating Institution.

These scenarios are analogous with The Evil Created by The Roman Catholic Inquisition: which did reach into all parts of the globe and was not just isolated in Spain. A Progenitor to Globalism today.

All this Evil Founded & Authorized upon Replacement Theology – A Usurping Tool that enables The Adding To & Taking From The Law.

Come read the proof of The Truth I Speak:

“[Inquisitors] consultants who reviewed Colorado’s sex-offender treatment program for the state in 2013 found that participants reported they felt compelled to “fabricate problems or conspire with others to fake problems to fulfill program requirements.”

“After a jury [Inquisitors] found him guilty, he was sentenced to three years probation and required to undergo sex-offender treatment. Cañon City Counseling, his treatment provider, and his probation officer barred him from having contact with or even Discussing his grandchildren, according to court records. He had to take Down Their Photos.”

“Kevin Callies, a 62-year-old Vietnam veteran convicted in 2010 of misdemeanor sexual contact, found that A Discussion with a stepdaughter About Her Pregnancy constituted unlawful “third party contact with a child,” court [Inquisitors] records show.”

“They couldn’t even have photographs,” said Alison Ruttenberg, a lawyer who has filed federal lawsuits on behalf of sex offenders. “They couldn’t even have a smart cellphone of any kind. I had one client whose [Inquisitors] therapist told him, ‘Your Children Are Dead To You. Just think of them as dead because you are never going to see them again.’ ”

“The prohibitions in Colorado have been so strict that, “astonishingly,” a pregnant offender would be in violation if she gave birth without approval from a [Inquisitors] treatment team, noted U.S. District Court Judge William Martinez in one ruling last year.”

“The whole time in [Inquisitors] treatment we never addressed my pornography issues,” Richard said. “They kept saying, ‘We need to work on your anger issues. Why are you so angry at the [Inquisitors] program?’ Of course I was angry. They kept asking if I wanted to molest my girls when that horrified me, and I had no intention of ever doing that.”

“They say they usually had to take years of polygraph exams, divulge their sexual history, express contrition and pass other [Inquisitors] hurdles before they had any hope of seeing their own children. Offenders could be required to submit to plethysmograph testing, in which sensors are attached to their penis, in an effort to find out whether they were aroused by deviant imagery and sounds. Such testing was Excoriated last year by Senior U.S. District Judge John Kane as Unsound Science and an Extreme Deprivation of Liberty that requires participants to submit to [Inquisitors] “mind intrusive examinations.”

““I didn’t care about being homeless,” Daniels said. “I cared about my kids. Not being able to talk to them, it really caused a strain on our family. And when I did come back into the house, I didn’t know my kids anymore. They’d grown up.”

Here is a example of one Inquisitor overruling another Inquisitor for being Reasonable & not applying Full Unadulterated Punishment :

“When offenders are deemed to be of lower risk, that hasn’t always helped. In 2011, a [Inquisition] treatment provider wrote in a parenting evaluation that a man convicted of possessing child pornography likely should live at home with his wife and four daughters, age 7 to 11. He had pleaded guilty to attempted sexual exploitation after 220 images of child pornography were found on his computers and hard drive. [Inquisitors] Probation officials overruled the recommendation and ordered the man, who as a child had been sexually abused by an uncle, to move out of the family home, court records show.”

I call Heaven & Earth to bear witness in The Court of The Most High to the Evil (Want) that is defiling the land & I Pray For Relief.

As Yehovah Lives, so should we

The Denver Post is not accepting comments on this article. Are they afraid of something? Are the comments not the comments that they want? They have accepted comments on “s*x offender” witch hunt article recently. Perhaps they are too weak to continue?