New bill could change way sex offenders are registered

Some sex offenders could soon lose their lifelong registration in the state of California. That’s if a new bill headed to the California Senate is signed into law. Full Article

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There is so much ignorance in this world.

Why are naive/uninformed people allowed to be in positions of Law Making?

So much fear mongering and Stupidity.

We need to put pressure on law makers like this to stop their stupidity and consider reading a book, which shows blatant evidence contrary to their ‘popular beliefs’ that everyone was created equally on this Earth, since that is clearly what they believe in according to their own words.

Alot of these people pushing for lifetime registries are people who don’t like someone on the registry that they know and want to continuously punish them and cyber stalk them. I know this first hand. I’m followed by people I don’t get along with. They know everything about me and shouldn’t know shit. So F Off Creepers!

don’t these people have to have some type of college degree or at least some type of education and if so how the helllll did they pass even English 101 let alone all the other classes that you have to use credible sources and be able to cite those sources and make coherent arguments based on facts and evidence??? I know the community college I’m attending would never except a paper that wasn’t based on facts and not providing citations to those sources… apparently all theses politicians need to go back and take English or speech 301 which I’m taking now that requires all my citations to credible sources that I’ve used in my speech and this is just basic classes.

better check these people out who are pushing these laws I don’t have the stats but how many of these people have been accused or convicted of sex crimes, oriely, walsh who admitted to having sex with a 15 year old on live tv, and the list goes on. they are exponentially more likely to be the ones who are actively perpetrating sexual crimes…

Its gonna pass i can feel it

Of course there will be organized opposition to this bill. But we must counter their panic with facts.

How many registrants that have been relieved of their duty to register from States that have tiered registries have been arrested for a new registerable offense? Does Mika Moulton have those numbers?

According to the SORNA Substantial Implementation Review State of California document 2016 , here is the the list of California penal code convictions that SORNA suggests go into tier 1.

243.4(a)-(d) ( victim 18 or older)
261.5(c) & (d) ( misdemeanor)

285 (victim 18 or older)

288.2(a)(1) (Misdemeanor)

But according to Mika Moulton…”That’s ridiculous “

Amazing to me that the public has not problem with a first degree murder case getting reduced to manslaughter and that person getting out in 10 year, or less, and back into society with not monitoring or registering, not advocating any registry, but WE cannot have our offenses weighted and the ‘after crime’ penalty reduced. DUI murder to simple crime with little or no time to serve. Let US be rehabbed and a chance to contribute to society after we have paid the time for the crime.

Notice how the entire text of the article is what the one being interviewed says–no attempt to get a contrarian view to add some responsible balanced journalism between the lines

I see the prison guard union is still in the victims’ rights business.

Moulton proved he’s an idiot to anyone who knows anything about this bill. He’s obviously making assumptions based on his view that all the hype and hysteria are true and thinking worst case scenarios.

Hey Mika Moulton, i was 19 years at my time, it wasn’t forced and i knew the girl! we were friends, she didn’t testify against me! i took a deal because i was young and naive and completely new to the system i’m 44 now, so according to you and the public (once a person offends they are going to offend again) “yeah right” yes some people are really sick and really confused with their thoughts in their head but what i see is the exact same for the public for not wanting or trying to do research or homework, try reading a book!! educate your own thoughts about! each has their very own unique situation! every one has that skeleton in their closet which is tightly locked and only that particular person knows about, California makes a persons life decision (mistake or ooppps) whatever it may be ” every ones business”

I understand why some people should be on the list for 10, 20 or even life time, but there are a lot of people that are on the list that should not have to register for such a long time if at all because of the type of offense they were charged with such as indecent exposure, non violent sex crimes where it is not really clear if such a crime really happened but the person was charged any ways because the accuser is always believed. People need to wake up and realize that there are people out there that get falsely accused and convicted. These people should not have to register for life. It should be case by case bases not across the board regardless of the situation of the case. This bill should pass and be used to get people off the registry for non violent offenses so law enforcement can use there time to better and focus on the violent offenders. Most non violent offender never offend again.

If we follow her “logic” anyone who gets a DUI should never have their keys again because they’ll just do it again. No one can learn by their mistakes. She obviously doesn’t understand the variance in transgressions, and has a Pollyanna understanding of how our “justice” system works. Unfortunately, she represents the ignorant majority.