Could U.S. case against billionaire sex offender be reopened

Hoping to establish a precedent that would help crime victims throughout the nation, women who claim billionaire _____ _____ used them as sex toys when they were teens want a federal judge to toss the 10-year-old plea deal that they say allowed the politically connected money manager to escape federal sex charges. Full Article

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If this guy is a billionaire, I hope he donates to

Used as sex toys….that’s an intriguing and new framing for molestation or other forms of sexual activity. What a weird country the United States is sometimes.

“He served 13 months of an 18-month sentence in a vacant wing of the county stockade — a cell he was allowed to leave 16 hours a day, six days a week.”

A big question: how much money has Epstein donated to ACSOL, NARSOL, or any other organization that’s fighting for the rights of those convicted of sexual offences who are suffering under unConstitutional ex post facto punishments?

We as a community need to find out how to contact this guy and ask him to support our efforts

For all those trying to get Epstein to donate to our cause… stop. Stop now.

The last thing the rich oppressionist scumbag like Epstein wants is to be associated with a movement such as ours. Keep in mind that Job One for Epstein is to Protect His Power. By donating to our cause, he breaks his own code. Of COURSE I’d like to see Epstein donate, say, 100 million to an efficiently-run organization running several campaigns across the United States to eliminate the registry, and 100 million would probably be enough to essentially end it within a few years if people like Janice had command-general resources to fight it on all fronts.

But Epstein doesn’t care a whit about that. All he cares is buying off HIS problem. And to be clear and blunt: Epstein bought his sweet deal that would have normal Americans locked up in chains for life for his crimes. Do you really think he has a conscience?

The sad fact is that because of his judicial process theft, prosecutors and possibly even the judge just made deals with had a significant profitable impact on their own careers. The problem now is that a decision either way will initiate anti-Constitutional searches for loopholes, perhaps even creating the environment to blatantly disregard the Constitution.

And THIS is the direction we should be addressing, NOT the pie-in-the-sky hope that Epstein “sees the light” and donates a couple million to ACSOL.

I can’t believe Bill didn’t help him stay off the registry! Now, let’s send him some literature about ACSOL and NRSOL so he can help bring down the registry!

Roy Black, a high-profile Miami attorney who has represented Epstein, says that would be manifestly unfair. “If a defendant lives up to his end of the bargain, the government is bound to perform its promises,” he wrote.
Oh, you mean like all the RCs affected by Price Club memberships? It’s almost laughable that this attorney thinks the government is bound by much of anything.

On a side note, I wonder if he’s complying with IML when he leaves his island for other countries, and hope he complies with USVI laws, for that matter. For that matter, I wonder if somehow his Green Notice gets overlooked, either in sending or reception, when he jets to wherever. Anyone wanna take bets that he’s somehow slipping through the cracks?

old article from the NY Post:
….not an accurate source probably but it’s out there…

The point of this article – at this time – is that it is a serious consideration by the powers that be, to re-open a case in which a defendant plead guilty, was sentenced, and has served his criminal sentence – because the victims *feel* the punishment was not enough. The very same case, mind you. Not a new new case with new complainants that have come forward.

That should strike the fear of god into anyone. How is this possibly possible? Three little letters. Ess. Ee. Ex. This would never fly in any other case. Completely impossible.

Anyone here griping that he got off easy should consider that John Q Public guaranteed thinks everyone on this web site should be in prison for life or worse. People in glass houses.

For anyone here who demands that *someone* should contact this registrant for a financial contribution – rejoice, here is a guaranteed live mailing address: JE, 358 El Brillo Way, Palm Beach, FL 33480. How many residential addresses of billionaires are listed on the internet? Fortune and the registry be thanked! Go right ahead and write him a letter.

For those that want to try

Why you are at it, why not ask Bill Gates for a few billion as well. It makes about as much sense as asking Epstein to “contribute to the cause”. This guy could care less. Get past it. If any of us were suddenly pardoned, or won the lottery, we would forget this issue even existed.