CA Sex Offender Management Board to Release Recidivism Report


The CA Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) will soon release the results of a 10-year study on recidivism rates for those convicted of a sex offense, according to a CASOMB member. The study is expected to include topics such as the number of people convicted of indecent exposure who later committed a sex contact offense. According to the board member, a preliminary copy of the report reveals that number is zero out of a group of more than 300 people.

During today’s CASOMB meeting, several additional reports were issued including a report from the CA Department of Justice (CA DOJ) representative who stated that there are currently 105,825 people on the state’s sex offender registry. Of that total, about 77,000 are living in the community while the remaining number of registrants are incarcerated and/or institutionalized in a state hospital. There are about 6,500 transient registrants of which about 1,500 (23 percent) are “in violation” for failure to register. The total number of people who are “in violation” is about 16,500 (15.6 percent).

The Department of Adult Parole Operations reported today that there are a total of 5,971 registrants who are currently required to wear a GPS unit. About half of the registrants wearing GPS units are considered to be “high risk” because they have a Static-99R score of 4 or higher.

The State Department of Hospitals reported today there are 944 sexually violent predators (SVP’s) who are currently institutionalized. The annual cost of institutionalizing each person designated as an SVP is at least $205,000. The annual cost increases to $310,000 after an SVP is conditionally released from the hospital. There are two or three SVP’s who have recently been released as transients and additional releases are expected. The annual cost of each SVP released as a transient is $653,000.

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Glad they are releasing the recidivism report, as the CDCR hasn’t publicly released any new recidivism reports since 2015. Looking forward to this report.

That’s awesome but will the politicians actually care and pay attention? I mean, logically and rightfully, if this reports states that over all we’re at some very low number (less than 5% and I kept seeing that a previous CASOMB report had it at 1%!!), what would their argument be to continue with the registry at all?

I also question that line about people wearing the GPS units because they scored 4+. I have a 4 and that wasn’t even on the table. My probation was fairly simple and straight forward. Other guys in our group had the GPS and scored lower. They wore the GPS as a deal to avoid actual jail time.

If I have no future in this country then I’m at a high risk to reoffend & spend my years in jail. Thankfully things are getting better. I am very gainfully employed!! I have a beautiful (longtime) significant other!! I am now a homeowner!! I have made many new friends. They may know my past, they may not. I don’t really think about it, I just live as happy as I can. It’s not always great, I suffer from some depression and a lot of shame. It was cp. NY. but I am more than my past. I am my present new, better self. I will NOT bump up those great low statistics and you can bet your last dollar on it.

The Static-99R scam developers—including “doctor” Karl Hanson—call a score of “6 or higher” to be “high” risk. CASOMB and CDCR claims that a score of “4 or higher” is “high” risk. Which one is it?

Will CASOMB go and re-adjust the recidivism rates from the years that included ‘Failure to Register’ (FTR) as part of the recidivism rates? Because once they separated that away from actual re-offense rates, then that’s when the recidivism rates dropped to under 1%.

Wow! “The annual cost increases to $310,000 after an SVP is conditionally released from the hospital.” So….. you could have three people, working 8-hour shifts, 365 days a year, each being paid $100,000/year, watching the SVP for 24 hours a day, every day of the year …. and it would STILL COST LESS than the current cost of monitoring! Good Lord, that’s ridiculous!! And it is equally ridiculous that the tax-paying members of the public have allowed themselves to become so frightened by media hysteria and politicians’ hyperbole that they willingly accept these absurd costs without complaint!!

What I want to know is are they going to be truthful when reporting? Seperate the new offenses and don’t lump them together with people who actually sexually offend again. The majority of people who do get new charges down the road did NOT commit a new sex offense and that’s important for the true percentage.

Once the CASOMB releases the actual recidivism rate, what’s next??? Can we then go for the throat on that Frightening and High BS?
In which they will be forced to admit that the Registry’s only function is to shame and punish human beings till the end of time.

Ha! So what this recidivism report. No state legislator cares about how low the recidivism rate is because proponents of sex offender (SO) laws, state legislator’s constituency, doesn’t care. I’d make 5:1 that even if the rate was 0.00000001% proponents of SO laws would still holler “Frightening and High”!

Going to guess that these new recidivism stats are going to praise the Static 99R and praise the great “doctor” Karl Hanson’s science.

When these stats aren’t transparent, and when Static lumps all crimes into one “risk assessment,” why is it going to be law?? To add insult, they hide it under “SARATSO” so they can change it up??

well David’s any ideas where their report is or WHEN it’s gonna be released, on their site?
Ten more days and it’s been a month since the above article note.
CASOMB will be somber? California style? We will see.
How do we find out who are the one’s who knocked down the registry bill alot off the original and made it worse?
Good pt. Matt

These laws are little more than “HATE LAWS” playing in simple. I cannot believe how far this country has come in treating the Constitution as though it were some valuable object to be bent in whatever way they so choose. Shame on you Supreme Court! You all discuss me.