CA: Neighbors concerned after registered sex offender moves feet away from elementary school


Neighbors concerned after registered sex offender moves feet away from elementary school

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Neighbors are concerned after they say a registered sex offender moved into their Rancho Bernardo community, just feet away from an elementary school playground.

____________, 32, was convicted of possession of child pornography and lewd and lascivious acts with a child in Tennessee in 2013.

Neighbors say they became concerned after ____ moved into a townhouse in their neighborhood weeks ago.

According to records on the Megan’s Law website, ____ lives on the 17000 block of Caminito Baya, about 100 feet away from a playground at Westwood Elementary School.

According to the Safe Task Force, which monitors local sex offenders, ____’s living situation is legal because of the California Supreme Court.

In 2015, the court tossed out blanket restrictions on where sex offenders may live. The ruling came after sex offenders said the restrictions made finding housing impossible for them. Authorities say while probation or parole agents can implement living restrictions, due to the fact that ____ is no longer on parole or probation, he is now allowed to live wherever he wants.

Neighbors say the rule doesn’t make sense. “I think the rules definitely need to be changed when it comes to sexual predators,” said Linda Vasquez.

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Because we all know how dangerous a past sex offender convicted of looking at nude 17 year olds can be to those 6 year old children. I’m sure farm animals with satanic rituals are also at risk. Too bad the guy is moving in April although I’m sure he doesn’t want the risk or threat. Yet another example of why a public registry is abhorrent.

What exactly does “feet away” mean?? I live in Southern California and yet I live “feet away” from the White House…… several MILLION feet away, but, nonetheless, “feet away”!! (And I’m inches from the Governor’s mansion! 🙃)

“Neighbors say registered sex offender John Gardner was spotted at this mother’s home – less than 500 feet from Westwood Elementary – in the years before he murdered two teens, including Chelsea King.”


So he lived close to an elementary school but killed teenagers not attending said school or even on campus of any school?

Why do people keep pushing BS like, even citing examples of things that have nothing to do with what they’re screaming about? Let’s pass some laws barring DUI drivers from living too close to a car dealership. You never know when they might get the sudden urge to drive.

This is crazy, and people are just overreacting and are taking the registry too far. Therefore the registry and all of its ordinances needs to be abolished.

It never ends.
The label we carry could be 50 years old and it’s never forgiven, never trusted, forever silenced. It’s a walking death sentence.

Looks like these local propaganda outlets no longer allow comments, realizing rational people with a good knowledge of the facts will comment now and neutralize their propaganda.

“Neighbors say the rule doesn’t make sense. “I think the *rules definitely need to be changed when it comes to sexual predators,” said Linda Vasquez.”

Rules? RULES? This isn’t a damn football game.

You might be a psychopath if…. you think you reserve the right to know where others live.

Nice word play there in the article…Brett King is not Father Brett King, but Brett King is a father. This gives the appearance he is Catholic and pushing political agendas. You don’t denote Linda Vazquez as Mother Linda Vazquez. Crazy.

Oh Jesus Christ stop with the fear mongering already. We need to take on the news networks. Sue their asses for defamation.

With Articals like this still being published it’s no wonder the public is fearful

I sent the author an email saying his article is propaganda.

I can personally tell you that 10news San Diego is a LAME station…. What a shame that a TV Station that is to SERVE the public isnt ! I personally live 500 feet from a high school here in SD COUNTY…

I can personally tell you channel 10 news (when my case was going on) reported TRASH on thier website about me.

This station just likes to make news out of NOTHING.

I can also tell you this TV station…. reported a very similar story (maybe 2-3 yrs ago) on another sex offender that was my cell mate… he lived and could see the school…. he had a PO that was the SAME as I did (same exact PO)…

The one that called the tv station on him… his lame brother.

But in reality this station is TRASH, me personally I have DIRECTV and live in SD and I tell Directv I have a LA Zip code so I get the LA stations, as SD Stations are TRASH, ESPECIALLY channel 10 !!

On the news page (channel 10) the editor of the story I guess is:

Everyone on here should email this loser and tell him dont report on LAME news stories !!!

Back in the day you could COMMENT on the web page, notice no comments…. Cause they know thier stories are CRAP…. OMG Panic public your in danger danger…. Quit crying wolf !

My case appx the SAME year as his, and I had a 311,286 and 288…

Way to go loser making DRAMA, only place ther eis more drama than zach has is in hillcrest.

If the neighbors really care about preventing sex offenses, then why do they not question why the Static-99/R is still being used… even after it failed flagging John Gardner?